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Sandiway Primary School Newsletter

Newsletter 3 Wednesday 22nd September 2021 Autumn Term 2021
What’s been happening around our school? relations with the
The children have been very busy in their classes over US in discussion at
the past few weeks. They have now settled into their the moment –
new routines with their teachers and are making good clearly an important
progress in their lessons. part of the
Reception have curriculum.
been getting used to Year 5 have been
their new play areas; finding out about
they have been where they live in
chasing Gingerbread the UK and some of
people around and the main features of our wonderful country. They have
learning all about also been working hard in their art lessons producing
the exciting story. some fabulous 3D drawing work using shading and
They have been busy vanishing points.
building up their strength with their hands and arms – Year 6 Have been learning about aspects of World War
getting ready for their writing. It has also been very 2 and how it changed our country – this includes
interesting seeing them get used to using scissors, so looking at some of the local issues. Year 6 are also
they can use their skills for building and modelling! getting used to the extra responsibilities that are given
Year 1 have been learning about the place where to them in
penguins live and what they need to take with them to their final
go on an adventure to see them. They have also been year,
enjoying their maths work. Year 1 are continuing to particularly
have some play-based activities to help with their move looking
from Reception. after their
Year 2 have really younger
enjoyed their story buddy.
about Trolls – writing It has also
some lovely follow up been lovely
work about their to share
characters. They are messages in our assemblies with the youngest children
also learning about with Reception and Year 1 now they are coming into
the Great Fire our whole school assemblies. Each week, we have a
of London in theme that runs through the whole school – it is
their history important that even our youngest children are part of
work – they this sharing.
listened really
well in a All children have begun their learning of reading – with
Zoom meeting younger children starting to work through the phonics
last week with programme to explore the sounds that letters make. As
the National Archives in London where they learned all children progress through the Infants and into the
about how the fire changed London all those years ago. Juniors, this moves towards spelling patterns. Older
Year 3 have particularly been enjoying their geography children will have some spellings to bring home and
lessons learning about different parts of the world and learn – these are often checked through tests, through
the impact their climate has upon them. In their art dictation exercises or through making sure these words
work, they are continuing an environmental theme by are accurate in written work. We would greatly
producing some lovely pieces of work made with appreciate your support with learning these at home,
rubbish. please.
Year 4 have been enjoying their geography lessons As I mentioned in a newsletter before the summer
thinking about North America – what it is like as a holidays, we are taking a renewed approach to reading
country, thinking about significant cities. With global through the school. All children are taught reading
through a variety of approaches – shared (whole class), website. We are looking to meet again once each half
guided (smaller groups) and individual support. Older term. If you are interested in joining or continuing to
children are not ‘heard to read’ in the same way as work with the partnership as a year group
younger children, but the end result is the same – we representative, please let Mrs Harvey know
want our children to be fluent, confident readers who ( ). We are looking
have a genuine passion for reading. We are making sure for one rep per year group. If there is more interest,
there is time to discuss reading with all our children the role of each year group rep will be shared. The
each week. meetings for this term are set for Tuesday 12th October
From this year, we are using new reading books and and Tuesday 7th December 2021 at 7:30 pm.
activities in class lessons – activities that are challenging
how the children think about what they are reading, at Leave during term time
the same time sparking a love of books and stories. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of
You may find, over the coming weeks, that some extra the procedures around taking children out of school
reading books that seem too ‘hard’ for your child may during term time. Generally, children should be in
come home – these books are for you to share with school each day during the term time – this is a legal
your children – maybe taking it in turns to read sections requirement. Term dates are published on the school
or talking about the stories or text. Shared reading website and reminders are given in the weekly
experiences in school also give children opportunities to newsletter.
explore books they may not have chosen. However, there are times when time off is needed –
Again, we would greatly value your support reading this is generally deemed to be ‘exceptional leave’ – an
with your children or talking about the reading we have example would be attending a funeral or wedding of a
done. It is such an important skill and passion – often family member. In such cases, I ask that parents
put in second or third place with other activities at complete a form which details the reason for taking
home, such as the pull of YouTube and gaming devices. children out of the school and the dates affected. As
Headteacher, I have the devolved responsibility to
Parents’ Evenings either ‘authorise’ the leave as exceptional or to make
We would like to meet with you later on this term as a the leave ‘unauthorised’. A holiday during term time is
way of updating you with the start your children have generally considered an ‘unauthorised’ absence. In
made in their new classes. Following feedback you have some cases, the Local Authority can issue a fixed
given me and in conversation with schools in our Trust penalty notice – this can be as much as £60 per parent
and Local Authority, this term we would like to offer per child. As always, please speak to me in confidence,
virtual meetings to have this conversation. At this stage, as each case is looked at separately.
there are still risks that may affect the continual
opening of school if there was an outbreak of COVID, Chris Priddey
hence using a virtual meeting format. However, I will
use the feedback in terms of how this was managed to
improve the experience for you and for the school staff.
Also following feedback, the meetings were too short.
Meetings will now be 10 minutes long (with a 2 minute
Events and Dates
gap between meetings for teachers to prepare for the 24 Sept Intra-schools football match
next meeting). The meetings will take place in the week 29 Sept PTA AGM at 7.30pm
before half term: Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st w/b 25 Sept ‘Bike to School’ week
October. I know that some parents may not find this 11 Oct Flu immunisations
12 Oct Parent Partnership Forum
ideal, but I need to go down a ‘protective route’ at this 20 Oct Parent’s Evening
stage to ensure minimal disruption to the school. I 21 Oct Parent’s Evening
really hope that the next time we offer meetings, they
22 Oct Half term holiday starts
will be face to face – there is nothing better than being 1 Nov INSET day for staff
in the same space when we speak. Please watch out for 2 Nov Children return to school
a letter about how to make appointments. 7 Dec Parent Partnership Forum
10 Dec Christmas fun day/Christmas lunch
17 Dec Break up for holiday
Parent Partnership
We are looking forward to continuing the positive work 4 Jan INSET day for staff
started by the Parent Partnership forum last academic 5 Jan Children return to school
15 Jan Closing date to apply for Rec place
year. If you would like more details about this group,
for Sept 2022
please see the Parent Partnership page of the school

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