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DBMS (Database Management Systems)

 It is a software that manages the databases

 Set of programs to access, modify and maintain the data

Database- It is a collection of related data

 The database is a single, large repository of data which is defined once and used
simultaneously by many departments and users.

 The database holds not only the organization’s operational data, but, in addition it
holds a description of data.

 Self describing collection of integrated records.

Data- raw facts

Information- processed data

Characteristics of data

1. Sufficient capacity- dbms primary function is to store large amounts of


2. Adequate security- data are valuable, it must be protected.

3. Multi-user environment- accessible to many users

4. Effectiveness- quick access

5. Scalability- flexible and easily adaptable

6. User friendliness- dbms are not just for programmers and technical people

Data must be easy to manipulate

Information System (IS)

 It refers to a system of people, data records and activities that process the data
and information in an organization, and it includes the organization’s manual and
automated processes.
 It refers to the specific application software that is used to store data records in a
computer system and automates some of the information processing activities of
the organization.

Information systems have a number of different areas of work.

1. Information Systems strategy

2. Information Systems Management

3. Information Systems Development

4. Information Systems Security

TYPES of Information Systems

1. Transaction Processing Systems

2. Management Information Systems

3. Decision Support Systems

4. Expert Systems

5. Office Automation

6. Business Intelligence

Functions of a DBMS

1. Data storage, retrieval and update

 A DBMS must furnish users with the ability to store, retrieve and update
data in the database.

 DBMS should hide the internal physical implementation details (such as

file structures) from the user.

2. A user-accessible catalog

 A DBMS must furnish a catalog in which descriptions of data items are

stored and which is accessible to users.
 The system catalog stores:

a. Names, types and sizes of data items

b. Relationship

3. Transaction Support

 A DBMS must furnish a mechanism which will ensure that either all the
updates corresponding to a given transaction are made or that none of
them are made.

4. Concurrency control Services

 A DBMS must furnish a mechanism to ensure that the database is

updated correctly when multiple users are updating the database

5. Recovery Services

 A DBMS furnish a mechanism for recovering the database in the event

that the database is damaged in any way.

6. Authorization Services

 A DBMS must furnish a mechanism to ensure that only authoring users

can access the database.

7. Support for data communication

 A DBMS must be capable of integrating with communication software.

8. Integrity services

 A DBMS must furnish a means to ensure that both the data in the
database and changes to the data follow certain rules.

9. Services to promote data independence

 A DBMS must include facilities to support the independence of programs

from the actual structure of the database.

10. Utility services

 A DBMS should provide a set of utility services.

a. Import facilities

b. Monitoring facilities

c. Statistical Analysis Programs

Features commonly offered by database management systems include;

1. Query ability- It is the process of requesting attribute information from various

perspectives and combination of factors.

2. Back up and Replication- copies of attributes need to be made regularly in case

primary disks or other equipment fails.

3. Rule Enforcement- often one wants to apply rules to attributes so that the
attributes are clean and reliable.

4. Security- It is desirable to limit who can see or change which attributes or group
of attributes.

5. Computation- there are common computations requested in attributes such as

counting, summing, averaging, sorting, grouping etc.

6. Changes and Access Logging- Logging services allow this by keeping a record of
access occurrences and changes.

7. Automated optimization- DBMS can adjust themselves to improve the speed of

those interactions.


1. Hardware- It can range from a single personal computer, to mainframe, to a

network of computers.

2. Software- The software component comprises the DBMS software itself and the
application programs, together with the operating system, including network
software if the DBMS is being used over a network.

3. Data- raw facts

4. Procedures- refer to the instructions and rules that govern the design and use of
the database.
These may consist of instructions on how to:

a. Use a particular DBMS facility or application program.

b. Start and stop the DBMS

c. Make backup copies or software failures

d. Handle hardware or software failures

5. People- manages the database.

Four Distinct Types of People that participate in the DBMS environment:

1. Data and Database Administrator- is responsible for the management of the

data resource including database planning, development and maintenance of
standards and procedures and conceptual/ logical database design.

2. Database Designer- is concerned with identifying the data, the relationships

between the data, and the constraints of the data to be stored.

3. Application Programmers- the application programs that provide the required

functionality for the end-users must be implemented.

4. End-users- these are the clients for the database

a. Naïve users- are typically unaware of the DBMS

b. Sophisticated users- is familiar with the structure of the database and the
facilities offered by the DBMS. Sophisticated end-users may use a high level
query language such as SQL to perform the required operations. Some
sophisticated end-users may even write application programs for their own

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