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most common organism associated with diabetes mellitus is

A. candida albicans

B. haemophilus influenzae

C. pneumocystis carinii

D. staphylococcus aureus way to confirm the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is

A. laparoscopy/laparotomy

B. serum hCG

C. colposcopy

D. ultrasound

q3.most common cause of hirsutism (hypertrichosis) is

A. idiopathic/familial

B. polycystic ovary syndrome

C. obesity/stress

D. Cushing's syndrome

q4.most common source of intracranial metastases are

A. lung/breast

B. liver/gallbladder

C. colon/rectum

D. kidney/bladder
q5.most common cause of epidural hematoma is the lesion of

A. middle meningeal artery

B. internal carotid artery

C. inferior cerebellar artery

D. basilar artery

q6.most common site of brain tumor in children is

A. cerebellum

B. cerebral cortex

C. ventricular system

D. basal ganglia

q7.most common cause of death in cigarette smokers is

A. heart disease

B. bladder cancer

C. pneumonia

D. lung cancer

q8.most common cause of arthritis in sexually active adults is

A. neisseria gonorrhea

B. treponema pallidum

C. pneumocystis carinii

D. staphylococcus aureus
q9.most common symptom of esophageal carcinoma is

A. progressive dysphagia

B. bleeding

C. weight loss

D. regurgitation

q10.most common cause of anal pruritus in children is

A. enterobius vermicularis

B. taenia solium

C. ascaris lumbricoides

D. entamoeba histolytica

q11.Pagets bone disease is commonly asymptomatic, detected

incidentally after finding an elevated serum

A. alkaline phosphatase

B. vasopressin

C. calcium

D. phosphorus

q12.most common cause of hemoptysis in adults is

A. bronchitis

B. pneumonia

C. lung abscess
D. bronchiectasis

q13.Ascites (most commonly due to cirrhosis) is initially diagnosed by

A. ultrasound

B. paracentesis

C. abdominal CT scan

D. endoscopic studies

q14.most common cause of traveler's diarrhea is

A. escherichia coli

B. rotavirus

C. candida albicans

D. shigella

q15.Hospital acquired infection most commonly affects

A. urinary tract

B. lungs

C. skin

D. gastrointestinal tract

q16.most common hereditary complement deficiency is

A. C2 deficiency

B. C1 deficiency

C. C3 deficiency
D. C4 deficiency

q17.most common site of pain in Meckel's diverticulitis is

A. right lower quadrant

B. left upper quadrant

C. left lower quadrant

D. periumbilical region

q18.Torsion of ovary is most commonly seen in

A. dermoid cyst

B. endometriotic cyst

C. theca lutein cyst

D. follicle cyst

q19.most common initial symptom of breast cancer is

A. painless breast mass

B. painful breast mass

C. local edema

D. nipple retraction

q20.most common site of puerperal (postpartum) infection is

A. endometrium

B. vagina

C. urinary tract
D. ovary

q21.most common cause of increased vaginal discharge due to

infection is

A. bacterial vaginosis

B. trichomonas vaginalis

C. neisseria gonorrhea

D. candida albicans

q22.Ectopic pregnancy most commonly implants in

A. fallopian tube

B. peritoneal cavity

C. cervix

D. ovary

q23.most common virus causing rejection in renal transplanted patients


A. herpes virus

B. coxackie virus

C. cytomegalovirus

D. influenza virus

q24.most common cause of death in transplant recipients is

A. infection
B. bleeding

C. myocardial infarction

D. stroke

q25.Hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn is most commonly treated with

A. phototherapy

B. blood transfusions

C. corticosteroids

D. phenobarbital

q26.most common indication for the hip replacement is

A. osteoarthritis

B. rheumatoid arthritis

C. congenital dislocation of hip

D. fracture of neck femur

q27.most common fetal malpresentation is

A. breech presentation

B. brow presentation

C. face presentation

D. transverse lie

q28.most common cause of pulmonary abscess is

A. aspiration
B. bacteremic infection

C. pulmonary embolism

D. bronchial obstruction

q29.most common malignant germ cell tumor of the ovary is

A. dysgerminoma

B. choriocarcinoma

C. embryonal carcinoma

D. teratoma

q30.most common presenting symptom in pulmonary embolism is

A. dyspnea

B. chest pain

C. hemoptysis

D. fever

q31.Colorectal/cervical carcinomas most commonly metastasize to

A. liver

B. brain

C. bone

D. lung

q32.most common cause of neonatal seizures /increased intracranial

pressure is
A. hypoxia

B. hypoglycemia

C. hypocalcemia

D. intracranial bleeding

q33.most common site of colon cancer is

A. rectum

B. sigmoid

C. descending colon

D. transverse colon

q34.most common genetic cause of mental retardation after Downs


A. Fragile X syndrome

B. Prader Willi syndrome

C. Edward's syndrome

D. Soto's syndrome

q35.most common tumor of the heart is

A. metastatic tumor

B. fibroma

C. myxoma

D. leiomyoma
q36.most common site for metastatic prostate cancer is

A. skeleton

B. kidneys

C. lungs

D. liver

q37.single most common presenting complaint of patients attending a

general gynaecological clinic is

A. vaginal discharge

B. dyspareunia

C. amenorrhea

D. lower abdominal pain

q38.Testicular seminoma is most common between ages

A. 20 to 35 years

B. 5 to 15 years

C. 1 to 5 years

D. 35 to 50 years

q39.most common symptom of Crohn's disease (regional enteritis) is

A. intermittent abdominal pain

B. fistula in ano

C. weight loss
D. diarrhea

q40.most common type of syncope is

A. vasovagal syncope

B. cardiac syncope

C. tussitive syncope

D. carotid sinus syncope

q41.most common presentation of leiomyomas of the uterus (usually

asymptomatic) is

A. irregular bleeding

B. nausea/vomiting

C. abdominal mass

D. weight loss

q42.White blood cell casts in the urine is commonly seen in

A. acute pyelonephritis

B. chronic pyelonephritis

C. membranous nephropathy

D. progressive glomerulonephritis

q43.Ambiguous genitalia in infants is most commonly due to

A. adrenal hyperplasia

B. testicular feminization
C. ovarian tumor

D. pituitary adenoma

q44.most common symptom of diffuse esophageal spasm is

A. intermittent chest pain

B. nausea

C. weight loss

D. dysphagia

q45.Following disorders are most commonly caused by escherichia coli,


A. acute pharyngitis

B. acute epididymitis

C. acute cholangitis

D. acute peritonitis

q46.most common cause of prosthetic knee joint infection in elderly

people is

A. staphylococcus aureus

B. staphycoccus epidermidis

C. haemophilus influenzae

D. streptococcus viridans

q47.most common site of mandibular fracture is mandibular

A. body

B. angle

C. coronoid process

D. symphysis

q48.most common cause of death in patients with multiple myeloma is

A. infection

B. asphyxia

C. bleeding

D. cardiac failure

q49.most common cause of rectal bleeding associated with pain during

defecation in young people

A. external hemorrhoid

B. diverticulosis

C. internal hemorrhoid

D. anal fissure

q50.most common cause of rectal bleeding with NO pain during

defecation in young men

A. internal hemorrhoid

B. anal fissure

C. external hemorrhoid
D. diverticulosis

q51.most common breast tumor is

A. fibroadenoma

B. inflammatory carcinoma

C. medullary carcinoma

D. papillary carcinoma

q52.most common wrist fracture in young adults is

A. scaphoid fracture

B. trapezium fracture

C. capitate fracture

D. pisiform fracture

q53.Virus most commonly involved in pleurodynia, myocarditis and

pericarditis is

A. coxsackievirus B

B. coronavirus

C. mumps virus

D. adenovirus

q54.Virus most commonly involved in pharyngitis is

A. adenovirus

B. mumps virus
C. coronavirus

D. respiratory syncytial virus

q55.neonatal with cyanosis, respiratory distress, drooling saliva and

regurgitation is most commonly

A. esophageal atresia

B. bronchial asthma

C. aspiration pneumonia

D. tetralogy of Fallot

q56.most common cause of empyema is

A. pneumococcus pneumoniae

B. pseudomonas aeruginosa

C. escherichia coli

D. staphylococcus aureus

q57.Following are common psychiatric disorders seen in the elderly,


A. schizophrenia

B. depression

C. hypochondria

D. anxiety

q58.Cheilosis is particularly common in association with deficiency of

A. riboflavin (B2)

B. thiamine (B1)

C. niacin

D. pantothenic acid

q59.most common cause of hemoptysis in children is

A. foreign body

B. pneumonia

C. pulmonary embolism

D. bronchiectasis

q60.most common cause of dysphagia is

A. esophageal stricture

B. esophageal varices

C. esophageal carcinoma

D. achalasia

q61.most common presentation of symptomatic Meckel's diverticulum


A. painless rectal bleeding

B. painful rectal bleeding

C. abdominal distention

D. abdominal pain
q62.most common site of tinea versicolor is

A. upper trunk/neck

B. fingers/toes

C. upper/lower extremities

D. face/scalp

q63.most common complications of acute pancreatitis are

A. abscess/pseudocyst formation

B. jaundice/blindness

C. pleural effusion/atelectasis

D. intraperitoneal bleeding/DIC

q64.most common site of polyps of colon is

A. sigmoid/rectum

B. transverse colon

C. discending colon

D. ascending colon

q65.most common breast mass or lesion in 35 to 40 years old women is

A. mammary dysplasia

B. Paget's disease

C. fibroadenoma

D. breast cancer
q66.most common type of lung cancer associated with heavy cigarette
smoking in males is

A. adenocarcinoma

B. alveolar cell

C. small cell

D. metastatic

q67.Carcinoma of the esophagus/cervix most commonly are

A. squamous cell carcinoma

B. adenocarcinoma

C. transitional cell carcinoma

D. metastatic carcinoma

q68.most common abdominal mass found in the neonatal period after

the first week of life is

A. hydronephrosis

B. splenomegaly

C. neuroblastoma

D. intestinal tumor

q69.most common cause of pneumonia in in children over 5 years of

age is

A. mycoplasma pneumoniae

B. chlamydia trachomatis
C. histoplasma capsulatum

D. coxiella brunetii

q70.most common cause of congenital stridor is

A. laryngomalacia

B. vocal cord paralysis

C. laryngeal webs

D. subglottic stenosis

q71.most common skin disorder is

A. acne vulgaris

B. pityriasis rosea

C. seborrheic dermatitis

D. erythema multiforme

q72.most common cause of bilateral vocal cord paralysis is

A. thyroidectomy

B. supranuclear lesion

C. brain stem lesion

D. cortical lesion

q73.most common cause of tinnitus (sensation of noise in the ear) is

A. presbycusis

B. ototoxicity
C. acoustic neuroma

D. congenital aneurysms

q74.most common cause of acquired arteriovenous fistula is

A. penetrating injury

B. blunt trauma

C. neoplastic invasion

D. connective tissue disorder

q75.most common cause of spleen rupture is

A. blunt abdominal trauma

B. leukemia/lymphoma

C. infectious mononucleosis

D. typhoid fever/malaria

q76.most common presenting complaint in patients with carcinoma of

the gallbladder is

A. intermittent RUQ pain

B. palpable mass

C. painless jaundice

D. weight loss

q77.most common symptom of gastric carcinoma is

A. weight loss
B. hepatomegaly

C. dysphagia

D. epigastric mass

q78.most common cause of emphysematous cholecystitis is

A. clostridial infections

B. aerobic bacilli

C. enterobacterial infections

D. bacterioides

q79.most common site of intraperitoneal abscess is

A. lower quadrants

B. pelvic

C. subhepatic

D. paracolics

q80.most common cause of pericarditis is

A. unknown

B. rheumatic fever

C. tuberculosis

D. acute myocardial infarction

q81.Spontaneous pneumothorax is most common in

A. males 15 to 35 years
B. females after menopause

C. males 50 to 70 years

D. infants

q82.most common type of thyroiditis is

A. Hashimoto's thyroiditis

B. subacute granulomatous

C. acute suppurative thyroiditis

D. Riedel's thyroiditis

q83.most common presentation of thyrotoxicosis is

A. tachycardia

B. atrial fibrillation

C. diarrhea

D. weakness

q84.most common malignant tumor of the parotid gland is

A. mucoepidermoid carcinoma

B. squamous cell carcinoma

C. adenoid cystic carcinoma

D. adenocarcinoma

q85.most common tumor of the nasal cavity is

A. squamous cell carcinoma

B. adenocarcinoma

C. sarcoma

D. melanoma

q86.most common pathogen in surgical wound infection is

A. staphylococcus aureus

B. klebsiella

C. haemophilus influenzae

D. bacterioides

q87.most common cardiac disease is

A. coronary artery disease

B. valvular heart disease

C. congestive heart failure

D. congenital heart disease

q88.most common pulmonary complication in patients who have

abdominal surgery is

A. atelectasis

B. pulmonary aspiration

C. pneumothorax/pleural effusion

D. pulmonary embolism
q89.most common pulmonary complication among patients who die
after surgery is

A. postoperative pneumonia

B. pulmonary aspiration

C. pneumothorax

D. pulmonary embolism

q90.most common presentation of mumps is

A. parotid swelling

B. scrotal swelling

C. abdominal pain

D. high fever

q91.most common malignant bone tumor after 60 years of age is

A. multiple myeloma

B. fibrosarcoma

C. Ewing's tumor

D. osteogenic sarcoma

q92.most common cause of hypoparathyroidism is

A. thyroidectomy

B. inflammatory

C. idiopathic
D. neoplastic

q93.most common site of osteogenic sarcoma (osteosarcoma) is

A. distal metaphysis of femur

B. proximal metaphysis of ulna

C. distal metaphysis of humerus

D. diaphysis of humerus

q94.most common types of glaucoma is

A. chronic open angle glaucoma

B. normal pressure glaucoma

C. acute angle closure glaucoma

D. chronic angle closure glaucoma

q95.most common cause of anaerobic infection in humans is

A. bacteroides

B. fusobacterium

C. anaerobic cocci

D. clostridium difficile

q96.most common form of acute hepatitis in children in hepatitis

A. A

B. B

C. C
D. D

q97.most common cause of sepsis (septicemia) and death in burn

patients is

A. pseudomonas aeruginosa

B. klebsiella pneumonia

C. escherichia coli

D. haemophilus influenzae

q98.Blepharitis is particularly common in children with

A. Downs syndrome

B. phenylketonuria

C. maple syrup urine disease

D. necrotizing enterocolitis

q99.Children with neuroblastoma usually present

A. palpable abdominal mass

B. nausea/vomiting

C. polyuria

D. maculopapular rash

q100.most common presentation of acquired toxoplasmosis is

A. cervical adenopathy

B. maculopapular rash
C. splenomegaly

D. chorioretinitis

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