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-cell wall-

Cell wall is made up of cellulose and is found only in plant cell

It gives plant cell and support
It is a complex carbohydrate
It is Freely permeable
It protects the inner parts of the cell from outside

-cell membrane-
It is an outer protective cover around all cells
It is present in all cells
It is semi permeable- allows only some substance to go inside (like a filter)
It allows food, oxygen, nutrients to go inside and waste material outside
It is made up of lipid bi layer

Jelly like substance
Mainly water substances are present in cytoplasm
Also there are dissolved nutrients like amino acids
Different metabolic reactions take place here as they have a lot of enzymes present in it
All organelles get support due to cytoplasm

Contains cell sap= water+dissolved nutrients
Thin layer of membrane around the vacuole is tonoplast
In animal cells they have very small membrane bound vesicles
They may contain food,enzyme,proteins,waste materials, which helps to remove the
substance outside of cells
Instead of larger vacuole we have tiny vacuoles called vesicles
In plants a large vacuole

Cell membrane pt 2
Some cells exist to do compartmentalization, it allows cells to concentrate reactants and
enzymes in one area.
They also allow chemicals that might be harmful to the cell to be confined to an area.


They are specialized organelles found in algae and plants that capture energy through
Disc shape
Double membrane organelle
The matrix of the chloroplast is called stroma
Stroma contains enzymes

Directs all cell activities
Contains instructions for the cell
Stores genetic information called DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
Double membrane bound organelle
Contains chromosomes- in which genes are present
It has a nuclear membrane called nuclear envelope
The nuclear membrane has pores
The cytoplasm of the nucleus is called nucleoplasm
Nucleolus produces RNA

Chromatin Chromosomes

Thin thread like fibres which contain DNA Thick and short, condensed form of DNA
which are seen only during cell division

They are small structure made up of 2 small parts
They are made up of rRNA and proteins
ribosomes exist in eukaryotic cells as well as prokaryotic cells
Protein synthesizing machine
Ribosomes may wander freely within the cytoplasm or attached to the endoplasmic
reticulum, sometimes abbreviated as ER.

endoplasmic reticulum
rough ER: has ribosomes attached to it.
smooth ER: doesn't have ribosomes attached to it.

The endoplasmic reticulum:

is a membrane enclosed passageway for transporting materials such as the proteins
synthesized by ribosomes.
It also helps in synthesizing fats and transporting proteins

Reticulum means network of tubes

The rough membrane is located away from nucleus near the cell membrane

Golgi apparatus
At the end of the endoplasmic reticulum
It is a membrane bound structure
consists of flattened membrane sacs
the Golgi apparatus, sometimes called the Golgi body : Proteins and other materials emerge
from the endoplasmic reticulum in small vesicles
where the Golgi apparatus, sometimes called the Golgi body receives them. As proteins
move through the Golgi body they're customized into forms that the cell can use.

The Golgi body does this by folding the proteins into usable shapes. or adding other
materials on to them such as lipids or carbohydrates

The mitochondrion : is an organelle that is the powerhouse for both

It is a double membrane structure

animal and plant cells. During a process called cellular respiration the mitochondria make
ATP molecules that provide the energy for all the cells activities.

Cells that need more energy have more mitochondria

Atp is produced on the the cristae
On the inner membrane are present apt synthesis enzymes while aerobic respiration
There are important enzymes that break down glucose in the presence of oxygen and for
They have their own DNA

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