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10/06/2021 Structure and Composition with Krenz – AmazingBeggar



Structure and Composition with Krenz

Posted by TAKAGIKATSU84 on NOVEMBER 27, 2020

3 Votes

So heres is a new update on Krenz Structure and Composition class that has just wrapped up on
27th November 2020!

Its very interesting to understand how Krenz breakdown his idea in this course, especially thinking
with a few basic ideas as well as using CSI lines to construct certain forms to make it interesting.

There are times over detail subject are not really interesting compared to a much looser ones. As
there are moments viewers could actually pause/rest their eyes and continue wandering/studying a
certain art piece. Negative space plays an important point in a work to balance things out.

This time we had Roach, Darkdock and Sprout Bean as our tutors to guide us along the course.
Appreciate their kind advise and help along the way!

Roach (

DarkDock (

SproutBean ( 1/27
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Lesson 1

First lesson assignment is to run through redraw a set of goldfish from reference, study them well
and deconstruct them into various parts from it.

This is to help learners understand that same subject with different section of the same subject
could be reconstruct again for certain uses. In terms of different motion and direction. 2/27
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And once after this is done, we have to composite it in a flow. Using Big, Medium and Small circles
as a guide to place the fishes in a flowing order that suites the eyes.

And below is an extra assignment from Lesson 1. We are given just the body of the fighting fish
and a bunch of reference to study on how their fins and are like. After that we have to recreate
them in different scale to demonstrate theres front and back, and flow in it. 5/27
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Lesson 2 6/27
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Lesson two requires us to practice more on using CSI lines to construct subjects. Rather than
drawing it as realistic as we want. This not just constraint us in practicing CSI lines but also helps
us to simplify the subject as much as possible but also retain the basic silhouette of the subject and
recognize it easily. 7/27
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(https://live staticflickr com/65535/50652080957 ebd6280ec6 b jpg) 8/27
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Remember in lesson 1 there were these goldfishes rearranged in a flow? In lesson 2 we were given
a background image with a female character in it.

We know have to try arrange a flow in it with the previous goldfish setup. But this time round we
must be aware of the composition flow by not obstructing certain lines and structure from the
background. And also not placed in a way that it distracts the female character as main subject.

This is the extra assignment for lesson 2 by practicing CSI lines with flowers as subject. 9/27
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Lesson 3

Lesson 3 is still practicing CSI lines with human poses as main subject.

We were given 4 sketch references and study the overall silhouette and redraw it using CSI lines.
Even with just silhouette we could pretty much figure it out what is it without details filled. 10/27
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10/06/2021 Structure and Composition with Krenz – AmazingBeggar

And the other assignment is interesting as we get to fuse a human pose along with fishes and turn
them into mermaids! We were given a couple of human poses and we had to finish it off with our
own design. 12/27
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Lesson 4

Lesson 4 has more challenging tasks to deal with. First of we are provided with a rough human
pose sketch from tutor. And we have to reconstruct a color ribbon that goes around the human
pose. And making sure there is a certain flow around it.

Once that is done, we are require to extract certain section of the color ribbon parts and change it to
Hair, Wind effect, Fire effect and water effect.

The idea behind it is that the flow of these effects works well with a long form shape. The long
form shape is the basic form that could be changed into other purposes. 13/27
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And the second assignment is also a practice of deconstruct a female character prepared by Tutor
Dong mi and reconstruct it into different poses with a little change of the clothings. 17/27
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And the extra assignment is practice Wind, Fire and Water effect on the character sketch prepared
by the tutor as well. Its just this round we get to practice the effects on a larger scale. 18/27
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10/06/2021 Structure and Composition with Krenz – AmazingBeggar

Lesson 5

In this lesson, we are taught to reuse just one given image (A tree and a rock in this case) and
recompose it to create depth and interesting composition. By only adjusting the size and the
arrangement of it, and also by adding just one element to enhance the overall composition with
waterfall, bridges, glowing ornamnents, vegetations and tree vines. 20/27
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10/06/2021 Structure and Composition with Krenz – AmazingBeggar

And also the second assignment doing the same practice as the first. We were provided just one
tower and we have to repeat that and compose an entire castle out of it. We had to study and
analyze from various castle reference base from its different sizes of each structure that was build
and laid out.

Lesson 6 22/27
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The second last lesson we are taught to analyze human character poses base from different shapes
that is usually use. They are sometimes seen posing in D shapes, some areas in Zig Zag shapes and
also a chinese character “丰” shape.

We are given a couple of poses to start of with and create a kimono like costume for the character
as the main theme. 23/27
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Aside from creating the character base on certain shapes, we too need to add in some small
elements to make it interesting and not over distracting.

Overall this lesson is to prepare us for the last lesson assignment.

Lesson 7

Final lesson is the most challenging among all lessons!

Although it may seem similar practice as lesson 6, but unfortunately its a summary of all lessons
that we had learn and we have to use it in this final piece of work.

First of we need to study Alphonse Mucha art pieces. How he composite his artwork in a way that
it flows naturally, and also how his elements in his work guides the viewers eye back to the
character’s face. And there are certain areas in his work that actually lets the viewers “rest” their
eyes when they are looking at his work. He plays very well in using space as well, not filling up too
much details that makes it too crowded and messy in his work.

Secondly we can reuse certain poses from lesson 6 to start of with. Initially i thought of creating
some manga characters but since i did that in my final assignment in perspective course, i thought
of giving it a change.

I decided to go with a Marvel character and it happened to be Captain Marvel! Ive always thought
she portrays a strong woman with special powers to save the earth from evil. 24/27
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And she has this elegant pose that floats in the air, and i could really use that to fit it in a “D” shape

Once her pose is blocked out, i started to fill the space with other elements to tell a better story of
her in the final piece. SproutBean tutor suggest one of her hands could be grabbing a villian or
something to tell a better story.

And below is the final piece done! 25/27
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10/06/2021 Structure and Composition with Krenz – AmazingBeggar

And so heres the final course from Krenz that ive attended in 2020!

It has been a great journey to learn under his wings and also from his respective group of
professional tutors. Thank you!

Hope Krenz will come up with new different courses to enhance artist skills from his point of view
in future!

Till then, and hope you enjoyed!

Krenz StructureComposition

One Comment


November 30, 2020 at 3:04 pm
Thank you very much for sharing!!


Blog at Do Not Sell My Personal Information 27/27

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