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Lucia came to my house every morning when we were children. I remember that in
1990 we both played in the street from morning until the sun went down.

However, after a few years, Lucia stopped coming to play. Of course, time passed and
we were no longer 10 years old ... She and I were already turning 15 by the spring of
1995. It was logical that she no longer came to play as we did before. However, she
didn't visit me either.

On Christmas 1995 she didn't even call me on the phone. Apparently my friend Lucia
was dating a very handsome boy.

The years passed and I regretted the distance from her but other friends came into my

However, something was going to happen: on June 17, 2000, at 2:35 p.m., Lucia came
to my house like in the old days, except that, this time, she was heartbroken since her
mother was about to to pass away.

At that moment all my pain and anguish was gone so I could contain her pain. The
distance from her no longer mattered during these years.

Her mother suffered agony for almost 4 months and on October 1, 2000, she died of a
devastating cancer.

Lucia's pain was immense but she was contained and accompanied by all her loved

Today, 15 years later, after that event, I can say that Lucia and I are still close friends
like when she came to play in the afternoons in 1990.


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