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Actividad de proyecto 4

Learning Activity 12: Manage the inventory of materials, products and/or equipment according to
the organization policies.

Reading technical texts to pronounce vocabulary and language idioms

The language learning process for a tourist guide must involve a wide variety of linguistic elements
required for an effective communication with the customers. In the first levels of language learning,
the most challenging area is building a vocabulary that includes all the technical concepts and words
that are used on the everyday activities.
Understanding how to properly use an inventory is essential to develop the tour guiding labor, and to
manage the descriptions of the equipment in English will provide you security when you are
addressing to a foreign people. Another important element that makes a tour guide a good
professional is the proper us of phonetics, because this does not include a perfect pronunciation, but
a good understanding of the dialectal differences of foreign people and be able to talk in a certain way
that your clients understand your speech.
This evidence is intended to promote arise awareness toward the need of managing an inventory of
equipment in English. Also, it is necessary to practice pronunciation and read technical documents to
understand how to give directions, instructions and recommendations about equipment usage.
In order to complete the evidence, the apprentice must:
1. Read the learning material "Tour guiding resources” in order to have the necessary tools for the
elaboration of the evidence.

2. After analyzing the materials content, please read the next complementary materials infographic
charts designed to give the apprentice a clear view of some equipment for tour guiding. Please,
choose one of these materials and search the meaning of the unknown or new words on the
Internet. The materials are:

o Sleeping bag basics.

o Outdoor footwear basics.

o Ten essentials.

o Backpack basics.

o Outdoor clothing basics.

3. Read the material you selected on the previous step and record yourself.

Please, take into account the next topics for your reading:
 Punctuation marks.

o The intonation.

o The fluency.

4. Look the next picture. There you will find some camping equipment. Please, choose 10 items from
the picture and arrange them in the next table:

Fuente: Pinterest (s.f.)

Equipment inventory chart

Item Received (date) Location Owner Instructions
(good / bad)
GPS GOOD RECEIVED ON WAREHOUSE ECOVIAJES GPS:On your Android phone or tablet, open the
01/05/2021 Google Maps app. Search for a place or press it on
the map. At the bottom left, tap Directions.
RADIO GOOD RECEIVED ON WAREHOUSE ECOVIAJES RADIO: Check that the batteries are charged, check
30/04/2021 the channels, do not interrupt when speaking,
press the PTT (Push To Talk) button to speak.
Always keep it close.
BINOCULARS GOOD RECEIVED ON STORE ECOVIAJES Keep in a safe place, do not touch the lenses with
29/04/2021 your fingers, turn to adjust and focus the gaze.
COMPASS GOOD RECEIVED ON STORE ECOVIAJES We must keep the compass in front of us,
28/04/2021 horizontally, always on a balanced and flat surface.
Turn until the red tip of the arrow points to the N
of the compass book. It is then that the direction
arrow will point with great accuracy the
destination point

Pocket knife GOOD RECEIVED ON WAREHOUSE ECOVIAJES Pocket knife. It is a tool with many functions and
27/04/2021 should be used with caution since each function
must have its proper step-by-step protocol and its
possible uses.

Boots GOOD RECEIVED ON STORE ECOVIAJES wear technical socks to avoid chafing and
27/04/2021 petroleum jelly or dressings to prevent blisters. if
you have custom templates, don't forget them.
Put on comfortable shoes and let your boots air
out. massage the feet and legs to improve blood

water bottle GOOD RECEIVED ON WAREHOUSE ECOVIAJES Before use the bottle should be washed.
26/04/2021 proceed to fill with the liquid of your
preference and close very well ensuring
that there is no leakage of the liquid

Travel backpack GOOD RECEIVED ON STORE ECOVIAJES travel backpack. For its correct use, the heaviest
25/04/2021 thing should be packed at the bottom and the first
thing that is going to be used should be left at the
beginning of the backpack. We must check that
each zipper works. Remember to bring your
raincoat for the rainy season

Cooking pot GOOD RECEIVED ON WAREHOUSE ECOVIAJES cooking pot. It must be placed horizontally and
24/04/2021 filled halfway, to prevent it from pouring over the
fire when cooking and causing an accident.

Fuente: SENA
5. After reading the text and filling the previous chart, write a paragraph giving instructions to a
tourist of how to use the 10 selected equipment items. Please use the following grammar

o Present simple.

o Present progressive.

o Gerund.

o All the previous learning materials studied on this course.

6. Once you have written the text, please send the instructor the audio file with the reading of the
complementary material selected in the point 2 and the text file with the instructions paragraph for
a tourist about how to use 10 elements or equipment for the tour guiduing, through the virtual
learning platform.

Environment required: Virtual Learning Environment.

Materials: computer, internet, training material “Tour guiding resources”, complementary material
“Sleeping bag basics”, “Outdoor footwear basics”, “Ten essentials”, “Backpack basics”, “Outdoor
clothing basics”, glossary and SENA library.
Evidence 3: Audio “Reading technical texts to pronounce vocabulary and language idioms”.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the file is attached.

3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

4. Click Enviar.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the project guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and
deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

Pronuncia adecuadamente el vocabulario y modismos básicos del idioma.


Pinterest. (s.f.). Originals. Recuperado de

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