Esl Prin Tables 2015101764336532

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A. Read the text about Sarah and underline all the daily routine activities.

I wake up at eight o’clock but I get up at ten past eight. Later, I have breakfast. I have orange juice,
milk, and cereals or biscuits. Then, I brush my teeth and I get dressed at twenty five past eight. At five
to nine I go to school by car. I start my lessons at nine o’ clock. I have lunch in the school’s canteen at
half past one, and then I have more lessons. At four o’clock I go home. Later, I do my homework and I
have tea. On Wednesdays and on Fridays I go to basketball practice. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go
to the swimming pool. In the evening, I have a bath or a shower and I play with my sister. At nine
o’clock I have dinner, then I brush my teeth. Before going to the bed I put on my nightie. Then, I go to
bed and I fall asleep. At the weekend, I usually go to my granny´s house.

A 1. Match the pictures with the verbs.

1. wake up
2. get up
3. have breakfast
4. brush my teeth
5. get dressed
6. go to school
7. have lunch
8. do my homework
9. to to basketball classes
10. have a bath
11. have dinner
12. go to my bed

A 2. Answer the following questions about the text.

1. What time does Sarah get up?

2. What does she have for breakfast?
3. How does she go to school?
4. What does she do after she has breakfast?
5. What does she do before she goes to school?
6. Where does she have lunch?
7. How often does she go to basketball practice?

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