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SHEG: Factory

Thesis Work!
What is a good thesis?
•  Is: Direct (specific), argumentative, and provides
an answer to the prompt!
o  Must be historically defensible (needs evidence to support it).

•  Is not: vague, summative, does not take stance.

o  Don’t just rephrase the prompt.
Examples of Bad Thesis:

•  The Industrial Revolution was harmful to children.

•  Humanism had an impact on Renaissance art.

Examples of Good Thesis:
•  Despite many arguing that working in the textile factories
was hazardous to the overall health of English families, in
actuality, work in the factories was no more hazardous
than other occupations of the time and provided the
additional benefits of economic advancement and
educational opportunities for its workers.

•  With an emphasis on antiquity, individualism and the

glorification of man, there is no doubt that humanism
had an enormous impact on Renaissance art as seen in
Raphael’s School of Athens, Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and
Michelangelo's David.
More Examples
•  Bad: Although Henry VIII was a Catholic, he broke
away from the church for personal, political and
succession issues.
o  Too vague. Be SPECIFIC!

•  Good: Although Henry VIII believed in traditional

Church doctrine, he still broke away from the
Church due to his wife’s inability to produce a male
heir, his infatuation with mistress Ann Boleyn, and his
frustration with the Pope for not giving in to his
annulment request.
o  Named 3 specific pieces of evidence!
Heimler’s History Thesis
Advanced Thesis
Advanced Thesis
•  Follow Heimler’s formula to weave in counter

•  Despite (counterargument), because (evidence 1)

and (evidence 2), (my argument).

•  Example:
o  Despite many arguing that working in the textile factories was hazardous
to the overall health of English families (counter argument), in actuality,
work in the factories was no more hazardous than other occupations of
the time (evidence 1) and provided the additional benefits of economic
advancement and educational opportunities for its workers (evidence 2)
thus on the whole, work in the factories was highly beneficial for the
average English working family (argument).

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