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people a year. For the fortunate, a case of

ANNALS OF SCIENCE dengue resembles a mild form of
influenza, But more than half a million
people become seriously ill from the dis­

ease. Many develop dengue shock syn­
drome or a hemorrhagic fever that leaves
Can genetic modification eliminate a deadly tropical disease? them vomiting and, often, bleeding from
the nose, mouth, or skin. The pain can
BY MICHAEL SPECTER be so excruciating that the virus has a
commonly invoked nickname: break­
bone fever.
There is no vaccine or cure for den­
gue, or even a useful treatment. The only
way to fight the disease has been to poi­
son the insects that carry it. That means
bathing yards, roads, and public parks in
a fog ofinsecticide. Now there is another
approach, promising but experimental: a
British biotechnology company called
Oxitec has developed a method to mod­
ifY the genetic structure ofthe male Aedes
mosquito, essentially transforming it into
a mutant capable of destroying its own
species. A few weeks ago, I found myself
standing in a dank, fetid laboratory at
Moscamed, an insect-research facility in
the Brazilian city ofJuazeiro, which has
one of the highest dengue rates in the
world. A plastic container about the si1:e
ofan espresso cup sat on a bench in front
ofme, and it was filled with what looked
like black tapioca: a granular, glutinous
mass containing a million eggs from Ox­
itec's engineered mosquito. Together,
the eggs weighed ten grams, about the
same as a couple ofnickels.
Oxitec, which is short for Oxford
Insect Technologies, has essentially
transformed Moscamed into an ento­
mological assembly line. In one tightly
controlled, intensely humid space, mos­
As adults, the mosquitoes are eerily
F ew people, unless they travd with an
dectron microscope, would ever no­
tice the egg ofan Aedes aegypti mosquito.
beautiful: jet black, with white spots on
the thorax and white rings on their legs.
quitoes are hatched, nurtured, fed a com­
bination of goat's blood and fish food,
then bred. Afterward, lab technicians de­
But the insects follow us nearly every­ Yet Aedes are among the deadliest crea­ stroy the females they have created and
where we go. Aedes can breed in a tea­ tures on earth. Before a vaccine was dis­ release the males to pUTh1.le their only real
spoon ofwater, and their eggs have been covered in the nineteen-thirties, the purpose in life: to find females in the wild
found in tin cans, beer bottles, barrels, mosquito transmitted the yellow-fever and mate with them. Eggs fertilized by
jugs, flower vases, cups, tanks, tubs, virus to millions ofpeople, with devastat­ those genetically modified males will
storm drains, cisterns, cesspoolS., catch ing efficiency. During the Spanish­ hatch normally, but soon after, and well
basins, and fishponds. They mate in the American War, U.S. troops suffered before the new mosquitoes can fly, the
dew of spider lilies, ape plants, guava more casualties from yellow fever than fatal genes will prevail, killing them all.
trees, palm fronds, in the holes of rocks from enemy fire. The mosquito also car­ The goal is both simple and audacious:
formed from lava, and in coral reefs. ries dengue, one of the most rapidly to overwhdm the native population of
More than any other place, perhaps, spreading viral diseases in the world. Ac­ Aedes aegypti and wipe them out, along
Aedes aegypti thrive in the moist, hidden cording to the World Health Organiza­ with the diseases they carry.
gullies ofused automobile tires. tion, dengue infects at least fifty million The engineered mosquitoes, known
officially as 0X513A, lead a brief but
Designed andfolded by RobertJ Lang. Photograph by Bartholomt!"W Cooke. privileged life. The entire process, from
38 THE NEW )'OItI(EIt, JULY 9 (, 16, 2012
nf'atinn tn destmction, take~ If'sS than drive ~1fmmd in white vans that have
two w('C'ks. The eggs, oval spheres no picture, of mosquito{', and the word
longer than a mil1imetrC', are mllkywhitC' tran'!~t'ni(o painted on the side They try
when bid. Within a mupk ofhollfs thry to visit evC'ry housC' in areas wherC' they
hardC'n, forming a protC'ctive cllticle and rC'leasC' mosquitoe<;, to C'xplain that
tmning shinv and hlack Look!ng OX511A "arC' ftiC'ndly bugs that protect
;uound the lah, I saw long white sh('rts you agam<;t denguC'" and that, hecause
lining the shelves; each sheet was cov­ the scientists are targeting Aedes tlegypti
ered in tens of thousand" of pin-sized where they live, under sofaI' and in back
dots and resC'mbled some sort of com­ yards, the enginC'ered mosquitoes can kill
puter code. The eggs can survive that thC'ir brethren without harming any

way for a year; after four days, howeVt"r, other plant or animal.
theyarr plunged into jam jars filled with It's an C'legant approach to a health
water at twenty-seven degrees (,('ls!lls-­ crisis that threatens much ofthe world,
a temperatllfe that enables tbe eggs to hut it will take morC' than hiological
hatch in less than an hour Sllccess to make it work. That's be­
"These mosquitoe,> are relatively easy cause OX513A is not like other mos·
to breed and cost almost nothing to quitoe<;, Tn fact, it's like nothing else on
transport; Andrew McKemey, Oxitec's earth--a winged creature, made hy
chief field officer, said as he led me man, then released into the wild. De­
around the lah McKC'mev, a l:mkv man spite thC' experiment's scientific prom­
who was dress('d in a gre~n madras shirt Ise, many people regard the tiny insect
and khaki cargo pants, <;pends much of as a h~rbinger of a world where ani­
his time in Brazil, traching local scien­ mals ar~ huilt hy nameless scientists,
tists how to manllf,1cture the company's nurnJred in ht'~akers, then set loose-'­
prize product. The lab churns out about with consequences, no matter how
fOur million mutant eggs a week, and will nohle the intention, that are impossi­
'toon increase production to ten million. ble to anticipate or control. 'This mos­
~t's a start," McKemey said. "Tn the­ qllito is Dr. Frankenstein's monster,
ory, we can huild hundreds ofmillions of plain and simple," Helen Wallace, the
mosquitoes in this place" executive director of the British envi­ PRESENTED BY

The field trial, which hC'gan a year ronmental organization GeneWatch,

ago, is a collaboration henveen Mosca­ said. "To open a box and let these
med, Oxitec, and the Univer:;ity of Sao man-made creatures fly free is a risk
Paulo. Preliminary results have been im­ with dangers we haven't even begun to
pressive: the group recently collected a contemplate." P RIC E L E S S'
sample of eggs in two neighhorhoods NEW YORK
where thC' engineert'd mosquitoes had
been rf'lC';lsC'd, and f()Und that eighty­ T here are more than three thousand
species of mo<;quito, but the vast
five per cent of them wert' gC'netically maiority take no interest in liS; -they

modified. With a large enough numher feed mostly on rotting fruit and other
oftho~C' eggs, the AedeJpopulation would sources of sugar. Only a few hundred
fall, and so would the incidence of den­ species, including AedeJ aegypti, need
gue. 'This is not a panacea,~ (;iovanini blood to survive. (The males never hite, ACURA
® ---­
-- --------
- ---
- --­
Coelho, who coordinatC's the Brazilian hut without a hlood meal the females ADVANCE.

Ministry of Health's National Program would be unahle to nourish their eggs.)

for Control of Dengue, told me, "I ;:Jm Mosquito mating hahits can be brutal. H~T" ONTffRJO
not saving this alone will solve the proh­ "In the most successhll encounters, the
\t'm or that therC' arc no rll'ks. There are pair may become so tightly locked to­ LOUIS ROEDERER
alwavs ri~ks-that's why we start with gether that the male has some difficulty
small shldies in geographi~:ally isolated escaping in the end," the late Harvard
neighhorhoods, But people are dying entomologist Andrew Spielman wrote
here, and this mosquito is resistant to in his 2001 book, "Mosquito: The
keep exploring
many insecticides, We reallv do need Story ofMan's Deadliest Foe." "An un­
something better than what we have." f()rtunate few males manage to get
In Jua'Zeiro, wherC' few famihes re­ awav only bv leaving their sex organs
main unaffected by dengue, the Mos­ hehind:' Yet Spielman also noted that

open your world

eamed team and its mosquitoes are the briefest exchanges can he highly CONDE NAST 2012
treated with reverence, The researchers productive: "A single minute or so of I

THE NEW YOR.KER.. JULY 9 ., 16. 2012 39


passion allows her to produce all the ofdengue fever-the number ofcases re­ dIes so small they can be seen only under

fertile eggs she will ever lay." ported to the World Health Organiza­ a powerful microscope, insert two genes
There has never heen a more eff-ective tion has increased thirtyfold since 1965­ into eggs no bigger than a grain of salt.
killing machine. Researcher~ estimatf' can, at least in part, be attributed to the One gene carries instructions to manu­

that l11osquitoes have heen responsihle enormous increase in tire exports. fucture far too much ofa protein required
for half the deaths in human history. Aedes aegypti r!on't fly far or live 'long; a to maintain healthy new cells; the results
Malaria accounts for much of the mo~­ major traveller would move a few hundred are lethal. Scientists keep the gene at bay,
tality, but mosquitoes also transmit scores yards and, on average, survive as an adult and the mosquitoes alive, by placing the
of other potentially fatal infections, in­ for ten days. But it is a particularly wily in­ antibiotic tetracycline in the insects' food.
cluding yellow fever, dmgue fever, chi­ sect. Most mosquitoes are noisy enough to The drug latches on to the protein and
kllngunya, lymphatic filariasis, Rift Val­ wake a sleeping man and slow enough that acts as a switch that can turn it on or off.
ley fever, West Nile fever, anrl several one hite is all theyl1 get before escaping or As long as tetracycline is present, the
types of encephalitis. Despite om tech heing em shed with an angry swat. Aedes mosquitoes live and reproduce normally
nical sophistication, mosqllitot's pose a aef!YPti feed during the day and strike in si­ and can be bred for generations. Once
greater risk to a largt'r numher of pf'ople lence; they mostly stay low to the ground, they are released from the lab, however,
today than ever hefore. Like mo~t other preferring to hite people in the ankles or the antidote is gone; the lethal gene
pathogens, the viruses and parasites legs. The mosquito is highly sensitive to goes unchecked. Within days the males,
home by mosquitoes evolve rapir!ly to re­ motion---as you move, it will, too, often along with any eggs they help to create,
sist pesticides and dmgs. Manv insecti­ stahhing its victim several times during will perish. In fact, Oxitec has already
cides once used against Aedff aegypti arf' each feeding, depositing pathogens with modified all the Aedes aegypti eggs the
now considerer! worthless. ("very hite and, in turn, increasing its world may ever need.
Aedes aegypti is an invasive specie~ in chances of picking up dengue from in­ The other gene is a fluorescent
the Americas. It most likely arrived on fected peop1e to pass along to others. (Un­ marker-the molecular version of a
slave hoats from Africa in the seventeenth like most mosquitoes, which can lay hun­ branding iron-that helps distinguish
century, along with the yellow fever it car­ rtrerts of eggs in a single raft the si7~ of a normal mosquitoes from modified ones.
ried. The mosquitoes hrf'r! ea~ily in the grain ofrice, Aedes aegypti usually deposits The naked eye sees nothing, but under
casks that provider! drinking water on sail­ its eggs in multiple locations, thereby rais­ the microscope the larvae give off a rich
ing ships. During the eighteenth century, ing the odds that some will survive.) red glow, like a soft neon sign. Most of
a severe yellow-fever epidemic swept Dengue has always been considered a the altered eggs will die. Others will fait
through New England anr! Philadelphia, tropical illness. But its mode oftransport, to incorporate the new genes into their
as well as other American port cities; it the mosquito, rarely lives more than a DNA; these are useless, because the pro­
took another century to discover that mos­ hllndred yards from the vector's principal cess succeeds only when the genes work
quitoes were the hearf'~ of the disease. source of sustenance--us-and as our their way into the critical germ cells the
Traditional mosquito control all hut demographics have changed so have eggs need to reproduce. The task is
eradicated Aedl's aegvpti (and the r!iseases those of the mosquito. Aedes aegypti has difficult and tedious: the technicians can
it carries) from the United States fifty adapted to the city with great dexterity. go through thousands of eggs to hit on
years ago. But globalizMion has heen Even the most effective mooem larvicides just one that will pass the new genes to
good to mosquitoes, partiC1llarly species the next generation of mosquitoes. But
like Aedes aegypti, which travel easily and once a sufficient number of eggs have
can lie dormant in containers for months. been correctly modified they can, after
In recent years, the mosquito and dengue many generations, produce millions of
have returned to Texas, Hawaii, and mutant mosquitoes.
Florida. The disease has also been trans­ 0X513A are raised in the relative
mitted for the first time in France and splendor of the laboratory. Mter they
Croatia. 'We have dragger! mosquitoes hatch, they are moved from petri dishes
around the world in hillions ofuser! tir("s: to plastic tanks the size of a home
Paul Reit("r told me. Reiter, a professor aquarium. Males are fed sugar; females,
ofmedical entomologyl'ltthe Pasteur In­ often miss the mosquito's well-hidden first lured by the smell ofhuman sweat,
stitute, in Paris, is one of thf' world's ex­ urban hrf'f'oing grounds. "Dengue is a feed on goat's blood obtained weekly
perts on the natural history ofrnosquito­ terrihle r!isease, just terrihle," Reiter said. from a nearby abattoir. "Thank God
borne diseases. Before moving to France, "Its danger is impossible to exaggerate. for that place," McKemey said with a
he spent more than two decades in And none ofthe methods used right now laugh. "You can't make mosquitoes
the Dengue Branch of the Centers for for dengue control are working. None." without blood." He stood in the close
Disease Control, devoting a surprising quarters of the rearing room as all
amount of his time to studying tirf's. Hf'
found that they are ideal incubators for
mosquitoes: tires ahsorh heat, trap rain­
I t is not easy for an egg to become an
OX513A. Most were originally
modified in Oxitec's laboratories, in the
around him eggs were morphing into
larvae, hatching in the type oflong trays
bakers use to store loaves of bread.
water, and nurture hacteria in the pud­ English countryside not far from Oxford, Across the room, in transparent, water­
dles they create. The <"xponentiai growth where scientists, working with glass nee- filled pails covered with cheesecloth,
40 THE NEW YORK!:R. JULY 9 F. 16, 2012
thousands of larvae, known to biolo­
gists as wrigglers, were frantically t:rying
to work themselves out of their cases THE f\OSE-WAY IN GIVEf\NY
and emerge as pupae, the final stage be­
fore becoming an adult. And in the reticulate distance
Adolescent mosquitoes have enor­ the cued inertia of Lucifer
mous heads and prominent eyes; under astounds. Our feet bleed:
the microscope they look like sea horses buoyant, the body at its task.
or miniature versions ofE.T. VVhile the What you wanted was what I
mosquitoes are still sheathed in t;heir wanted--slant of sun to the left,
cases, their transparent wings are pinned twinkling of civilization elsewise,
behind their bodies. By this point, the and the moon (whelp of history)
mosquito has begun breathing through to our backs, all come-hither
its syphon, a curling, segmented tube and dream. Motion understood
that pokes above the surface ofthe water is philosophy deferred: peace,
like a snorkel. When the moment is the felt pathos ofspace and time.
right, the pupae inhale, expand their ab­ Look, darling, at the establishing
domens, burst their cases, and emerge shot. It's downright Biblical,
head first as adults. "It's thrilling to see,"
McKemey said, as we watched the young
mosquitoes take their first tentative
this thrown-together vista,
world upon world without end. ,,
flights. ''1 never tire ofit." -Virginia Konchan

The Oxitec mosquito grew out of a
pest-control method called sterile insect
technique, or SIT, which has been used for Atphey faced several scientific hur­ tors and public-health philanthropies, in­
decades. Billions of insects, all sterilized dles. He would have to engineer only cluding the Gates Foundation and the
by intense bursts of radiation, have been males. (Female mosquitoes bite, so ge­ Wellcome Trust. In 2010, the company
reared in laboratories like Moscamed and netically modified females could, in the­ ran a series of field trials in the Cayman
released to mate in the wild. In 1982, SIT, ory, pass novel proteins to humans, with Islands, releasing 3.3 million genetically
which prevents the organism from repro­ unknown consequences.) "I was trying altered mosquitoes on sixteen hectares of
ducing, successfully eradicated the screw­ to think of ways around the radiation land. 0X513A became the first engi­
worm-a parasite that attacks the flesh of issue," he said. ''1 wondered, What ifthe neered mosquito set free on the planet.
warm-blooded animals-from North engineered lethal system could be sex­ The number of wild Aedes aegypti
America. But radiation is difficult to use specific? It turns out that, with Aedes ae­ mosquitoes in the area fell by eighty per
properly on insects as small as mosquitoes. gypti, females are considerably larger cent in two months. It was only a test of
Administer too little and they remain vir­ than the males. That was a lucky break, feasibility; no one knew how it might
ile; zap them too powerfully and the in­ because it means you can easily separate affect the local ecology or whether it
sects are left so weak that they are unfit to them on the basis of their size." would actually reduce the incidence of
compete for mates. Once released, the males would have dengue. Environmental activists feared
In the early nineties, Oxitec's chief to live long enough to impregnate fe­ that the release of engineered insects
scientist, Luke Alphey, was investigating males, and they would need to be could set offa cascade of events that no­
the developmental genetics of Drosoph­ healthy enough to compete with wild body would be able to control.
ila, the common fruit fly. One day, Al­ males for the right to do so. "You want 'They don't know how it will function
phey, now a visiting professor ofzoology the insect to breed successfully in the lab in the real environment," Silvia Ribeiro,
at Oxford, bumped into a colleague who but to be dependent on an antidote that the director in Latin America for an envi­
was talking about sterile insect technique. will no longer be available in nature," ronmental organization called the ETC
Alphey, who knew little about the field, Alphey said. "It was difficult to know Group, said. "And once they release it they
began to think about how to supplant ra­ how to do that." But chance again inter­ can't take it back." In 2010, Oxitec began
diation with the practices ofmodem mo­ vened: he happened to attend a seminar a smaller trial in Malaysia. But the Brazil­
lecular biology. Alphey is reserved, with at which researchers described using ian experiment has been the biggest test so
a mop of brown hair and pensive eyes; tetracycline as a switch to tum off a far, and it has laid the groundwork for Ox­
one can practically see his brain in mo­ gene. "The molecule prevents the itec's battle over entry into the world's most
tion as he works out a scientific problem. deadly gene from working," Alphey significant market: the United States.
His goal was not exactly to sterilize the said. "It was a perfect solution."
males but to alter their genes so that any In 2002, Oxitec was spun offas a com­
progeny would die. If he could do that pany apart from the university. Alphey I n 2009, Key West, Florida, suffered its
first dengue outbreak in seventy-three
without using radiation, he reasoned, the began to speak at tropical-disease meet­ years. There were fewer than thirty
insects should be fit to compete sexually ings and in dengue-infested countries; he confirmed cases-a trifling number
for wild females. also gathered support from private inves­ compared with the millions who are in­
42 THE NEW YOR.KER., JULY 9 & 16, 2012
fected each year in South America, M­ Grande, whereas there were more than intended to explore the possibility of

rica, and Asia. There are just twenty sixty thousand cases in the Mexican testing the mosquitoes in one relatively
thousand full-time residents in Key states just across the river. "The popula­ isolated Key West neighborhood. "I
West, but, with more than two million tion ofAedes aegypti was actually larger don't really know what to expect," Al­
visitors each year, the town is highly de­ in Texas," he said. But Texans have phey told me early on the day of the
pendent on tourists. I was there during screens on their windows (and keep the meeting. "But I hope the people of Key
spring break, which is not the best time windows closed), drive air-conditioned West understand that they have been
to visit unless you have a particular inter­ cars, and spend little time outdoors. lucky. Because they are living in a sea of
est in keggers, tequila, or Eagles cover Doyle wanted to lower the risk of a dengue."
bands. dengue outbreak in Key West, but the Opponents mobilized within hours of
"They feed this town," a woman who rustrict was already spending more than receiving notice of the meeting. Boldly
runs a cigar stand told me as we watched a million dollars a year on insecticide, and colored flyers, stating that the mosquito­
scores of sunburned students work their he was loath to durnp more chemicals in control board was "planning on releasing
way down Truman Street and head to­ people's yards. Then a colleague attended and testing genetically modified (man­
wardJirnmy Buffett's bar, Margaritaville, a meeting of the American Society for made) mosquitoes on you, your family
ground zero for the aggressively laid­ Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and told and the environment," were pasted onto
back Key West life style. "Sometimes it's him about 0X513A. "I remember think­ half the city's walls.
a little gross out there," she said. "But take ing that if this actually worked we would Before the meeting, I ran into Chris
the tourists away and we are just a bunch win in every possible way," he said. O'Brien, an artfully dishevelled woman
oftaco stands, bars, and beach burns." "Other approaches are more costly and with shoulder-length hair and search­
Even a small dengue outbreak in Key more environmentally challenging. The ing blue eyes. She was dressed in the
West would send a troubling message. data looked solid, and certainly we need peaches and pinks one associates with
After 2009, the florida Keys Mosquito to think differently about mosquito con­ southern florida. She was also wearing
Control District added ten inspectors to trol than we have in the past." combat boots. O'Brien is a "conch," a
join the battle against Aedes aegypti. In In March, Doyle invited Luke Al­ term that describes people who are
2010, there were twice as many cases. phey, Oxitec's founder, and Hadyn born, raised, and spend their lives in
"Clearly, we have the potential for seri­ Parry, its chief executive, to explain KeyWest. Her children and grandchil­
ous dengue outbreaks: Michael S. Doyle their approach at a town meeting. It dren are conchs, too.
told me. Doyle, an entomologist, is the would be the first in a series ofhearings "People live with mosquitoes here,"
district's executive director. He moved to
Key West in 2011, after spending five
years at the Centers for Disease Control.
"Part ofour problem is the image ofden­
gue," he said. "A couple ofhundred cases
here could be devastating to the tourist
"Think about it," he continued.
"Somebody in Milwaukee is cruising
through Web sites and asks his wife,
'Where should we go on vacation, honey,
Key West or some place in the Carib­
bean?' And the wife says, 'Hey, didn't I -'
hear something about dengue in Key
West?'" We were sitting in a cafe not far
from Ernest Hemingway's house, the
city's most heavily visited tourist site. I_ 1­­
Like many public buildings, the cafe has
open windows and no screens; mosqui­
toes danced in the air beside us. "We live
with open doors and windoWs," Doyle
said. "And they live with us. We are an ,-,
---c.=-, ~
ideal host."
Doyle is a soft-spoken man with rim­
less eyeglasses and a neatly trimmed
------- I~'"

mustache. He pointed out that, when it

comes to contracting dengue, the way /

people live is as important as where they

live: from 1980 to 1999, Texas reported
sixty-four cases ofdengue along the Rio "What do you eatfor anxiety?"

she said. 'We always have. We have had organization based in England, says. In a "But there are also unanswered questions
no dengue for two years and maybe, at lengthy letter to government regulators about the effect of insecticides on chil­
most, we will have a few cases. It's not a in Malaysia, she stressed that there could dren, and we use them every day to try
huge deal. Certainly not big enough to be ancillary impacts "if the mosquitoes and kill the very same mosquitoes. It's
bring in an unnatural insect about which are eliminated altogether." For instance, important to remember: we're already
we know so little. You are in much more what would happen to those fish, frogs, trying to wipe this species out, and for
danger ofbeing hit by a car." other insects, and arthropods that feed good reason. The risk involved in elimi­
on larval or adult mosquitoes? "What if nating them is very, very small. The risk

I t is impossible to predict the likeliPood

of a dengue outbreak based on the
number of past infections. All it takes is
their interactions with other organisms
in the environment change?" she wrote.
"There is also the question of what will
in letting them multiply is enonnous."
Environmentalists have expressed
concern about what might happen if
the presence of the mosquito and the fill the gap or occupy the niche should some of the modified females survived
virus. Key West has plenty ofthe fonner; the target mosquitoes have been elimi­ and, while biting people, injected them
the rest is a matter ofaggressive pest con­ nated. Will other pests increase in num­ with an engineered protein. Oxitec sep­
trol--and chance. Once infectious mos­ ber? Will targeted diseases be able to arates males from females, but, with so
quitoes start biting humans, an epidemic switch vectors? Will these vectors be eas­ many mosquitoes, a few genetically
can erupt within weeks, as the virus ier or more difficult to control?" modified females inevitably slip by-Ox­
moves from vector to host and back It would be irresponsible to deploy itec puts the number at about one in
again. aBrien, like many ofher fellow­ transgenic insects vvidely without ade­ three thousand. "This is a nightmare sce­
protesters, had been briefed by the quate answers to those questions, but nario, and we don't have any published
l<nends of the Earth about the concept most have been addressed in environ­ data that answers this question," Eric
ofintroducing man-made creatures into mental",impact statements and by inde­ Hoffinan, a food-and-technology policy
the local environment. "How do we pendent research. Ifthe results were put campaigner for Friends ofthe Earth, told
know the females won't breed and bite to the vote of biologists, the over­ me. Hoffman has assiduously followed
people?" she asked. "They would have whelming response would be: the po­ the Oxitec experiments. Reiter says that
enzymes in their bodies that don't exist in tential benefits far outweigh the risks. none of the protein introduced into
real life. What would happen if they bit There are no birds, fish, or other insects transgenic mosquitoes enters its salivary
us? Getting rid ofdengue would be won­ that depend solely on Aedes aegypti. It glands-which means it couldn't spread
derful, ofcourse, but what would happen doesn't pollinate flowers or regulate the to the humans it bites. In addition, he has
if we did succeed and these mosquitoes growth of plants. It is not what ento­ recognized nothing in the genetic struc­
simply vanished from the earth? Isn't mologists call a,"keystone" species in the ture of the modified mosquitoes that
there a food chain to worry about?" United States. could cause humans harm. But he and
Those are reasonable cOhcerns. But "It is frankly difficult to see a down­ others are eager to see papers published,
ecologists are quick to note thatAedes ae­ side," Daniel Strickman, the national by groups unconnected to Oxitec, that
gypti have been in America for only two program leader in veterinary and medical confirm those conclusions.
hundred years or so; that's not enough entomology at the Agricultural Research The biggest question raised by the
time for a species to make an evolution­ Service, told me. "My job is to try and creation of0X513A is who will regulate
ary impact. Many biologists argue that if prevent human disease by modifYing be­ it and how. In Brazil, a single govern­
Aedes aegypti, or, indeed, all mosquitoes, havior and killing mosquitoes. So I come ment body-the National Technical
were to disappear, the world wouldn't at it from that perspective. I am biased Commission on Biosafety--oversees the
miss them, and other insects would against mosquitoes. And Aedes aegypti approval of all genetically modified or­
quickly fill their ecological niche-ifthey cause immense damage. Raging epidem­ ganisms. In the United States, however,
have one. "More than most other living ics of dengue would affect our economy the regulatory structure is far more com­
things, the mosquito is a self-serving badly. Go back to the days ofyellow fever plex. It's not clear whether engineered
creature," Andrew Spielman has written. in this country and it had real demo­ mosquitoes will be regarded as animals,
"She doesn't aerate the soil, like ants and graphic consequences. Whole towns under the jurisdiction ofthe Department
wonns. She is not an important pollina­ died. Life expectancies in certain areas of Agriculture, or as drugs, governed by
tor of plants, like the bee. She does not were reduced." Strickman added, "I look the Food and Drug Administration.
even serve as an essential food item for at this new approach and there is noth­ "I would be so eager to have a clear
some other animal. She has no 'purpose' ing greener. It's targeted at one species. If regulatory situation in the United States,"
other than to perpetuate her species. the sole question is what will happen if Alphey told me, his frustration at the
That the mosquito plagues human be­ we kill offthis single species ofmosquito, process barely held in check. "We do not
ings is really, to her, incidental. She is it doesn't seem like a close call." want to move forward unless one is prop­
simply surviving and reproducing." Mark Q Benedict agrees. Benedict, erly in place." To the consternation of
Not everyone agrees with Spielman's an entomologist at the University ofPe­ many, Oxitec recently applied to the
assessment. "Genetic modification leads rugia, has researched genetically modified F.D.A. for approval ofits mosquito. 'We
to both intended and unintended effects; insects for years and written about them are concerned that Oxitec has been less
Ricarda Steinbrecher, of EcoNexus, a extensively: 'There are unanswered ques­ than forthcoming in their statements to
not-for-profit, public-interest research tions and there always will be," he said. the public," Hoffinan told me. "They are
THE NEW YOR.KE/\.. JULY 9 & 16. 2012
saying that these mosquitoes are sterile, She concluded to thunderous applause. people every year, that the threat is
but they are not sterile, since they im­ Another speaker, Rick Worth, was even growing, and that there is no treatment
pregnate females. They are genetically more direct. "I, for one, don't care about or cure. The worry about theoretical iii
modified, and the public needs to know your scientific crap," he said. "I don't care risks tends to overwhelm any discussion
that." Oxitec does call its mosquitoes about money you spend. You are not ofpossible benefits. Many people, par­

sterile, but has not denied that they are going to cram something down my throat ticularly in the rich Western world, ob­
genetically modified; almost all their lit­ that I don't want. I am no guinea pig." ject to modified food, but such com­
erature says as much. ''There is no lay­ plaints are almost never aired against
man's term for 'passes on an autocidal
gene that kills offspring,'" Alphey said.
"'Sterile' is the closest common term.
O ne afternoon before leaving Bra­ the same scientific process when it is
zil, I found myself inching along used to make insulin or heart medicine.
the rutted dirt roads of a neighbor­ "Sometimes I despair of these issues,"
0X513A is sterile in very much the same hood called Itaberaba, with Aldo Mal­ Paul Reiter, who has advised Oxitec,
sense as radiation-sterilized insects are avasi, the highly animated director of told me. ''The objections so rarely have
sterile." Hoffman stops short of calling Moscamed. Itaberaba is only a few anything to do with the science or the
Alphey's message deceptive, but he cer­ miles from the center ofJuazeiro, and, safety ofthe research. It is an opposition
tainly doesn't agree. "This country just as we drove, loudspeakers on the front driven by fear. I understand that, but
doesn't have the law or regulations nec­ of the car announced our arrival. 'We this technology has been used in a
essary to move this project forward right are here to talk about the transgenic different form for years." He was refer­
now," he said. mosquito project," the speakers said. ring to sterile insect technique. "The
In Key West, the Oxitec scientists, "Weare here to explain this program to Oxitec approach is safer and more envi­
along with Doyle and his team from you and answer your questions." Mala­ ronmentally benign," Reiter said. "If
the mosquito-control district, faced a vasi, a large and charismatic man, said, the phrase 'genetically modified' was
packed room at the Harvey Govern­ "There 18 only one way to get people on not attached, I don't think people would
ment Center. It was a warm, sunny your side: talk to them. This is a new even mind."
day, and many in the crowd had left technology. It is scary. But it also carries Malavasi shrugged when I brought
work early to be there. Doyle explained tremendous possibilities. People are not up the opposition. "I know this sounds
how a small experiment might pro­ stupid. You just have to tell them all of like science fiction," he said. "And I am
ceed; Oxitec made its case; then the that. Lay it out so they can decide." not naive. But to get rid ofthe virus, we
floor was opened to the publii;. The Moscamed has spoken to nearlyevery­ have to get rid of the mosquitoes. And,
meeting quickly became emotional one living in the affected areas. When a at least in this small experiment, it's
and, at times, rancorous. Oxitec-a team leaves a house, they etch the out­ working." He noted that the name of
small company that had emerged from lines ofa mosquito on the doorframe, so the program, the Projeto Aedes T rans­
a wology department-was portrayed that colleagues will know which houses genico-the Transgenic Aedes Proj­
as an international conglomerate will­ still need to be visited. ect-was not accidental. 'We put the
ing to "play God" and endanger an Bahia is one of Brazil's most impor­ word 'transgenic' right in the name of
American paradise. The insects were tant fruit-growing regions. We passed the program for everyone to see," he
referred to as "robo-Franken mosqui­ warehouses full of guavas, mangoes, said. "We hide nothing."
toes." More than a dozen people rose limes, pineapples, and papayas. The We had stopped at a random spot on
to speak; none defended the project scent ofrotted fruit filled the humid air. an unmarked road. The heat was oppres­
or noted that, if successful, it would People live in small, brightly painted cot­ sive as we emerged from the car; a small
reduce a health threat and ease the tages in these towns, and it seemed that stream burbled by the roadside. "We are
county's heavy reliance on insecticides. at least one member ofevery family had in mosquito heaven," Malavasi said. As
Overwhelmingly, the people with had dengue. It isn't as hard to explain to he spoke, a team from Moscamed began
whom I spoke said they assumed that them the value ofa modified mosquito as unloading several casserole-size T upper­
this decision had already been made; it is of, say, modified corn. "You tell peo­ ware containers from the back of their
the meeting was taken up with accusa­ ple you are messing with soybeans or van. The containers had white plastic
tions of lies and secrecy. But nothing corn and they get suspicious," Malavasi lids, and one by one they were flipped
had been decided. Every question said. "This is different. They have open, releasing thousands of male mos­
asked, at the meeting or later, in writ­ suffered." quitoes. Each time a top was removed,
ing, was forwarded to state regulators When it comes to genetic engineer­ scores of the tiny insects would alight,
for their consideration. ing, acceptance clearly depends on the briefly, on the researchers' bodies-not
"It breaks my heart to think that you product. Opponents often invoke a to bite but to orient themselves. It was
guys have the nerve to come here and do one-sided interpretation ofthe "precau­ the first time they had experienced free­
this to our community," one woman said. tionary principle," which argues against dom. For a moment, they seemed reluc­
"Anything genetically modified should introducing activities into the environ­ tant to flyaway. Then, almost as a unit,
not be touched. I have a feeling that"­ ment that, in theory, could cause harm they would lift off and, after hovering for
she pointed to Doyle and his colleagues to human health. The sentiment is a few seconds in the moist afternoon air,
on the dais-"your minds are made up. I difficult to dispute, but so is the fact that form a kind offlying carpet, and set off to
know it. I can just sense it. I feel the vibe." dengue fever strikes tens of millions of :fulfill their destiny. +
46 THE NEW YORKER, JULY 9 ", 16, 2012

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