QUIZ 3 Day 9

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QUIZ 3 Day 9

Study each of the passages, and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.

The first Europeans in the Delaware Valley, a region located near die Atlantic Coast of North America,
were Scandinavians. They came to the short-lived colony known as New Sweden, founded in 1638,
Loose organization and local autonomy fostered a cultural fusion between native and settler cultures
that proved one of the most notable—and least understood—developments of early North American
history. The Native Americans were both fanners and hunters; Native American women farmed
gardens of corn, beans, and squash, while Native American men hunted for furs, hides, and meat.
Such a gender division of labor was much like that practiced by Scandinavian settlers. In the harsh
environment of northern Europe, Scandinavian women had been accustomed to practicing forms of
shifting cultivation, and they immediately understood Native American horticulture. Colonial women of
the Delaware valley quickly adopted the crops of the Native American women, while Native American
women welcomed European tools, such as metal hoes, and farm animals, such as pigs and chickens.
Similarly, Scandinavian men quickly adapted to hunting in North America, In France and England,
unlike Scandinavia, hunting had been long reserved for the nobility, and so few French and English
settlers had much experience in handling firearms or understanding the patterns of game animals. But
Scandinavian men were familiar with hunting and receptive to learning the hunting methods of the
local Native Americans. In turn Native Americans readily incorporated European steel knives, firearms,
and linen hunting shirts into their hunting routines.
The most common symbol of pioneer North America, the log cabin, emerged in the Delaware Valley,
and ought to serve as a symbol of this composite culture. Construction with logs was a tradition
brought to North America by Finnish settlers of New Sweden, It was quickly picked up by other settlers,
for with the resources of the American woods, a few tools, and a little training, several men could erect
a rough shelter in a day, or a solid house in a week, What is truly fascinating is that Native Americans
quickly learned these construction techniques and probably did as much as colonists to spread the
practice of log construction across the frontiers of colonial North America.
1. Which one of the following questions does the passage answer?
What role did Native American men play in teaching their agricultural methods to
Scandinavian settlers?
How did the interaction between Native Americans and Scandinavian settlers benefit both
What hardships did the Scandinavian women settlers experience in North America?
What caused a rivalry between the English and Scandinavian settlers in North America?

2. The word "fostered" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

3. In paragraph 1, the word "notable" is closest in meaning to

4. According to the passage, the Native American and Scandinavian cultures of the
Delaware Valley initially had all of the following in common EXCEPT
loose organization
farming experience
metal fanning tools
local autonomy

5. According to the passage, why were Scandinavian women easily able to understand
Native American horticulture?
They had prior knowledge of most Native American plants.
They had used similar cultivation practices in Scandinavia.
They were helped by Native American and colonial men,
They were able to use Native American farming tools.

6. Why does the author contrast English and French settlers with Scandinavian settlers in
paragraph 2 ?
To suggest that they learned at least some hunting skills from each other
To illustrate that it is hard to decide who established the earliest North American hunting
To explain why the Scandinavians were able to adopt Native American hunting techniques
more easily
To show how Native Americans might have acquired steel knives and firearms

7. What does the author imply about French and English settlers?
Most of them did not come from the nobility.
Most of them hunted with advanced firearms.
They taught hunting skills to Scandinavian settlers.
They provided Native Americans with linen hunting shirts.
8. In paragraph 2, the phrase "receptive to" is closest in meaning to
suspicious of
ready for
dependent on
new to

9. The word ''emerged" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to


10. Why does the author state in paragraph 3 that the log cabin ought to serve as a symbol?
It could be built by using the available resources of the Delaware Valley.
It was built across the frontiers of colonial North America.
It uses a construction technique brought to North America by Scandinavian settlers.
It is a good example of the cultural mixing of native and settler cultures.

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