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CHERD-614; No.

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chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) xxx–xxx

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Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a

kinetic model for methanol to olefin process (MTO)

Niloufar Fatourehchi a , Morteza Sohrabi a,b,∗ , S. Javid Royaee a,c , S. Mahdi Mirarefin a
a Amirkabir University of Technology, Chemical Engineering Department, Tehran 15914, Iran
b The Academy of Sciences of Iran, Engineering Division, Tehran 19717, Iran
c Refining Technology Development Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, Iran

a b s t r a c t

Conversion of methanol to light olefins (MTO) using acidic SAPO-34 molecular-sieve as the reaction catalyst was
studied in a differential fixed bed reactor within the temperature range of 375–425 ◦ C and under 4 bar pressure.
The importance of MTO process is due to the increasing demand for light olefins in recent years. SAPO-34 was
synthesized by hydrothermal method, applying morpholine as the template. The latter compound was then changed
into protonated form by ion exchange method with ammonium chloride at 80 ◦ C. A simple stoichiometric scheme
has been presented for MTO. In addition a mechanism for this process based on Langmuir–Hinshelwood formulation
has been put forward and the kinetic parameters have been evaluated as functions of temperature.
© 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Methanol to olefin (MTO); SAPO-34; Catalytic reaction; Kinetic model

1. Introduction The production of light olefins from methanol was first

realized around 1977, during the development of Mobil’s
Methanol is a major chemical building block used to manufac- methanol to gasoline (MTG) process. In the MTG process,
ture formaldehyde, MTBE, acetic acid and a wide range of other where ZSM-5 is used as a catalyst, methanol is first dehydrated
chemical products. The reduction in MTBE demand, mainly to dimethylether (DME). The equilibrium mixture of methanol,
due to the decision taken by some of the states in the US and DME and water is then converted to light olefins. A final reac-
certain countries in the world to eliminate its use in the gaso- tion step leads to a mixture of higher olefins, n/iso-paraffins,
line, is causing some of the producers in the world to explore aromatics and naphthenes (Al Wahabi, 2003).
alternate applications for their existing methanol plants. One Methanol to olefin (MTO) process provides a conventional
such utilization is the conversion of methanol to olefins (MTO) method for production of ethylene and propylene. This pro-
(Al Wahabi, 2003). cess has some advantages over the current steam cracking of
Olefins can be produced using several processes and feed NGL, naphtha or other light fractions of petroleum, due to the
stocks. In every process a range of products and byproducts fact that MTO can provide a wider and more flexible range of
are formed. The percentage of the different output products ethylene to propylene ratio relative to those of conventional
depend on the process and the feedstock used. Currently, processes to meet market demand. In addition, methanol may
there are three main industrial methods for olefins forma- be produced from synthesis gas, that can be formed from any
tion, steam cracking of hydrocarbons (naphtha, ethane, gas oil source of carbon-containing materials such as coal, petroleum
and LPG), fluid catalytic cracking in oil refineries and paraffin residue, biomass and natural gas (Eng et al., 1998a,b; Vora et
dehydrogenation. In addition to these commercial processes, al., 1997).
there are some non-commercial technologies under various A number of molecular sieve catalysts have been exam-
phases of development such as oxidative coupling of methane ined for the MTO process. However, SAPO-34 was observed to
(OCM), oxidative dehydrogenation of paraffins and methanol be a more efficient catalyst in terms of activity and selectiv-
to olefins (MTO) process (Al Wahabi, 2003). ity for light olefins (Wilson and Barger, 1999). Several studies

Corresponding author at: Department of Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran 15914, Iran.
E-mail address: (M. Sohrabi).
Received 3 October 2009; Received in revised form 7 August 2010; Accepted 5 October 2010
0263-8762/$ – see front matter © 2010 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Fatourehchi, N., et al., Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a kinetic model for methanol to
olefin process (MTO). Chem Eng Res Des (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.10.007
CHERD-614; No. of Pages 6
2 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) xxx–xxx

(A) of the final mixture. The second step was to prepare part
Nomenclature (B) of the final mixture. Morpholine [99% C4 H9 O, Merck (Darm-
stadt, Germany)] was mixed with specified amount of fumed
E activation energy (J) silica [95% SiO2 , Alfa Aesar (Karlsruhe, Germany)]. The mix-
F0 molar rate of feed (mol/h) ture was stirred until a homogenous solution was formed.
kr kinetic parameter of dimethylether production Part B was then added to part A with stirring. The final mix-
(mol/g h) ture was further stirred for 2 h, resulting in a semi-transparent
ke kinetic parameter of ethylene production homogenous white gel. The final gel mixture having the pH 8
(mol/g h) was transferred into a high-pressure stainless steel autoclave.
kp kinetic parameter of propylene production The autoclave was sealed and maintained at 200 ◦ C for 48 h
(mol/g h) without stirring. The pressure inside the autoclave was equal
kparaffin kinetic parameter of paraffin production to the autogeneous pressure of water at 200 ◦ C. The autoclave
(mol/g h barn ) was slowly cooled down after 48 h. As-synthesized SAPO-34
k0 Arrhenius constant was recovered from the autoclave; washed three times with
Kd equilibrium constant of dimethylether produc- 200 ml distilled water; dried at 120 ◦ C for 24 h and calcined at
tion 600 ◦ C for 10 h. The product was then transformed into pro-
Km equilibrium constant of methanol production tonated form by ion exchange process with 2-M ammonium
Pw partial pressure of water (bar) chloride solution at 80 ◦ C. The synthesized catalyst dried at
Pmethanol partial pressure of methanol (bar) 120 ◦ C for 24 h and calcined at 500 ◦ C for 10 h.
n order of reaction
rdimethylether rate of dimethylether production (mol/g h) 2.3. Packed bed reactor
rEthylnene rate of ethylene production (mol/g h)
rPropylene rate of propylener production (mol/g h) A differential fixed bed reactor was applied to investigate the
rParaffin rate of paraffin production (mol/g h) kinetic of the reaction and to present a suitable rate model. The
U0 inlet gas velocity (m/s) reactor consisted of a 70 cm high cylindrical tube with 1.6 cm
Umf minimum fluidizing velocity (m/s) internal diameter. The depth of the catalyst bed in the reactor
Wcat weight of catalyst (g) was 1.5 cm. The heat transfer to the reactor was provided by
an electric jacket wrapped around the reactor. Reaction tem-
perature was controlled by a PID controller and measured by
on MTO process using chabazite and ZSM-5 have been also a thermocouple (PT100) housed in a thermo well located at
conducted. Single event kinetics was used to build a kinetic the center of the catalyst bed. The reactor’s pressure was reg-
model for MTO on ZSM-5. Since SAPO-34 seems to be a desir- ulated by a backpressure system. A schematic diagram of the
able catalyst for MTO, and this process has a great potential for experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 1.
commercialization, detailed research on the products change
with the reaction conditions applying SAPO-34 catalyst would 2.4. Feed
be important and beneficial (Wu et al., 2004).
In the present study, SAPO-34 has been synthesized and To increase the olefin’s selectivity and reduce the rate of cata-
the activity of the latter has been measured applying a differ- lyst’s deactivation, the feed was enriched with water vapor.
ential fixed bed reactor. In addition, a kinetic model has been Thus, a feed consisted of 50 mol% methanol and 50 mol%
proposed and the kinetic parameters have been evaluated. water was applied. Flow of liquid feed was controlled by a
dosing pump (Milton Roy model H94X (Ivyland, USA)).
2. Methods and materials
2.5. Analytical procedure
2.1. Materials
In all experimental runs, when steady state conditions were
The materials applied in this study were all analytical grades. established (usually after about 10 mean residence times) a
portion of the gas mixture leaving the reactor was conducted
2.2. Catalyst preparation to a GC apparatus connected on line to the reactor’s exit port.
Such a procedure was repeated at regular time intervals of
The catalyst was prepared according to the hydrothermal 7 min.
method outlined by Song (Song, 2001; Lok et al., 1984) and The GC analyzer (Agilent model 6890, (CA, USA)) was
Prakash and Unnikrishnan (1994) using aluminum isopropox- equipped with a 30 m capillary column made of silica with
ide, phosphoric acid, fumed silica and morpholine. The first polyamide coating, 0.53 mm internal diameter. Helium was
step was hydrolysis of isopropoxide. Specified amount of used as the carrier gas and thermal conductivity detector was
aluminum isopropoxide [98% Al(O-i-C3 H7 )3 , Alfa Aesar (Karl- applied. The column temperature was increased linearly from
sruhe, Germany)] was mixed with distilled water. The mixture 60 to 150 ◦ C with a rate of 30 ◦ C/min.
was heated to 80 ◦ C to accelerate the hydrolysis. The hydrol-
ysis was completed in 2 h with vigorous stirring, resulting in 3. Results and discussion
a homogeneous white gel. Isopropyl alcohol, the product of
the hydrolysis, was left in the gel without further treatment. 3.1. Catalyst synthesis
The second step was to mix phosphoric acid [85% H3 PO4 , Alfa
Aesar (Karlsruhe, Germany)] with the white gel. Phosphoric H-SAPO34 was synthesized according to Section 2.2 of the
acid was added drop wise to aluminum gel within 5 min with present paper. SEM image and XRD pattern of the catalyst are
stirring. The resulting white homogenous gel comprised part given in Figs. 2 and 3.

Please cite this article in press as: Fatourehchi, N., et al., Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a kinetic model for methanol to
olefin process (MTO). Chem Eng Res Des (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.10.007
CHERD-614; No. of Pages 6
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1 – Experimental set-up.

(b) The adsorbed molecules diffuse across the surface and

interact when they are close.
(c) A product molecule is formed and desorbs into the fluid

A schematic diagram of this mechanism is shown in Fig. 4.

According to such a mechanism, methanol molecules
adsorbed at the active site of the catalyst and diffused across
the surface, leading to formation of CH3 OH·S. Intermediate
CH3 OH·S was then interacted with another CH3 OH·S species
forming DME·S. Three different paths could be assumed for
decomposition of DME·S, i.e., DME·S could leave the active
Fig. 2 – SEM image of catalyst. site and forms dimethyl ether, or may either convert to ethy-
lene or reacts with another CH3 OH·S intermediate to produce
propylene. Thus, the mechanism may be presented as follows:
Prior to application, the catalyst was regenerated by
100 ml/min nitrogen gas in 500 ◦ C for 2 h. Flow of nitrogen km
CH3 OH + S  CH3 OH · S (1)
was controlled by a mass flow controller (MFC) (Brooks model km
5850E, USA).
3.2. Kinetic study 2CH3 OH · SCH3 OCH3 · S + H2 O + S (2)

In developing a mechanism for light olefins formation, a sim-

Dimethylether production:
ple stoichiometric relation was first presented for this process
as follows:

Higher olefins
Methanol Dimethylether (minute amounts)

Paraffin Propylene
It was further assumed that the reaction mechanism fol-
lows the Langmuir–Hinshelwood formulation.
The Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson (LHHW) CH3 OCH3 · S−→CH3 OCH3 + S (3)
mechanism is based upon the following assumptions:
Ethylene production:
(a) Reactants’ molecules adsorb onto the surface of the cata-
lyst. CH3 OCH3 · S−→C2 H4 + H2 O + S (4)

Please cite this article in press as: Fatourehchi, N., et al., Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a kinetic model for methanol to
olefin process (MTO). Chem Eng Res Des (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.10.007
CHERD-614; No. of Pages 6
4 chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3 – XRD pattern of catalyst.

Fig. 4 – Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism.

Propylene production: assuming a combination of different steps as the rate limiting

relations. The kinetic models deduced from such assumptions
kp all provided poor correlations with the experimental data and
CH3 OCH3 · S + CH3 OH · S−→C3 H6 + 2H2 O + 2S (5)
were thus discarded.

The following kinetic model was derived by taking relations

kr Kd Km
2 P2
(3)–(5) as the rate determining steps. These reactions were rdimethylether = (6)
selected after a number of unsuccessful attempts made by Pw (1 + Km Pmethanol + (Kd Km
2 P2 /P ))
methanol w

Table 1 – Kinetic data at different operating conditions.

Temperature Wcat /F0 PMethanol PDimethylether PEthane PEthylene PPropane PPropylene PWater
(◦ C) (g h/mol) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar)

375 2.531646 1.91095 0.009938 0.001473 0.011372 0.005877 0.013905 2.047521

3.375527 1.88575 0.011174 0.002216 0.015331 0.007749 0.019608 2.059071
5.063291 1.83887 0.012642 0.005673 0.022119 0.013345 0.028786 2.079408
6.751055 1.79102 0.014052 0.009037 0.031566 0.014945 0.036641 2.103402
8.438819 1.74814 0.015019 0.013638 0.035049 0.023098 0.046048 2.119609
10.12658 1.70306 0.015050 0.017290 0.041218 0.028234 0.055113 2.140771
400 2.531646 1.90852 0.009852 0.003265 0.011381 0.010256 0.011728 2.043763
3.375527 1.87855 0.011069 0.006417 0.017741 0.011569 0.017714 2.057639
5.063291 1.82771 0.012472 0.010151 0.025876 0.019882 0.026435 2.078024
6.751055 1.77315 0.013819 0.013282 0.037101 0.026015 0.033846 2.103788
8.438819 1.72727 0.014745 0.019169 0.041422 0.035386 0.041932 2.120970
10.12658 1.67528 0.014605 0.024854 0.048290 0.039526 0.052414 2.145870
425 2.531646 1.90059 0.009395 0.008054 0.016278 0.012082 0.009585 2.044520
3.375527 1.87089 0.009999 0.008654 0.021151 0.018325 0.014876 2.057207
5.063291 1.81211 0.011364 0.014621 0.029680 0.027385 0.024176 2.080817
6.751055 1.75732 0.012641 0.020339 0.042622 0.036035 0.030171 2.102169
8.438819 1.70816 0.014010 0.026990 0.048921 0.038950 0.039896 2.123770
10.12658 1.65798 0.014448 0.031675 0.055216 0.053347 0.046946 2.140423

Please cite this article in press as: Fatourehchi, N., et al., Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a kinetic model for methanol to
olefin process (MTO). Chem Eng Res Des (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.10.007
olefin process (MTO). Chem Eng Res Des (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.10.007
Please cite this article in press as: Fatourehchi, N., et al., Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a kinetic model for methanol to

No. of Pages 6
chemical engineering research and design x x x ( 2 0 1 0 ) xxx–xxx
Table 2 – Rate of consumption or production of reactants and products.

Temperature (◦ C)  (bar g h/mol) −rMethanol (mol/g h)

rDimethylether (mol/g h) rParaffin (mol/g h) rEthylene (mol/g h) rPropylene (mol/g h)

375 6 0.01448 0.00410 0.00190 0.002532 0.003032

7.5 0.01431 0.00400 0.00205 0.002531 0.003075
10 0.01400 0.00403 0.00230 0.002500 0.003090
12.5 0.01370 0.00402 0.00255 0.002431 0.003173
15 0.01350 0.00390 0.00280 0.002325 0.003200
17.5 0.01310 0.00388 0.00305 0.002181 0.003175
400 6 0.01590 0.00400 0.00282 0.002460 0.002620
7.5 0.01495 0.00410 0.00300 0.002520 0.002650
10 0.01420 0.00402 0.00330 0.002500 0.002700
12.5 0.01410 0.00406 0.00361 0.002301 0.002763
15 0.01440 0.00395 0.00390 0.002002 0.002801
17.5 0.01455 0.00382 0.00411 0.002101 0.002785
425 6 0.01531 0.00405 0.00402 0.003084 0.001988
7.5 0.01501 0.00401 0.00405 0.003113 0.001984
10 0.01430 0.00403 0.00410 0.003101 0.001981
12.5 0.013780 0.00397 0.00415 0.003001 0.001973
15 0.01350 0.00386 0.00420 0.002851 0.001968
17.5 0.01310 0.00371 0.00424 0.002810 0.001965

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Table 3 – Kinetic parameters at different temperatures.

Temp. (◦ C) Parameter

Km Kd kr (mol/g h) ke (mol/g h) kp (mol/g h) kParaffin (mol/g h barn ) n

375 2.22 4.683 0.00045 0.0028 0.0366 0.009268 0.342

400 1.187 3.757 0.00058 0.0035 0.0184 0.010023 0.31
425 0.898 2.601 0.00071 0.0054 0.013 0.004808 0.048

Table 4 – Values of k0 and E for dimethyl ether and 4. Conclusion

It was found that the two step hydrothermal synthesis of
Material k0 E (J)
H-SAPO34 is a convenient method by which such a com-
Dimethylether 0.266335 34295.25 pound may be formed. SAPO-34 was then protonated by
Ethylene 31.785175 50557.43 ion-exchange process into an active catalyst by which trans-
formation of methanol to light olefins was achieved. An
ke Km
2 P2
methanol appropriate kinetic model was presented and the kinetic
rEthylene = (7)
Pw (1 + Km Pmethanol + (Kd Km
2 P2 /P ))
methanol w
parameters were evaluated as functions of temperature using
a differential fixed bed reactor.
3 P3
kp Kd Km methanol
rPropylene = (8)
Pw (1 + Km Pmethanol + (Kd Km
2 P2 /P ))
2 References
methanol w

To simplify calculations, the rate of paraffin production was Al Wahabi, S.M., 2003. Conversion of methanol to light olefins on
considered as a power law relation: SAPO-34 kinetic modeling and reactor design. Ph.D. Thesis. A
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Eng, C.N., Arnold, E.C., Vora, B.V., 1998a. Integration of the
rParaffin = kParaffin PnParaffin (9) UOP/HYDRO MTO process into ethylene plants. In: Presented
at the AIChE Spring National Meeting, Session 16,
As it was mentioned in Section 2.3, a differential packed bed Fundamental Topics in Ethylene Production, Paper 16g, New
reactor (with 1.5 cm depth of catalyst bed) was used to inves- Orleans, Louisiana.
tigate the kinetic of the reaction. Synthesis of methanol was Eng, C.N., Arnold, E.C., Vora, B.V., Fuglerud, T., Kvisle, S., Nilsen,
H., 1998b. Natural gas utilization and UOP/HYDRO MTO
carried out at 4 bar pressure and 375, 400 and 425 ◦ C. The feed
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was avoided. Results obtained from the kinetic studies are Flanigen, E.M., 1984. U.S. Patent 4,440,871.
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The rates of formation or consumption of the materials silicon incorporation in the presence of morpholine as
template. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 90 (15), 2291–2296.
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Song, W., 2001. Fundamental studies of methanol to olefin (MTO)
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time. Rate data are presented in Table 2. Vora, B.V., Marker, T.L., Barger, P.T., Fullerton, H.E., Nilson, H.P.,
Values for kinetic parameters at various temperatures are Kvisle, S., Fuglerud, T., 1997. Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 107,
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than that of propylene formation Catal. A: Gen. 260, 63–69.
The temperature dependency of the kinetic parameters (kr ,
ke , kp ) was determined assuming the Arrhenius type relation.
These values are presented in Table 4.

Please cite this article in press as: Fatourehchi, N., et al., Preparation of SAPO-34 catalyst and presentation of a kinetic model for methanol to
olefin process (MTO). Chem Eng Res Des (2010), doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.10.007

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