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Teacher Tips.

Game – Clothes on a line (Guided speaking)

Aim: to consolidate vocabulary related to daily routines and to practice Present Simple.
1. Story Time: T invites Ss to form 4 groups and gives each group a set of picture cards illustrating daily
activities, a piece of string and some clothes pegs. T asks Ss to make up a story using as many cards as they
want. They have to hang the cards on the clothes line using the pegs.
2. Rehearsal: Ss perform task. They are encouraged to rehearse the story.
3. Performance: T invites each group to come to the front of the class and present their story. The rest of the
Ss listen to the story and mime the activities described.
4. Writing Contest – which group can write the most elaborate story using the cards?
5. Reward the best stories (correct grammar use and complexity of sentences).

6. Game – The Never-ending Day: Ss sit in a big circle. The first student says a sentence (e.g. I wake up.)
The second one adds a new sentence. (e.g. I get up.) The third one adds one more (e.g. I jump out of bed.)
and so on. The aim of the game is to make the day as long as possible and not go to bed. Lots of practice
provided for present simple, 1st person singular.

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