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pk is a 2014 Indian comedy-drama film. The film follows an alien who comes to Earth on a
research mission, only for the remote control for his spaceship to be stolen and sold to a
godman. He befriends a television journalist and in his quest to retrieve the remote,
questions religious dogmas and superstitions.

As the main character tries to search for his missing remote control, he realizes that
humans have cultural differences. including religions, customs, languages, attire, practices,
and beliefs. Some use color to signify their status in life, some have more intricate clothing.
Another thing is the way they worship their god, some knelt down on their forehead, some
roll to the ground, give donations, offer wine and milk.

One instance in the movie that showed a cultural difference was when Jaggu, an Indian,
introduced her lover to her family which acted unwelcomingly and was not favorable of
accepting him because he was a Pakistani. This Instance showed that Indians and
Pakistanis are culturally not favored to be together. because India and Pakistan are known
to be hostile to each other for a long time because of territorial disputes, and because of
that, it is possible that a love affair between an Indian and Pakistani would also suffer a lot
from parental pressure in real life.

Another instance the film showed cultural difference is when he got tired of finding an
answer, he found himself in a place full of different statues of gods, asking the statues if the
gods he is praising is real, Since religions of different cultures have different beliefs, he
doesn't know which one he should follow since he is an alien from another planet.

The ideas presented by the movie depict real events in different countries, except for the
part of having a humanoid alien in the crowd, of course. In reality, it is very difficult to know
which religion has the one true God, maybe even close to impossible, Maybe it’s also true
that we have two gods. I guess it's true that having different religions to one another
doesn't matter, least to say all of these religions is educating people to be good and to be
better. what matters is that we try to get the right number and help other people when we

“The one who created us, and the one we created” - pk

Group #3

Paul Vincent Cantillon

Bon Joseph Paguntalan
Edward Benjie Tatel
Justinn Jaymes Floyd Gade
Neil Kenneth Longasa
Neil Patrick Cruz

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