Rectilinear Motion: Variable Acceleration

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Rectilinear Motion (Question Bank)

Variable Acceleration
Q.1 The motion of a particle is defined by the relation x=t2-(t-3)3 where x and t expressed in
meters and seconds, respectively. Determine (a) when the acceleration is zero, (b) the
position and velocity of the particle at that time.

Q.2 The motion of the slider A is defined by the relation x=50sin(k 1t-k2t2), where x and t are
expressed in millimeters and seconds, respectively. The constants k 1 and k2 are known to
be 1 rad/s and 0.5 rad/s2, respectively. Consider the range 0<t<2s and determine the
position and acceleration of slider A when v=0.

Q.3 The acceleration of a particle is defined by the relation a=3e-0.2t,where a and t are
expressed in m/s2 and seconds, respectively. Knowing that x=0 and v=0at t=0, determine
the velocity and position of the particle when t=0.5s.

Uniform Acceleration
Q.4 The minivan is tested for acceleration and breaking. In the street-start acceleration test, the
elapsed time is 8.2 s for a velocity increases from 10km/h to 100km/h. in the breaking
test, the distance travelled is 44m during breaking to stop from 100km/h. assuming
constant value s of acceleration and deceleration, determine (a) the acceleration during
the street-start test ,(b) the deceleration during breaking test.

Q.5 An airplane begins its take-off run at A with zero velocity and a constant acceleration a.
knowing that it becomes airborne 30s later at B and that the distance AB is 823m,
determine (a)the acceleration at A,(b)the takeoff velocity vb.
Q.6 A sprinter in a 400-m race accelerates uniformly for the first 130m and then runs with a
constant velocity. If the sprinter’s time for the first 130m is 25 s, determine (a)his
acceleration,(b)his final velocity,(c)his time for the race.

Q.7 Automobile A and B are travelling in adjacent highway lanes and at t=0 have the position
and speed as shown in fig. knowing that automobile A has a constant acceleration of
0.6m/s2 and that of B has a constant deceleration of 0.4m/s 2,determine (a)when and where
A will overtake B,(b) the speed of each automobile at that time.

Q.8 In a close harness race , horse 2 passes horse 1at point A, where the two velocities are
v2=6.4m/s and v1=6.2m/s. horse 1 later passes horse 2 at point B and goes on to win the
race at point C,366m from A. the elapsed times from A to C for horse 1and horse 2 are
t1=61.5 s and t2= 62 s , respectively. Assuming uniform acceleration for both the horse
between A and C, determine (a) the distance from A to B,(b)the position of horse 1
relative to horse 2 when horse 1 reaches the finish line C.

Gravitational Acceleration
Q.9 A parachutist is in free fall at a rate of 54.8 m/s when he opens his parachute at an altitude
of 579m. Following a rapid and constant deceleration, he then descends at a constant rate
of 13.4 m/s from 549m to 30.5m, where he maneuvers the parachute into the wind to
further slow his decent. Knowing that the parachutist lands with a negligible downward
velocity, Determine (a)the time required for the parachutist to lands after opening his
parachute, (b) the initial deceleration.

Q.10 An elevator starts from rest and moves upward, accelerating at a rate of 1.2m/s 2 until it
reaches a speed of 7.3m/s, which it then maintains. Two seconds after the elevator begins
to move, a man standing 12.2 m above the initial position of the top of the elevator
throws a ball upward with an initial velocity of 19.5 m/s. Determine when the ball hit the

Motion Diagram
Q.11 A particles moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration of -2m/s2 for 6s, zero
acceleration for the next 4s, and a constant acceleration of +2m/s2 for the next 4s.
knowing that the particles starts from the origin and that its velocity is -4m/s during the
zero acceleration time in travel,(a)construct the v-t and x-t curves for 0≤t≤14s,
(b)determine the position and the velocity of the particle and the total distance travelled
when t=14s.
Q.12 A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration of -2m/s2 for 6s, zero
acceleration for the next 4s, and a constant acceleration of +2m/s2 for the next 4s.
knowing that the particle starts from origin with v0=8m/s,(a)construct the v-t and x-t
curves for 0≤t≤14s,(b)the values of t for which the particle is at distance of 33m from the

Q.13 A particle moves in a straight line with the velocity shoen in the fig. knowing that x=-
14.6m at t=0, draw the a-t and x-t curves for 0<t<40s and determine,(a) the maximum
value of the position co-ordinate of the particle,(b) the values of t for which the particle is
at a distance of 33m from the origin.

Dependent Motion
Q.14 Block A moves down with a constant velocity of 1m/s. Determine (a) the velocity of block
C,(b) the velocity of collar B relative to black A,(c)the relative velocity of portion D of the
cable with respect to block A.
Q.15 At the instant shown, slider block B is moving to the right with a constant acceleration,
and its speed is 15.2cm/s. Knowing that after slider block A has moved 25.4 cm to the
right its velocity is 6cm/s, Determine (a)the acceleration of A and B, (b) the accelaration
of portion D of the cable,(c) the velocity and the change in position of slider block B after

Q.16 The system shown starts from rest, and each component moves with a constant acceleration
if the relative acceleration of block C with respect to collar B is 120mm/s 2 upward and the
rel;ative acceleration of block D with repect to block A is 220mm/s 2 downward, Determine
(a) the velocity of block C after 6s, (b) the change in position of block D after 10s.

Relative Motion
Q.17 At an intersection, car A is travelling south with a velocity of 40km/h when it is struck by
car B travelling 30° north of east with a velocity of 48km/h. Determine the relative velocity
of car B with respect to car A.
Q.18 The velocities of commuter trains A and B as shown in fig. knowing that the speed of each
train is constant and that B reaches the crossing 10min after A passed trough the same
crossing, Determine (a) the relative velocity of B with respect to A,(b) the distance between
the fronts of engines 3 min after A passed trough the crossing.

Q.19 Airplane A and B are flying at the same altitude and are tracking the eye of hurricane C. the
relative velocity of C with respect to A is V C/A= 470km/h 75° in third quadrant , and the
relative velocity of C with respect to B is V C/B =520km/h 40° in third quadrant. Determine
(a) the relative velocity of B with respect to A, (b) the velocity of A if ground- based radar
indicates that the hurricane is moving at a speed of 48km/h due north, (c) the change in
position of C with respect to B during a 15 min interval.

Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

Q. 1.When two cars C and D stops on two-lane Bridge, the forces exerted by their tires on the
bridge are as shown. Determine the total reactions at A and B when (a) a=2.9m, (b) a=8.1m.
Q.2. Three loads are applied as shown to a light beam supported by cables attached at B and D.
Neglecting the self weight of a beam, determine the range of values Q for which neither
cable become slack when P=0 ( B&J 4.10)

Q.3 Three loads are applied as shown to a light beam supported by cables attached at B and D.
Knowing that the maximum allowable tension in each cable is 12 KN and Neglecting the
self weight of a beam, determine the range of values Q for which the loading is safe when
P= 5 kN.( B&J 4.11)

Q.4 A beam ABCD having self weight 2 KN/m is subjected to additional load as shown in fig.
Find the support reaction at B and C.

Q.5 Determine the reactions at support. Refer Fig.

Q.6. For given loading of the beam AB, determine the range of values of mass of the crate for
which the system will be in equilibrium knowing that the maximum allowable value of the
reactions at each support is 2.5 kN and that the reaction at E must be directed downward.
(B&J 4.14)

Q.7 Knowing that α =500 and that boom AC exerts on the pin C a force directed along line AC,
determine (a) the magnitude of that force, (b) the tension in cable BC. (B&J 4.43)

Q.8 Two cables are tied together at C and are loaded as shown. Determine the tension (a) in (B
Q.9. An irregularly shaped machine component is held in the position shown by three clamps.
Knowing that FA=940N, determine the magnitude of the forces FB and FC exerted by the
two other clamps. (B&J 4.45)

Q.10 Two cables tied together at C are loaded as shown. Knowing that Maximum allowable
tension in each cable is 900 N Determine (1) the magnitude of largest force P which may
be applied at C (2) the corresponding value of α.

Q.11 Transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts
at B, C, and D. if the tension in wire AB is 3.6kN, Determine the vertical force P exerted
by the tower on the pin at A. (B&J 2.107)
Q.12 Transmission tower is held by three guy wires attached to a pin at A and anchored by bolts
at B, C, and D. if the tension in wire AC is 2.6kN, Determine the vertical force P exerted
by the tower on the pin at A. (B&J 2.108)

Q.13 A container is supported by three cables that are attached to a ceiling. Determine the
weight W of the container knowing that the tension in cable AB is 6 kN. (B&J 2,101)

Q.14 A container is supported by three cables that are attached to a ceiling. Determine the
weight W of the container knowing that the tension in cable AD is 4.3 kN. (B&J 2.102)

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