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Family Members Practice

Exercise 1. Unscramble the words.

1. ehfrta_____________________________ 9. gandetohrrm_______________________
2. mehtor____________________________ 10. scunoi___________________________
3. hobrrte____________________________ 11. pewneh__________________________
4. ons_______________________________ 12. fiew_____________________________
5. tuhgdaer__________________________ 13. dsbahun__________________________
6. rseits_____________________________ 14. dntgarfehra_______________________
7. nuecl_____________________________ 15. famiyl___________________________
8. tuan______________________________ 16. letrieva __________________________

Exercise 2. Choose the odd word

1. father, mother, sister, brother, cousin.

2. mother-in-law, father-in-law, stepfather, sister-in-law, son-in-law
3. aunt, daughter, husband, niece, sister
4. ex-husband, wife, partner, mother, girlfriend
5. cousin, relative, parent, son, child

Exercise 3. Find 12 family members

3 5 9 12

1 6
u h e
2 4 7

8 10
g r a n d p a r e n t s

l a y
e a r

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