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Scientists Write!

Week 2 (15 points)

#6. What did you expect/predict will be the answer to the key question? (3 points)
- I predicted that the graduated cylinder was going to the most correct glassware because
I believed that the lines on the outside would provide a more accurate reading of the
measurement than the volumetric pipette and beaker.
#9. Explain the evidence that leads to your claim. Here you will describe the important findings
that will lead you to your claim. (3 points)
- The experiment revealed a variety of measurements from the selected glassware. The
graduated cylinder had a measurement of 24.2mL, the beaker had a measurement of
22.2mL, and the volumetric pipette had a measurement of 24.9mL. From these
calculations, it is safe to assume that the volumetric pipette, 24.9mL, had the closest
measurement to the measured true value of 25mL volume of water.
#10 What claim can be made to answer the key question? This must be supported by your
evidence. It does not have to be the scientifically correct understanding but must be supported
by your data to get full points. (3 points)
- Based on my calculations, I concluded that the volumetric pipette was the most correct
glassware. Prior to measuring the mass, I filled the pipette with water to the 25mL line.
After measuring the mass of the water with and without the glassware on the scale, the
mass of only the water was 24.80g. The mass and the constant value for the density of
water, 997kg/m3, was used to find to the volume of the water. The volume of the water
measured by the volumetric pipette at the end of the experiment was 24.9mL, which
was the closest to the true value measurement of 25mL of water.
#11 Reflection: How have my ideas changed? Connect to your beginning ideas, experimental
evidence, and class discussion or reading to get full points. (3 points)
- My ideas of glassware have changed significantly because I initially thought that the
volumetric pipette would have varying results due to human error. However, after
completing the experiment, these ideas were wrong and proved to be the opposite. The
volumetric pipette gave the most correct reading of the initial 25mL volume of water at
24.9mL. During our class discussion, the instructor went over the concepts of accuracy
and precision. While I did not have enough time to complete more than one trial for the
volumetric pipette, I believe that my findings with the volumetric pipette would be
considered more accurate and precise than the findings from the beaker and graduated
#12 Writing: What is the best explanation that clarifies what was learned? This is a 2-3 sentence
summary of experimental concept. This part must include the scientifically correct information
(even if your individual experiment took a different turn). (3 points)
- In the laboratory, I learned that the volumetric pipette gave the most correct
measurement of the volume. The measurement of the volumetric pipette followed the
experimental concepts of accuracy and precision, as the 24.9mL measurement is almost
identical to the true value of 25mL. The volumetric pipette is also marked with TD which
signifies that all the liquid will be delivered out the tip by the force of gravity. In
addition, the volumetric pipette is considered the most accurate pipette due to its ability
to deliver volume to the ±0.1% uncertainty level.

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