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Facilitator: Karol Adrián Meza Cataño Name: ______________________________ Course:______________

Movie time: The Theory of Everything

A) Write the names of each character under the pictures. Use the words in the box.

Jonathan Jones Stephen Hawking Elaine Mason Jane Wilde

1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________

B) What University does Stephen Hawking study? Mark an X.

1. Harvard University
2. University of Cambridge
3. University of Oxford

C) What major does Stephen Hawking study? Mark an X.

1. Astrophysics
2. Romance Literature
3. Geography

D) Why does Stephen use a wheelchair? Mark an X.

1. Because he has motor neuron disease, so his muscles fail, and he is unable to move most of his body.
2. Because one day he fell and he couldn’t stand up ever again.
3. Because he suffered a traffic accident making him unable to walk again.

E) How many children have Stephen and Jane got? Mark an X.

1. One
2. Two
3. Three

F) What book does Stephen write when he was unable to move? Mark an X.
1. The Theory of Everything
2. A Brief History of Time
3. The Grand Design

G) Where is Stephen Hawking invited to a concert? Mark an X.

1. Bordeaux
2. America
3. Geneva

H) How does the movie end? Mark an X.

1. Jane and Stephen agree to divorce. Stephen goes to the lecture with Elaine, the two having fallen in love, and
Jane and Jonathan reunite.
2. Jane and Stephen continue their marriage, and move to America with their children.
3. Stephen died, Jane married Jonathan and both lived in England for many years.

I) Write in about 70 words a general opinion about the movie you have just watched.
A) 1. Stephen Hawking 2. Jane Wilde 3. Jonathan Jones 4. Elaine Mason
B) At the University of Cambridge
C) Astrophysics
D) The Black Hole is a mathematically defined region of space time exhibiting such a strong gravitational pull that no
particle or electromagnetic radiation can escape from it.
E) Because he has motor neuron disease, so his muscles fail, he is unable to move most of his body.
F) They've got three children two sons and a daughter.
G) A Brief History of Time.
H) Stephen was invited to a concert in Bordeaux.
I) Jane and Stephen agree to divorce. Stephen goes to the lecture with Elaine, the two having fallen in love, and Jane
and Jonathan reunite.
J) Answers may vary.

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