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The Forgotten past

Sen Takatsuki was sitting in front of her fireplace. The fire was being reflected
inside of her eyes. She looked frustrated, speechless, and possibly even
disappointed. She was starring directly at the fireplace while she held a book on
her hand.

It was a red book, covered in leather, which title was unrecognizable. Sen
opened the book and rapidly turned the pages from one side to the other one, it
looked just as if she wanted to take a last glance onto that dark story that she
had written by herself.

With a saddened look she threw the book to the fire, and in a couple of seconds
it turned into nothing but black ashes. The leather coverage was the only thing
capable of resisting the strong fire, with difficulties a couple of letters were
possible of reading; King Bileygr was the name of the book.

“Now no one is going to know what I’ve written… it should remain hidden.”
Exhaled Takatsuki nervously .

The woman left the room with her head up high, it appeared just as if it didn’t
matter how difficult the situation was looking, she was never going to allow
anything get on her way.

What she actually didn’t know, was that the story that she had written was
soon going to be known by the entire world.

Ken Kaneki was constantly angry, he couldn’t even understand if he was angry
at himself, at other people, or at the whole world. He never wanted to speak to
anybody, although he studied at school and had some plans for his life, he was
never actually able to get over the fact that he didn’t have a family by his side.

Ken was very good at what he did, he was a talented student. The thing that
characterized his technique was the impetus that he placed in analyzing all of
the diverse situations that were put around him.

People admired the way that he studied, but never complimented him, or
talked to him because they knew who he was, people knew his story, and they
felt bad for him, but that also made them fear Kaneki.

Ken was living in his own world, he didn’t want to see the reality of what was
around him. Everything was just much easier if he didn’t see anybody or
looked at anyone.

One day, a young man that was new in the city decided to come closer to him
and talk to him. He didn’t want anything to do with him, he just wanted to give
him an interesting compliment, as he really thought that he was a talented
“You are a great hoy.” Expressed the young man.

The man was attractive and well dressed, he appeared to be born in a good
family, and the rest of the village treated him with respect and were really
trying to treat him right.

“Who are you.” Asked Kaneki confused.

“You might not know me right now, but you will, once you get your eye.”
Expressed the man.

“What do you mean? Why are you saying this to me?” Asked Kaneki.

“It’s the truth.” Responded the man.

“Wait, what is that supposed to mean?”

“Just wait and see little boy.” Responded the young man with a smile.

Very soon he walked away. The young Kaneki still wasn’t able to comprehend
why that information was shared with him and why would he even want to
know something like that in the first place.

After that event Kaneki just wasn’t able to forget about that man, those words
that he had expressed were very strange, yet interesting, what would a “third
eye” mean?

Every single night after that event had occurred Kaneki began seeing a shadow
right in front of him. At times it changes shapes and moved across the room. He
couldn’t help but observe it with his eyes wide open without being able to
remove its sight from it. 
It felt interesting to see a light move like that, but he didn’t understand how the
world was able to work in such strange manners. Every-time he tried to touch
it it just disappeared.
Before Kaneki closed my eyes he kept on staring at the light with intensity. It
was pumping just like an open heart. He felt something different that time: it
changed its color to blue, a deep blue color, just like the ocean. He wanted to
open his eyes once again just to make sure he wasn’t imagining all of it, but he
wasn’t able to do so. He fell asleep. 
He began dreaming rapidly, just as soon as Kaneki closed his eyes he found
himself stuck in the middle of a forest. It was dark, he could see the bright
moon up in the sky when Kaneki shifted his sight above himself. The moon
reminded him of the light that he had been seeing inside of his bedroom every
single night. 
No one was around him, the forest was empty, he couldn’t see anything
else but plenty of trees and a wide darkness surrounding him. He was able to
hear the sounds of different animals up in the trees. He heard the owls and the
wolves. He wasn’t afraid. He felt calm and tranquility.
He began walking through the forest and entirely barefoot, but the branches
that he was stepping on didn’t hurt his feet. He felt the need to keep on
advancing, Kaneki felt just as if something or someone was calling him
strongly. Just as if someone truly needed him. 
“Kaneki, come forward.” He heard a voice inside of his head. The voice was
insistent, but relaxed. He wasn’t able to recognize it at first. 
“Who is that? What do you want from me?” He asked slightly out of place. 
He began walking faster in order to get to the destination more rapidly. Who
needed him at these times? Why would someone come to him in his dreams? 
Suddenly he saw a bright light at the end of the road he was heading onto. 
“Kaneki.” Said once again that strange voice. 
He finally got closer to the light. As soon as Kaneki was close enough, he
noticed it wasn’t just a bright light, it was his deceased father. 
“Dad?” He asked him with clarity. 
He wanted to touch him, but as soon as he thought he would be able to do it,
the light just disappeared.

Kaneki woke up from that dream covered in sweat, he was so nervous and
exhausted that he didn’t even know if he had to go back to sleep or what was
he supposed to do at all.

He hasn’t seen his father in ages, why now? Why was his mind playing with
him like that right now? He didn’t want all of those thoughts, dreams and pain.

“Sen? We need to talk, now!” Demanded an old man that had just arrived onto
Sen’s house.
“Don’t worry, I did what you told me to, I burned the book.” She explained
while she got up from the chair that she was sitting in.

“It was way too late, now everybody knows about that book, and we still don’t
know where’s the copy. They are going to find it sooner or later.” Responded
desperately the man.

“No, you know what we have to do in order to change that.” She looked sure of
herself and decisive.

“You cannot do that, it’s way too dangerous, you are going to die.”

“I’ve been through worse things, and, it’s my fault, I wrote that book in the first
place.” She expressed with confidence.

“Maybe you’re right, you need to try. Maybe Kaneki’s past will still remain

Sen grabbed her things, packed her bags and began walking towards her next
destination. She needed to reach the higher Ghoul realms in order to be able to
rich the oldest Ghoul of them all, as he was the only one that was going to be
able to let her know where that other copy of the book was.

Sen was feeling very nervous, because that book could be anywhere, and, if the
incorrect person found it, it could be used with very evil purposes.

That book not only told Kaneki’s dark past, his story from when he was a
young boy, all of his tragic experiences and how his personality shifted
practically from one day to the other, that information wasn’t the most
dangerous one of them all…

The most dangerous part of that book was the fact that it explained everything
about Kaneki’s eye. Technically, humans could be able to create their own
Ghoul’s artificial eye, or they could at least try.

It that information went out to the public, the ghouls would start to be
massively assassinated and it would all end in a rain of blood, and that was
going to be something that affected everyone, absolutely everyone in the world.

If those news were to become known all of the ghouls in the world would start
to slowly disappear, humans would steal them one by one and try to
experiment with them just to try to understand how they work and operate.
Now, Sen assumed the responsibility of traveling far, far away just along a
couple of her most loyal servants, to the place were the wise ghouls are, in
order to look for a little bit of help in her complicated situation.

The night was mysterious and it kept the darkest secrets from the people that
were walking through the suburbs of the terrifying city. Sen and her group
crossed the trembling bridge that reminded them of the cold and rotten bones
of the ones they once loved.

“Why is it taking so long to arrive?” Asked one of the servants in a bitter tone
of voice.

“The city seems to be covered by a great cloud of fog. This fog isn’t so common,
it is actually very dangerous, the fog takes away your oxygen and makes you
have several hallucinations that lead you to confusion.” Responded Sen with
decision. She kept on walking through the ashy road, even though she wasn’t
as young as the other members of the group.

“How do you know that?” Asked the servant while she breathed quite loudly.
“As long as I know, it is a hidden city in the mountains that has been founded
by the Main Ghoul, it has been lost for decades, and no one knows exactly
much more about it…”

“I’ve had some dreams…” exhaled one of the other servants.

“Dreams? What kind of dreams?” Asked the servant with much interest.

“We need to talk about this.”

The small group of people sat over their baggage inside of a cave that was on
their way to the forgotten city. They created a small fire in order to be able to
see through the air that was full of ashes, as well as through the fog.

Once they were all resting with tranquility they decided to talk about the
dreams, or nightmares of the old and wise Sen. She had a turbulent history with
everything that was related to clairvoyance.

“We come from the order of the originals, there are no seers of our race. Other
lands and cities have a lot of great witches and powerful crones, but not us, not
our order.” Said Sen while she reflected on the conversation that they have been
discussing on and off before sitting to rest.

“I am well aware of that Sen, thank you for reminding me of this, I can see that
you still haven’t found a place in your heart for you to trust me. That is fine,
maybe someday you will see me as I truly am.” Responded one of the servants
“It’s true, I haven’t. It’s just so hard to believe that you would be able to see
that, I have never experienced anything like that in my entire life, nor I have
met anyone like you in the past. I still respect your opinions and thoughts, and I
am not going to close my mind onto you. All of us, we are here for a particular
reason and I am certain that we are going to be able to resolve our differences
and maybe try to opt for something better.” Said the servant in an attempt of
being gentle. She knew that she was the only one out of that group that wasn’t
going to fully agree to the conditions that they were merging.

The three Ghouls were now involved in a new kind of mission; they had to
trust one another even though it was something complicated to do. They had
never heard about those clairvoyance abilities living inside of their own species,
could it be that maybe Sen descended from a mixed race?

“What was your dream about? How do you know it was a premonition and not
just another meaningless dream?” Asked the Servant.

“It feels different. When you have a premonition you can feel it all across your
body; you feel the chills going up and down your throat. You feel nervous and
desperate, then, suddenly, you are welcomed by a great wave of calmness and
tranquility, it almost feels like a new beginning, it’s brilliant.” Started saying
Sen. “I dreamed about these abandoned lands. I saw all of us walking towards a
new place, one that was immersed in fire, one that sheltered all of the demons
that did not have a room to stay in, that did not belong anywhere, that could
not find a place in which they are not going to be rejected by our society. I
dreamed about a fog that covered us from head to toe, one that did not let us
breathe, one that would devour us alive and have no mercy.” Explained the
wise man.

The other two young servants stared with surprise and fear at Sen while they
listened to what she had to say. It was interesting yet triggering for them to
imagine all of those creatures that she was talking about.

It wasn’t the first time that they have heard about the existence of the creature.
It was not something new to them, but it still wasn’t appeasing. They could just
pray for their lives and hope that they weren’t going to cross paths with those
beasts that Sen was describing.

They suddenly heard the land cracking from a far. It sounded just as if a big
body was crumbling over the broken pieces of branches that were on the way.

“Did you hear that?” Asked Sen with a nervous tone of voice.

“Don’t make any noises, get up slowly and grab your weapons. We were
trained for this, so be prepared and keep you eyes open. This isn’t something
that you can take for granted. Be serious with it.” Said Sen, she was also
nervous, but she had to remain calm and pretend everything was just fine. She
was a veteran warrior after all.
The three of them slowly stepped outside of the cave, but there was nothing but
a great wind blowing in the exterior, reminding them that nature is the greatest
creature of the entire universe.

Sen looked at the servants and laughed. “The stories are over, we have to
continue our journey.” She expressed patiently.

The servants laughed as well, they looked relaxed and interested in what Sen
had to say, she was like a guide, after all for them.

They continued their journey through the mountains, the road was difficult and
it was very cold as soon as the night arrived. They felt frustrated, tired and
exhausted, but they couldn’t stop, they knew perfectly that their mission was
much bigger than them.

After a couple of days they finally arrived, but the senior Ghouls didn’t look
very happy to see Sen.

“I can tell you are bringing bad news.” Said the wise man.

“Well, you are the Oracle for a great reason, aren’t you?” Asked Sen
concentrated while she stared directly into his eyes.

“Indeed I am. I can feel and see things that aren’t there.”

“I want you to find something, or someone, I’m not sure.” Expressed Sen.

“What are you talking about?” He asked confused.

“It’s about that book that I wrote, about Kaneki…” she sighed disappointed.

“Oh, I see. You’ve lost it.”

“I don’t know how it happened.”

“I can already see all of the chaos that is coming your way. You are in big
trouble… be careful, because all of this is going to bring you terrible
consequences.” Expressed the wise man angrily.

“I know, I know, but maybe there’s something that I can still do, where is it?
Where’s that copy?” She asked.

The wise man laughed.

“Where it is supposed to be, where it belongs. To whom it belongs…”

“Kaneki has it?” She jumped surprised.

“I’m not sure Kaneki remembers his entire childhood, oh no, this is dangerous,
what is he going to do with it?” Now Sen was even more worried than before.

“Stop worrying and start doing something , you’re not weak Sen, but why are
you acting like a coward?” He shouted.

“You’re right, I’m not like this, this isn’t me. I need to do something, I caused
this, so I’m going to be the one that takes the responsibility and solves this. I
have to kill Kaneki.” She said.

“You want to kill him?” The wise man laughed. “Good luck with that.”

Sen observed the wide city through the window. The darkness surrounded the
mountains, and the whole city had a great feeling of suspicion revolving
around it. Everyone was able to feel that something unexplainable was about to
happen, and no one would be able to know what exactly was going to occur.

On the other side of the city, Kaneki was observing the book with a great smile.
Drops of blood were falling over the pages of the book. No one knew what
plans he had for that story, but they weren’t for sure to do good things.

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