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Nazareth Villa

Prof Peterson Stacey

Communication 108
August 20, 2021

Why we should say Good-bye to fast fashion

The audience's attention is added to their need to integration and self-expression through
a remote environment. It has a media scene, and it is diversified enough. What is evident from
my audience is that it is a sector of a population with specific qualities, given their training
circumstances on the use and interaction with new technologies that help remote education. Their
motivations as an audience are based on filling informational needs.
The general purpose of my persuasive speech is to engage the audience and convince them to
believe in something that I believe in. The specific purpose, on the other hand, is to seek for the
class to venture into the world of social and to accept the action proposed by me when I am
presenting it
Buy less, choose well, an make it last. -By Vivienne Westwood. Starting with the most basic
point, slow fashion has become the greatest rival of our current way of shopping. Which is
consumerism. It is a new approach to fashion which focuses specially on sustainability. It
encourages the idea of buying in a more ethical way by analyzing the connections between its
raw materials, the environment and human labor.
Emma Watson states that “As consumers we have the power of taking care of our planet. We just
have to be careful when we buy. According to UN, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of
the carbon dioxide emissions and it is the second industry in the world that needs the most
Water. 0.5 million tons of microfibers from synthetic laundry are released into the oceans each
year. This represents 35% of the primary microplastics that are released into the environment. 79
cubic meters of water are used in the textile and clothing industry. 2700 liters of water are
needed to make a shirt. Enough drinking water for one person for two and a half years.
The other day I came across a documentary on Netflix which names is True Cost. The
documentary addresses the problem of thousands of men and women who work in miserable
conditions in underdeveloped countries such as Bangladesh located in Asia, where they work
long hours earning around $ 3 a day to make clothes for western fast fashion brands. Because no
other industry is as dependent on labor as fashion.
The cheap labor in this industry has had devastating consequences of human losses, the 24 of
April 2013, the René Plaza building in Bangladesh, which used to function as clothing factories
collapsed due to poor conditions leaving a balance of 1,127 dead and 2,437 injured.
This fact led many employees to raise their voices and demand better conditions and salaries,
since the building was declared uninhabitable the day before due to the cracks that appeared in
its structure, however the workers were ordered to attend their normal working hours.
Clothing is a material that allows us to preserve our body temperature, and it is used as a means
of communication. Individually, we use our clothes to convey our feelings, messages or to
classify ourselves within a certain social status. But it brings catastrophic social, environmental,
and ethical consequences that it is just worth to pay. That is why I want to warn you of your
responsibility about the impacts of fast fashion and encourage you to value your clothes more,
consume less and, if possible, better-quality products to prolong their useful life. I encourage you
to practice the three r's: reuse, repair and recycle.

 United Nations. YouTube (Video), 2014 Emma Watson at the HeForShe Campaign 2014
- Official UN Video.. From

 UN ALLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE FASHION. . (UN report). 2021 Synthesis Report

on United Nations System-wide Initiatives related to Fashion. From:

 Morgan, A. Ross, M. Siegle, L. McCartney, S. Firth, L. Shiva, V. Blickenstaff, D. Life Is

My Movie Entertainment (Firm). (2015). The true cost. From

 Ngan Le. PCSI Princeton University. 2021. The Impact Of Fast Fashion On The
Environment. From

Visual Aid
My visual aid is a power point document, where I show images, phrases, photographs, or
diagrams that facilitate the presentation appearance of my content, as well as favors the audience

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