Parallel and Series Spring Equations

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Combinations of Springs

Springs in Series
- Consider two springs with force constants k1 and k2 connected in series
supporting a load F = mg.
- Let the force constant of the combination
be represented by k
- For the combination, supporting the load F=mg:
F = kx ( where x = the total stretch ) k1
and x=
- For each spring
- the bottom supports mg=F and stretches by x1 k2
F = k1 x1 or x1 =
- the top spring support mg plus the weight m
of the bottom spring (which is negligible -
Thus F is the stretching force for both springs)
F F = mg
F = k2 x2 or x2 =
- The total stretch
x = x1 + x2 or = +
k k1 k2
1 1 1
and = +
k k1 k2

Springs in Parallel
- Consider two springs with force constants k1 and k2 connected in parallel
supporting a load F = mg.
- Let the force constant of the combination
be represented by k
- For the combination supporting the load F=mg:
F = kx ( where x = the total stretch ) k1 k2

- The two individual springs both stretch by x F2 F2

but share the load (F = F1+F2) and
F1 = k1 x while F2 = k2 x
- Thus the total force is
F = F1 + F2 or kx = k1 x + k2 x
F = mg
and k = k1 + k2

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