Adjective + Preposition + Gerund: N. Adjective Turkish Meaning Sample Sentences

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Adjective + Preposition + Gerund


1. accustomed to alışkın olamak(used to) My father is accustomed to drinking cold water even in winters.
2. afraid of korkmuş olmak My mother was afraid of being alone.
3. angry at kızgın olmak My father gets angry at being told a lie.
4. appropriate for uygun olmak This novel isn't appropriate for including on an elementery level reading list.
5. ashamed of utanmış olmak He doesn't seem ashamed of not doing his part at work.
6. aware of haberdar olmak Children become aware of observing social rules as they develope.
7. be better off daha iyi olur (had better) They would be better off setting out now instead of at night.
8. be guilty of suçlu olmak Davis was guilty of abducting Senator Robinson's son.
9. be intent on kararlı olmak No one spoke, everyone was intent on listening.
11. bored with canı sıkılmış olmak I got bored with listening to your complaints all the time.
12. concerned about endişelenmiş olmak The new government is concerned about reducing the inflation rate.
13. concerned with ilgilenmek She doesn't seem concerned with playing chess with me.
14. content with memnun olmak Selina didn't appear content with coming second in the race.
15. delighted at/with/by memnun olmak Tom was delighted at receiving an invitation to the party.
16. different from -den farklı olmak Recognising one is different from knowing one.
17. essential to/for gerekli olmak Good food is essential for building a healthy body.
18. excellent in/at bir şeyde mükemmel olmak That cunning shopkeeper was excellent in fooling his customers.
19. excited about heyecanlanmak A young teacher was excited about starting to work at the school.
20. exposed to maruz kalmak The poor man has been exposed to being teased by some spoilt children.
21. famous for ünlü olmak(known for) This teacher is famous for being productive.
22. fed up with bıkmış olmak John was fed up with waiting for his friends.
23. feel guilty about/for bir şey hak./için suçlu his. Ronda feels guilty for having forgotten her mother's birthday.
24. fond of düşkün olmak My father is fond of cooking.
25. generous about cömert olmak He is always generous about tipping waiters.
26. good at bir şeyde iyi olmak The Senator is good at manipulating people.
27. grateful to smb. for brn.e bir şey için minnettar olm. I'm grateful to you for helping me with the project.
28. happy about mutlu olmak The young lovers are happy about being together.
29. hopeless at yeteneksiz olmak(terrible at) Adrian is hopeless at writing poetry, but he is good at reading it.
30. incapable of yeteneksiz olmak The company seems incapable of managing this responsibility.
31. interested in ilgilenmek Roman is interested in collecting stamps.
32. jealous of kıskanmış olmak Nina is jealous of her husband's talking to his workmates.
33. keen on düşkün olmak Richard is very keen on playing tennis.
34. lazy about tembel olmak William is lazy about tidying up his clothes.
35. opposed to karşı olmak I'm opposed to hitting children for any reason.
36. proud of gururlu olmak Fiona is proud of getting things done quickly.
37. responsible for sorumlu olmak(liable for) Parents are responsible for raising their children.
38. similar to benzer olmak Teaching is quite similar to acting.
39. sorry about üzgün olmak My father is sorry about not having gone to college.
40. successful in başarılı olmak The new system has proved to be successful in extending trading hours.
41. suitable for uygun olmak The small jars aren't suitable for storing rice or pasta.
42. sure of(about) emin olmak To be sure of winning the championship, F.bahçe must beat G.saray.
43. surprised at şaşırmak I was surprised at seeing you at the party,for I thought you had left for work.
44. terrified of korkmuş olmak The robber was terrified of being caught by the police.
45. tired from yorulmak I'm tired from lifting this heavy box. Can you give me a hand?
46. tired of bıkmış olmak I'm tired of being asked the same questions repeatedly.
47. worried about endişelenmek SoSome consumers are worried about using their credit cards over the Internet

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