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Series Pipeline Systems

10.1  For a 12-in-diameter concrete pipe 12 000 ft long, find the diameter
diameter of a 1000-ft-long equivalent pipe.

f Assume a flow rate of 3.0 cfs. (The result should be the same regardless of the flow rate assumed.) From Fig.
A-13, with D  = 12 in and Q  = 3.0ft3/s, ft, = 0.0052 ft/ft. Therefore, h f   =  (0.0052)(12 000) = 62.40 ft. For a
1000-ft-long equivalent
equivalent pipe with the same head loss, ft, = 62.40/1000 = 0.06240 ft/ft. From Fig. A-13,A -13, with
ft, = 0.06240 ft/ft and Q  = 3.0 ft /s, D  = 7.3 in.

10.2  A 480-ft-long, 18-in-diameter concrete pipe and a 590-ft-long, 12-in-diameter concrete pipe are connected in
series. Find the length of an equivalent pipe of 10 in diameter.

f Assume a flow rate of 5 cfs through the two given pipes. For the 18-in-diameter pipe, from Fig. A-13,
ft, = 0.00180 ft/ft. For the 12-in-diameter pipe, ft, = 0.0137 ft/ft. The total head loss for both pipes is
h f  = (0.00180)(480) + (0.0137)(590) = 8.947 ft. For a 10-in-diam
10 -in-diameter
eter pipe with Q  = 5.0 cfs, from Fig. A-13,
ft, = 0.032 ft/ft. Since the equivalent pipe must have the same head loss as that of the system it replaces (i.e.,
8.947 ft), the required length of a 10-in-diameter equivalent pipe can now be determined by 0.032L = 8.947,
 L  = 280 ft. Note that the required length of pipe can be determined in a single computation as follows:
 L  = (0.00180)(480)/
0.032 + (0.0137)(590)/0.032 = 280 ft.

10.3  A 225-m-long, 300-mm-diameter concrete pipe and a 400-m-long, 500-mm-diameter concrete pipe are
connected in series. Find the diameter of a 625-m-long equivalent pipe.

f Assume a flow rate of 0.1 m3/s. For the 300-mm-diameter pipe, from Fig. A-14, ft, = 0.0074 m/m. For the
500-mm-diameter pipe, ft, = 0.00064 m/m. The total head loss for both pipes is h f  = (0.0074)(225) +
(0.00064)(400) = 1.921 m. For a 625-m-long equivalent pipe with this head loss, ft, = 1.921/625 = 0.00307 m/m.
From Fig. A-14, D  = 360 mm.

10.4  Water flows at a rate of 0.020 m3/s from reservoir  A   to reservoir  B   through three concrete pipes connected in
series, as shown in Fig. 10-1. Find the difference in water-surface elevations in the reservoirs. Neglect minor
 I  P  A
 A I Y + V A l l g + z A
  = p B l y + v % / 2 g + z B    + h L  0 + 0 + 2/4 = 0 + 0 + 2fl + ftf . h L   = h f   = z   AA - z  B

With Q  = 0.020 m3/s and D  = 160 mm, from Fig. A-14, ft, = 0.0082 m/m. With Q  = 0.020 m3/s and D  =
200 mm, ft, = 0.0028 m/m. With Q  = 0.020 m3/s and D =  180 mm, ft, = 0.0046 m/m.  H = h f   =  (0.0082)(1000) +
(0.0028)(1600) + (0.0046) (850) = 16.59 m.


270 0  CHAPTER

10.5 Compute the flow rate of water through the three concrete pipes connected
connected in series as shown in Fig. 10-2 by
the equivalent length method.
I h f   = z   AA   — 
 —    z   BB   = 20 ft/ft. Assume Q  = 1 cfs. From Fig. A-13, (A,)12 _  jn = 0.00067 ft/ft; = 0.0016 ft/ft;
(A,) .i„ = 0.00475 ft/ft.

Consider a 10-in-diameter equivalent pipe:  L e   =   120 + (0.00475)(150)/0.0016 + (0.00067)(100)/0.0016 = 607 ft.

With D  = 10 in and h t   = ^ =  0.0329 ft/ft, from Fig. A-13, Q  = 5.1 cfs.

Fig. 10-2

10.6 Solve Prob. 10.5 by the equivalent diameter method.

I Using values obtained from Prob. 10.5, h f  = (0.00067)(100) + (0.00475)(150) + (0.0016)(120) = 0.972 ft.
With Q  = 1 cfs and h x  = 0.972/(100 +150 + 120) = 0.00263 ft/ft, D  = 8.9 in. With  D  = 8.9 in and h x  = =
0.0541 ft/ft, Q  = 5.1 cfs.

10.7 Two concrete pipes are connected in series. The flow rate of water through the pipes is 0.14 m 3/s with a total
friction loss of 14.10 m for both pipes. Each pipe has a length of 300 m. If one pipe has a diameter of 300 mm,
what is the diameter of the other one? Neglect minor losses.
f For first pipe: With Q =  0.14 m3/s and D  = 300 mm, h x  = 0.014 m/m. h f  = (0.014)(300) = 4.20 m.
For second pipe: h f  = 14.10 - 4.20 = 9.90 m, A, = 9.90/300 = 0.033 m/m. With Q =  0.14 m3/s and =
0.033 m/m, D  = 250 mm.

10.8 Three concrete pipes are connected in series, as shown in Fig. 10-3. Determine the length of an 8-in-diameter
equivalent pipe.
f Assume Q  = 1 cfs. ( h x ) s _ i n  = 0.00475 ft/ft; ( h X in = 0.0195 ft/ft; (ftOio-u, = 0.0016 ft/ft; L e  = 1200 +
(0.0195)(1000)/0.00475 + (0.0016)(2000)/0.00475
(0.0016)(2000)/0.00475 = 5979 ft.

1200 ft, 8-in diameter 1000 ft, 6-in diamete

diameterr 2000 ft, 10-in diameter

*   +  

4200 ft -
Fig. 10-3

10.9  For the three pipes in Fig. 10-3, determine the diameter of a 4200-ft-long equivalent pipe.

ff Using values obtained from Prob.

P rob. 10.8, for a 4200-ft-long equivalent pipe, h f  = (0.00475)(1200) +
(0.0195)(1000) + (0.0016)(2000) = 28.4 ft, h t  = 28.4/4200 = 0.00676 ft/ft. With Q  = 1 cfs and ft, = 0.00676 ft/ft,
 D  = 7.5 in.


10.10  For three pipes in series, the total pressure drop is  P  A ~ P  B =  150 000 Pa, and the elevation drop is
 —    z   BB   =  5 m. The pipe data are
 z   AA   — 

pipe  L ,  m  d,  cm  e,  mm  e/d  

1 100 8 0.24 0.003
2 150 6 0.12 0.002
3 80 4 0.20 0.005

The fluid is water, p = 1000 kg/m3, and v = 1.02 x 10 6 m2/s. Calculate the flow rate in cubic meters per hour
through the system. Neglect minor losses.

f The total head loss in the system is h L  = ( p A   —   —    p B ) / p g  + (  Z  A  —   B )  = 150 000/[(1000)(9.807)]
 —   z 
z  B 000/[(1000)(9.807)] + 5 = 20.30 m =
h f  = ( f ) ( L / d ) ( v  / 2 g ) .  From the continuity relation, «2 = ( d j d  2 ) ( v l  )  = (l) («i) = 1.778«!, v 3   =  (</1/cf 3)2(v1) =
2 2 2

(!)2(wi) = 4.000«i, and

~ { V v [ d d 2 ) ( N R ) l ~
 (St)(AfR)l =  (4.000«i)(4)
(NR)3 =
(2.000)(ATr )),,


20.30 = (63.73/! + 402.9/ 2 + 1631/3)(«,)2 

From Fig. A-5 from the fully rough regime, estimate /, = 0.0262,  f 2  = 0.0234, and / 3 = 0.0304.

20.35 = [(63.73)(0.0262) + (402.9)(0.0234) + (1631)(0.0304)](« «, = 0.5791 m/s N  R
 R   = d v / v  

(A*)i = (TSO)(0.5791)/(1.02 x 10~6) = 4.54 X 10 4

( N rr  )  2  = (1.333)(4.54 x 1(T4) = 6.05 X 10 4  ( N   RR ) 3  = (2.000)(4.54 x 1(T4) = 9.08 x 10 4 
From Fig. A-5, / = 0.0288,  f 2  = 0.0260, and/ 3 = 0.0314. 20.35 = [(63.73)(0.0288) + (402.9)(0.0260) +
(1631)(0.0314)](«!)2, «! = 0.5660 m/s; Q = A v =  [(jr)(T{b)2/4](0.5660) = 0.002845 m3/s, or 10.2 m3/h. An
additional iteration
iteration (not shown) gives essentially the same result.

10.11  For a head loss of 5.0 ft/1000 ft, and using C = 120 for all pipes, how many 8
-in pipes are equivalent to a 16-in
 pipe? To a 24-in pipe?

f From Fig. A-13, for h 3   =  5.0/1000, or 0.005, and d  = 8 in, Q =  1.0 cfs. For d  = 16 in, Q  = 6.6 cfs. For
d  = 24 in, Q  = 17 cfs. Thus it would take 6.6/1.0, or 6.6 eight-in pipes to be hydraulically
hydraulically equivalent to a 16-in

 pipe of the same relative

relative roughness.
roughness. Likewise,
Likewise, 17/1.0, or 17 eight-in pipes
pipes are equivalent
equivalent to a 24-in pipe for a
head loss of 5.0 ft/1000 ft, or for any other head loss condition.

10.12  A series piping system consists of 6000 ft of 20-in new cast iron pipe, 4000 ft of 16-in, and 2000 ft of 12-in pipe.
Convert the system to an equivalent length of 16-in pipe.

f Assume a value of Q  of 3.8 cfs. For new cast iron, C =  130. In order to use Fig. A-13, change £>I30 to Q l 2 0 -
G120 = (ii)(3.8) = 3.5 cfs. From Fig. A-13, (/J,)I = 0.00064 ft/ft, ( h x ) 2  = 0.00187 ft/ft, and { h ^  = 0.0070 ft/ft.
h L  = (0.00064)(6000) + (0.00187)(4000) + (0.0070)(2000) = 25.32 ft. The equivalent 16-in pipe must carry 3.8 cfs
with a head loss of 25.32 ft (C = 130). Hence, 25.32 j L e  = 0.00187, L e  = 13 540 ft.

10.13  Convert the system of Prob. 10.12 to an equivalent size pipe 12 000 ft long.

f The 12 000 ft of pipe, C = 130, must carry 3.8 cfs with a head loss of 25.32 ft. Hence, h x  = 25.32/12 000 =
0.00211. From Fig. A-13, using Q  = 3.5 cfs, d  = 15.5 in.

10.14  Suppose in Fig. 10-4 pipes 1, 2, and 3 are 300 m of 30-cm-diameter,

30-cm-diameter, 150 m of 20-cm-diam
20 -cm-diameter,
eter, and 250 m of
25-cm-diameter, respectively, of new cast iron and are conveying water at 15 °C. If h =  10 m, find the rate of
flow from A  to B  by the equivalent velocity method. Neglect minor losses.

I (e/dX = 0.00026/(i&) = 0.000867 ( e / d ) 2   =  0.00026/(^) = 0.00130 (e/d)3 = 0.00026/(^) = 0.00104


272 a CHAPTER 10

From Fig. A-5, assume/, = 0.019, f 2  = 0.021, and/3 = 0.020. h f  = ( f ) ( L / d ) ( v 2 / 2 g )  = 10 =
0.019[300/(i& )]{v?/[(2)(9.807)]}
7)]} + 0.021[150/(^)]{v?/[(2)(9.807)
]} + 0.020[250/(^)]{ul/[(2)(9.807)
2 2
10 = 0.9687v? + 0.8030v? + 1.020v|. From the continuity relation, v 2  = (d,/d2) (v,) = (i§) (v,) = 2.250v,,
2 2
Vi  = (d,/d3) (v,) = (S) (v,) = 1.440v„ and  

<**>> - sw - rsrv- -  

(1.020)(1.440v,)2 v, = 1.183 m/s  N  R = d v / v

10 = 0.9687v? + (0.8030)(2.250v, )2 + (1.020)(1.440v,)
(i&)(1.183)/(1.16 x 10~ 6) = 3.06 x 10s 
( N r  )  , = (i&)(1.183)/(1.16 5 5
 R ) 2  « (1.500)(3.06 x 10 ) = 4.59 x 10  
( N  R
(N  R )i = (1.200)(3.06 X 105) = 3.67 X 105
From Fig. A-5, /, = 0.021,  f 2  = 0.021, and/3 = 0.020.
h f  = 10 = 0.021[300/(i&)]{v?/[(2)(9.8
0.021[300/(i&)]{v?/[(2)(9.807)]} 0.021[150/(^)]{v2/[(2)(9.807)
07)]} + 0.021[150/(^)]{v ]} + 0.020[250/(^)]{u2/[(2)(9.807)]}
10 = 1.071i/? + 0.8030v| + 1.020v? = 1.071v? + (0.8030)(2.250v,) 2 + (1.020)(1.440v,
v, = 1.174 m/s Q = A v  = [(JT)(IS>)74](1. 174) = 0.0830 m3/s

 ___ Fig. 10-4

10.15 Solve Prob. 10.14 by the equivalent length method,

f Using data from Prob. 10.14 and choosing a 30-cm
30 -cm pipe as the standard,
( L (150)(0.021/0.020)(i)5 = 1196 m of 30-cm pipe
 L e ) 2  = (150)(0.021/0.020)(i)
(Lr  )i = (250)(0.020/0.020)(i)5 = 622 m of 30-cm pipe
30 -cm pipe h  = 10 = 0.020[2118/(^)]{v2/[(2)(9.807)]}
(Lt)total = 300 + 1196 + 622 = 2118 m of 30-cm
v  = 1.179 m/s Q  = [(>r)(t&)2/4](l. 179) = 0.0833 m 3/s
10.16 In Fig. 10-4 pipes 1,2, and 3 are 500 ft of 3.068-in, 200 ft of 2.067-in, and 400 ft of 2.469-in wrought iron pipe.

Given a head loss of 19.5 ft from A  to B ,  find the flow of water at 60 °F.
I (e/d), = 0.00015/(3.068/12)
0.00015/(3.068/12) = 0.000587 (e/d)2 = 0.00015/(2.067/12)
0.00015/(2.067/12) = 0.000871
( e / d ) i  = 0.00015/(2.469/1
2) = 0.000729
From Fig. A-5, assume/, = 0.0172, f 2  = 0.0190, and/3 = 0.0181.
h f = ( f ) ( L l d ) ( v 2 / 2 g )  = 19.5 = 0.0172[500/(3.068/12)]{v?/[(2)(
32.2)]} + 0.0190[200/(2.067/12)]{v|
+ 0.0181(400/(2.469/12)] { v?/[(2)(32.2)]}
19.5 = 0.5223v? + 0.3426v? + 0.5464v|

From the continuity relation, v 2 = (d,/d2)2(v,) = (3.068/2.067)2(v,) = 2.203v,, v3 = (d,/d3)2(v,) =
(3.068/2.469)2(v,) = 1.544v„ and 
( N r  ) 2   = ](Nr ),
), = (1.484)(1Vr )),,
( N  R ) 3 —   (v,)(3.068) ](AT„), = (1.243)(A«,  

20 = 0.5223v? + (0.3426)(2.203v,)2 + (0.5464)(1.544v,)

(0.5464)(1.544v,)2 v, = 2.365 ft/s
 N   RR  = d v / v ( N  rr  )  ,  = (3.068/12)(2.365)/(1.21 X 10~5) = 5.00 x 104
4 4
 R ) 2  = (1.484)(5.00 X 10 ) = 7.42 X 10  
( N  R ( N   RR ) 3  = (1.243)(5.00 x 104) = 6.22 x 104 


From Fig. A-5, /, = 0.0228, / = 0.0225, and f 3  = 0.0225.

h f  = 19.5 = 0.0228[500/(3.068/12)]
0.0228[500/(3.068/12)] {u?/[(2)(32.2)]} + 0.0225[200/(2.067/12)]{
0.0225[200/(2.067/12)]{ vl/[(2)(32.2)]}
+ 0.0225[400/(2.469/12){«?/
19.5  = 0.6924u? + 0.4057«? + 0.6792«! = 0.6924«? + (0.4057)(2.203«,) 2 + (0.6792)(1.544«,)2  «, = 2.134 ft/s
Q = A v  = [(jr)(3.068/12)2/4](2.134) = 0.110 ft3/s

An additional iteration (not shown) produces an insignificant

insignificant difference.

10.17 Suppose that 100 ft of 1-in ( e  = 0.000005 ft) pipe and 500 ft of 6-in ( e  = 0.0008 ft) pipe are connected in series.
For a total head loss of 24 ft, find the flow of water at 60 °F.
I ( e / d ) ,  = 0.000005/(£) = 0.0000600 ( e / d ) 2  = 0.0008/(£) = 0.00160

From Fig. A-5, assume / = 0.0110-and/ 2 = 0.0215.

h f  = ( f ) ( L / d ) ( v 2 / 2 g )  = 25 = 0.0110[100/(tW)]

0.0110[100/(tW)] {«?/[(2)(32.2)]} + 0.0215[500/(£)]{«?/[(2)(32.
25 = 0.2050«?+ 0.3339«?
From the continuity relation, «2 = ( d , / d  2 ) 2 ( v , )  = (g)2(«,) = 0.02778«, and

^v2d. (N„)i = (0.1667)(AWi  

( N r  ) 2   £)«■>■-[(0.02778«,)(6)
24 = 0.2050«?+ (0.3339)(0.02778«,) «, = 11.04 ft/s N  R
 R   = d v / v  

(AW, = (£)(11.04)/(1.21 x 10“ 5) = 7.60 x 104  ( N   RR ) 2  = (0.1667)(7.60 x 104) = 1.27 X 104 
From Fig. A-5, / = 0.0195 and f 2  = 0.032.
h f  = 24 = 0.0195[100/(n)){«?/[(2)(32.2)]}
0.0195[100/(n)){«?/[(2)(32.2)]} + 0.032[500/(£)]{«?/[(2)(32.2)]}
24 = 0.3634«? + 0.4969«! = 0.3634«? + (0.4969)(0.02778«,)2  «, = 8.122 ft/s
(AW, = (A)(8.122)/(1.21 x 10“ 5) = 5.59 x 104  ( N   RR ) 2  = (0.1667)(5.59 X 104) = 9.32 X 103 

From Fig. A-5,/, = 0.0203 and/ 2 = 0.033.

h f  = 24 = 0.0203[100/(J2)]{«?/[(2)(32.
2)]} + 0.033[500/(^)]{«?/[(2)(32.2)]}
24 = 0.3783«? + 0.5124«? = 0.3783«? + (0.5124)(0.02778«,)2  «, = 7.961 ft/s
Q = A v  = [(Jr)(n)2/4](7.961) = 0.0434 ft 3/s

An additional iteration (not shown) produces an insignificant

insignificant difference.

10.18 Repeat Prob. 10.16 for the case where the fluid has s.g. = 0.9 and n  = 0.0008 lb • s/ft2,
f First apply h f  = ( f ) ( L / d ) ( v 2 / 2 g ) ,  using values from Prob. 10.16 and assuming/ = 0.03 for all pipes.
19.5  = 0.03[500/(3.068/12)]{«?/[(2)(32.
2)]} + 0.03[200/(2.067/12)]{«?/[(2)(32.2)
+ 0.03[400/(2.469/12)] { v?/[(2)(32.
= 0.9110«? + 0.5409«? + 0.9056«?
= 0.9110«? + (0.5409)(2.203«,) 2 + (0.9056)(1.544«,)2
«, = 1.850 ft/s  N   RR  = p d v / n ( N r  ) ,  = [(0.9)(1.94)](3.0
/0.0008 = 1032
C N rr  )  2  = (1.484)(1046) = 1532  R ) 3  = (1.243)(1046) = 1283
( N  R

Therefore, the flow is laminar and h ,  = ( 3 2 ) ( p / y ) ( L / d  2 ) ( v ) .  

32(0.0008/[(0.9)(62.4)]} [500/(3.068/12)2](«,)
19.5  = 32(0.0008/[(0.9)(62.4)]}
+ 32(0.0008/[(0.9) (62.4)]} [200/(2.067/12)2](2.203«,)
+ 32{0.0008/[(0.9)(62.4)]}[400/(2.469/12)2](1.544«,)
2 3
«, = 1.074 ft/s Q = A v  = [( JT)(3.068/12) /4] (1.074) = 0.0551 ft /s
One end of a 150-m-long,
150 -m-long, 300-mm-diameter
300-mm-diameter pipe is submerged in a reservoir; the other end abuts on a
90-m-long, 200-mm-diameter pipe at a point 30 m below the reservoir surface. Water discharges freely ( K  = 1.0)

274 a CHAPTER 10

Determine the pressure heads just above and just below the junction, i f f  = 0.04, K =  0.8 for the entrance, and
 K =  0.24 for the contraction-bend
contraction-bend at the junction.
I  P i / Y + V 2 J
 Pi  J22 g  + z, = p 2 / Y  + v \ j 2 g + z  2   + h L   (1 ) 
h j = ( f ) ( L / d ) ( v 2 / 2 g )  = 0.04[150/0.300
0.04[150/0.300]] {«?/[(2)(9.807)]} + 0.04[90/0.200] («?/[(2)(9.807)
]} = 1.020«? + 0.9177«?
h m   = ( K ) ( v 2 l 2 g )  = 0.8{«?/[(2)(9.807)]}
0.8{«?/[(2)(9.807)]} + 0.24{u?/[(2)(9.807)]} = 0.04079«? + 0.01224«!
h L   = h f   + h m   = (1.020«! + 0.9177«!) + (0.04079«? + 0.01224«!) = 1.061«? + 0.9299«?
 A s v s   = A 2 V 2  [(jr)(0.300)2/4](w,) = [(jr)(0.200)2/4](u2) v ,  = 0.4444«2

h L  = (1.061)(0.444
4«2)2 + 0.9299«? = 1.139«? 0 + 0 + 45 = 0 + «?/[(2)(9.807)] + 0 + 1.139«?
u2 = 6.149 m/s u, = (0.4444)(6.149) = 2.733 m/s Q = A 2 v 2   = [(*)(0.200)2/4](6.149) = 0.193 m3/s 
 Now apply Eq.
Eq. (1) between
between the water
water level at intake and a point just
just above the junction. 0 + 0 + 30 =
 p2/y + 2.733 /[(2)(9.807)] + 0 + (1.020«? + 0.04079«?), 30 = p 2/y + 0.3808 + (1.020 + 0.04079)(2.7332), p2/y =

21.70 m. Finally apply Eq. (1) between the water level at intake and a point just below the junction.
0 + 0 + 30 = p2/y + 6.1492/[(2)(9.807)] + 0 + (1.020«? + 0.04079«? + 0.01224«?), 30 = p 2/y + 1.928 + [(1.020 +
0.04079)(2.7332) + (0.01224)(6.149
(0.01224)(6.1492)], p2/y = 19.69 m.

10.20 Repeat Prob. 10.19 neglecting minor losses.

I  P  J Y  + «?/2g + z   xx   = p 2 / Y  + u?/2g + z 2   + h L   (1 )  
h L   = h f + h m   h m = 0
Using data from Prob. 10.19, h f  = 1.020«? + 0.9177«?, h L  = (1.020)(0.4444«2)2 + 0.9177«? = 1.119«?, 0 + 0 +
45 = 0 + «?/[(2)(9.807)] + 0 + 1.119«?, «2 = 6.202 m/s, «, = (0.4444)(6.202) = 2.756 m/s; Q  = A 2 v 2  =
[(JT)(0.200)2/4](6.202) = 0.195 m3/s. For the pressure head just above the junction, 0 + 0 + 30 = p 2/y +
2.7562/[(2)(9.807)] + 0+ 1.020«?, 30 =p2/y + 0.3873 + (1.020)(2.756 2), p 2 l y = 21.87 m. For the pressure head
 just below the junction, 0 + 0 + 30 = p2/y + 6.2022/[(2)(9.807)] + 0 + 1.020«?, 30 = p 2/y + 1.961 +
(1.020)(2.7562), p2/y = 20.29 m.

10.21 Three new cast iron pipes, having diameters of 30 in, 24 in, and 18 in, respectively,
respectively, each 500 ft long, are
connected in series. The 30-in pipe leads from a reservoir (flush entrance),
entrance), and the 18-in pipe discharges
discharges into the
air at a point 11.5 ft below the water surface in the reservoir. Assuming all changes
changes in section to be abrupt, find
the rate of discharge of water at 60 °F.

I  p,/y + «?/2g + z1=p2/y + «?/2g + z2 + /ii. h L   = h f   + h m   h f   = ( f ) ( L l d ) ( v 2 / 2 g )

Assume / = 0.016 for each pipe. u2 = velocity for 18-in pipe, velocity for 24-in pipe = (H)>2>=0.5625«
velocity for 30-in pipe = (M) ^) = 0.3600«2.

h f = 0.016[500/(f§)] {(0.3600«2)2/ [(2)(32.2)]} + 0.016[500/(?})]{(0.562

+ 0.016[500/(}§)]{«?/[(2)(32.2)]}
0.016[500/(}§)]{«?/[(2)(32.2)]} = 0.1089«?
 —    ( K ) ( v 2 / 2 g )
h m   — 
For entrance, take K =  0.5 (Fig. A-7). For sudden contractions, with with d / D  = |g, or 0.80,  K  =
 = 0.15 and with
d / D  = i, or 0.75,  K  = 0.18 (Fig. A-9). For exit, K  = 1.0 (Fig. A-7).

h m   =  (0.5)(0.3600«2)2 + (0.15)(0.5625«2)2 + 0.18«? = 0.2923«? h L  = 0.1089«? + 0.2923«? = 0.4012«?

0 + 0+ 11.5 = 0 + «?/[(2)(32.2)]
«?/[(2)(32.2)] + 0 + 0.4012«? «2 = 5.253 ft/s  N   RR   = d v / v  
( N r  ) = T§[(0.3600)(5.253)]/(1.21 X 10“5) = 3.91 x 105 (AR ) = T|[(0.5625)(5.253)]/(1.21 X 10“5) = 4.88 x 10 s
(iV«)l8-i„ = (T§)(5.253)/(1.21 x 10-5) = 6.51 x 10 5  ( e / d ) ^  =
 = 0.00085/(i) = 0.000340
(e/<024-i„ = 0.00085/(?|) = 0.000425 ( e / d ) l H  _ , n  = 0.00085/(H) = 0.000567
From Fig. A-5, / = 0.0168, / = 0.0172, and / 18 _ iinn = 0.0176.
2 2
 f  2 2
h   =  0.0168[500/(i)]{(0.3600«
0.0168[500/(i)]{(0.3600« ) /[(2)(32.2)]} + 0.0172[500/(H)]{(0.5625«
0.0172[500/(H)]{(0.5625« ) /[(2)(32.2)]}
+ 0.0176[500/(H)](w?/[(2)(32.2)]}
0.0176[500/(H)](w?/[(2)(32.2)]} = 0.1190«?
h L   =  0.1190«? + 0.2923«? = 0.4113«? 0 + 0 + 11.5 = 0 + «?/[(2)(32.2)]
«?/[(2)(32.2)] + 0 + 0.4113«? «2 = 5.191 ft/s
significant change in « 2. Q = A v  = [(jr)(]f)2/4](5.191) = 9.17 ft3/s.
An additional iteration (not shown) gives no significant



10.22 In Fig. 10-5,  K r  = 0.5, L, = 300 m,  D x  = 600 mm, e x   = 2  mm, L 2  = 240 m,  D 2  = 1 m, e 2  = 0.3 mm,
v = 3 x 10-6 m2/s, and H =  6 m. Determine the discharge through the system.

I  + z, = p 2 / y + v l / 2 g + z 2   + h L   h L   = h  f  + h m . h f   = ( f ) ( L / d ) ( v 2 / 2 g )

 p x / y  + v \ / 2 g  +

Assume/j = 0.026 and/2 = 0.015. v 2  = [($gj)/l] 2(u,) = 0.3600^, h f  = 0.026[300/(^)]{u?/[(2)(9.807)

]} +
(0.015)(240/1){(0.3600D1) /[(2)(9.807)]} = 0.6866uf.
For entrance: h m   = ( K ) ( v 2 / 2 g )  = 0.5{u2/[(2)(9.807)
]} = 0.02549u,.
For exit: h m  = 1.0{u2/[(2)(9.807)]} = 0.05098u| = (0.05098)(0.3600u
(0.05098)(0.3600u1)2 = 0.006607u2.
For sudden contraction:

h m  = (lit - v 2 ) 2 / 2 g  = (u, - 0.3600uj)2/[(2)(9.807)]

= 0.02088u2(/«m)totai = 0.02549u2 + 0.006607u2 + 0.02088u? = 0.05298u?

h L   —  0.6866uf + 0.05298u? = 0.7396w? 0 + 0 + 6 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0.7396^ u, =2.848 m/s
v 2   =  (0.3600)(2.848) = 1.025 m/s
R  = d v / v ( N R  ) X  = flgft)(2.848)/(3 x 10“6) = 5.70 x 10 5 
 N   R 6 5
 R ) 2  = (l)(1.025)/(3 x UT ) = 3.42 x 10  
( N  R
{ e l d ) , = ^o = 0.00333 ( e / d ) 2  = (0.3/1000)/1 = 0.000300
From Fig. A-5, f   xx   =  0.0265 and f 2   =  0.0168.
h f  =0.0265[300/®)]{u?/[(2)(9.
=0.0265[300/®)]{u?/[(2)(9.807)]} (0.0168)(240/l){(0.3600u1)2/[(2)(9.807)]} = 0.7022u2
807)]} + (0.0168)(240/l){(0.3600u
h L  = 0.7022uf + 0.05298u? = 0.7552u? 0 + 0 + 6 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0.7552u? u, =2.819 m/s

significant change in v x . Q = A v  = [(w)(^)2/4](2.819) =

An additional iteration (not shown) gives no significant
0.797 m /s. ' '^
ii ^ n

Fig. 10-5
10^3 Solve Prob. 10.22 by means of equivalent pipes.

f Expressing the minor losses in terms of equivalent lengths gives for pipe 1:  K t   =  0.5 + [1 - ( i«>o)2]2 = 0.9096,
 Djj f   xx  = (0.9096)(^55B)/0.026 = 20.99 m; and for pipe 2: K 2  = 1.0, { L e ) 2  = K 2 D 2 / f 2  = (1.0)(1)/0.015 =
(Le)t = K   xx D
66.67 m, The values o f f   xx  and f 2  are selected for the fully turbulent range as an approximation. The problem
is now reduced to 300 + 20.99, or 320.99 m of 600-mm pipe and 240 + 66.67, or 306.67 m of 1-m p pipe.
Expressing the 1-m pipe in terms of an equivalent length of 600-m pipe, L e  = (/2//1)(L2)(D1/D2)  =
(0.015/0.026)(306.67)[Lnjgg)/l]5  = 13.76 m. By adding to the 600-mm pipe, the problem is reduced to finding the
discharge through 320.99 + 13.76, or 334.75 m of 600-mm pipe, e, = 2 mm,  H =  6 m: h f  = ( f ) ( L/ ( v 2 / 2 g ) ,  
L / D ) (v
6 = (/)[334.75/(IRBS)]{ v 2 / [(2)(9.807)]},
[(2)(9.807)]}, v  = 0.4593/Vf. Try / = 0.026: v  = 0.4593/VO056 = 2.848 m/s,  N   RR   =
 D v / v  = (^)(2.848)/(3 x 10~6) = 5.70 x lO5, From Fig. A-5, with N  R
 Dv 5
 R  = 5.70 x 10  and e / D  = 0.00333,
6 5
/ = 0.0265. Try/ = 0.0265: v =  0.4593/VfX0265 = 2.821 m/s,  N  R  = (TSB)(2.821)/(3 X lO" ) = 5.64 x 10 ,
/ = 0.0265 (O.K.); Q = A v =  [(JT)(®2/4](2.821) = 0.798 m3/s.

10.24  Two reservoirs are connected by three clean cast iron pipes in series: L, = 300 m,  D x  = 200 mm; L 2  = 400 m,
 D 2  = 300 mm; L %  = 1200 m, D, = 450 mm. If the flow is 360 m 3/h of water at 20 °C, determine the difference
difference in
elevation of the reservoirs.

I v = Q / A v x  = (360/3600)/[(^r)(0.200)2/4] = 3.183 m/s


u2 = (360/3600)/[(n:)(0.300)2/4] = 1.415 m/s v 3  = (360/3600)/[(jr)(0.450)2/4] = 0.6288 m/s

 N   RR  = D
 Dvv / v  (A/R )1 = (0.200)(3.183)/(1.02xl0 _6) = 6.24xia‘i
( N r  ) 2  = (0.300)(1.415)/(1.02 x 10 6) = 4.16 x 105  ( N   RR ) 3  = (0.450)(0.6288)/(1.02 x 10 6) = 2.77 x 105 
( e / D ) x  = 0.00026/0.200 = 0.00130 { e / D ) 2   =  0.0026/0.300 = 0.000867
(e/D)3 = 0.00026/0.450 = 0.000578
From Fig. A-5,/; = 0.0215,  f 2  = 0.020, and/3 = 0.0185.  H = h f   = { f ) { L / D ) ( v 2 / 2 g )  =
0.0215[300/0.200] {3.1832/[(2)(9.807)
/[(2)(9.807)]}]} + 0.020[400/0.300]{1.415
0.020[400/0.300]{1.4152/[(2)(9.807)]} +
0.0185[1200/0 .450] (0.6288 /[(2)(9.807)
]} = 20.37 m.

276 D CHAPTER 10

10.25  Solve Prob. 10.24 by the method of equivalent lengths,

f Express pipes 2 and 3 in terms of pipe 1:
 Le = (/2//,)(L2)(D,/D2)5 
(0.020/0.0215)(400)(!i)5 = 49.00 m (L,)3 = (0.0185/0.0215)(1200)(|g
( L e ) 2   =  (0.020/0.0215)(400)(!i) (0.0185/0.0215)(1200)(|g))5 = 17.91 m
(Le)total = 300 + 49.00 + 17.91 = 366.9 m
 f ) ( L / D ) ( v 2 / 2 g ) =  0.0215[366.9/
 H = h f   =  ( f 0.200] {3.1832/[(2)(9.807)
0.0215[366.9/0.200] /[(2)(9.807)]}
]} = 20.37 m

10.26  Air at atmospheric pressure and 60 °F is carried through two horizontal pipes (e = 0.06 in) in series. The
upstream pipe is 360 ft of 24 in diameter, and the downstream pipe is 120 ft of 36 in diameter. Estimate
Estimate the
equivalent length of 18-in (e = 0.003 in) pipe. Neglect minor losses.

# e / D ,  = 0.06/24 = 0.0025 e / D 2  = 0.06/36 = 0.00167

From Fig. A-5, assuming high Reynolds numbers, /, = 0.025 and/ 2 = 0.022.
 L e  = (0.025//3)(360)(i)5 + (0.022//3)(120)(H)5 = 2.218 // 3
e3/D3 = 0.003/18 = 0.000167 /3 = 0.013 L e  = 2.218/0.013 = 171 ft

10.27  What pressure drop is required for flow of 6000 ft 3/min in Prob. 10.26? Include losses due to sudden expansion.
I h L   = h f   + h m   h f  = ( f ) { L / D ) ( y 2 / 2 g )

From Prob. 10.26, e/D, = 0.0025, e/D 2 = 0.00167.

= Q / A i  = (^)/[(>r)(?i)2/4] = 31.83 ft/s u2 = Q [ A 2  = (^)/[(*)(?§)2/4] = 14.15 ft/s
 D v / v  (N„), = (fi)(31-83)/(l.58 x 10“4) = 4.03 x 105 
 N   RR  = Dv 5
 R ) 2  = (f§)(14.15)/(1.58 x 10- “) = 2.69 X 10  
( N  R
From Fig. A-5, /, = 0.025 and f 2  = 0.022.
h f  = 0.025[360/(f|)]{31.832/[(2)(32.2)]} + 0.022[120/(ff)] {14.152/[(2)(32.2)]} = 73.53 ft
h m  = (n, - v 2 ) 2 l l g  = (31.83 - 14.15)2/[(2)(32.2)
/[(2)(32.2)]] = 4.85 m /t,. = 73.53 + 4.85 = 78.38 ft
 A p = y h y = p / R T
(14.7)(144)/[(53.3)(460 + 60)] = 0.07637 lb/ft3 
 y  = (14.7)(144)/[(53.3)(460 A p  = (0.07637)(78.38) = 5.99 lb/ft2 

10.28  Two pipes, D, = 3 in, L, = 300 ft, and  D 2  = 2 in,  L 2  = 180 ft, are joined in series with a total pressure drop of
3 lb/in2. What is the flow rate of syrup (p = 1.78 slugs/ft3, p  = 0.00606 lb • s/ft 2) at 20 °C?

I h f  = Ap/y = A p / p g  = (3)(144)/[(1.78)(32.2)] = 7.537 ft

Assume laminar flow

128pLQ 7  (128)(0.00606)(300)(G)
(128)(0.00606)(300)(G) (128)(0.00606)(180)(Q)
G=0.00564 ft3/s
' ~ npgD* ~  (?r)(1.78)(32. 2)(n)  (TT)(1.78)(32.2)(^)4 
Computation of N   RR  (not shown) indicates the flow is indeed laminar.

10.29  Convert the piping system shown in Fig. 10-6 to an equivalent lengt
h of 6-in
6 -in pipe.
I  P  A / Y  + V 2 A / 2 g + z   AA = p M l y  + V 2 J 2 g + z „ + h L   h L   = h , + h m  
 f ) ( L / d ) ( V 2 / 2 g ) = 0.025[150/(i§)] { Vf 2/[(2) (32.2)]} + 0.020[100/(&)]{V?/[(2)(32.2)]}
h f  = ( f 0.020[100/(&)]{V?/[(2)(32.2)]}
= 0.05823F22 + 0.06211 Vi
h m  = ( K ) ( V  2 / 2 g )  = [8.0 + (2)(0.5) + 0.7 + 1.0]{V 22/[(2)(32.2)]}
+ [0.7 + 6.0 + (2)(0.5) + 3.0 + 1.0] {1^1/[(2) (32.2)]}

= 0.1661V ,2 + 0.18171^6

h L  = 0.05823V ,2 + 0.06211Vl + 0.1661Vf 2 + 0.1817Vi = 0.2243V?, + 0.2438V!
0- t- 0+ /t =0 + 0 + 0 + 0.2
3V??2 + 0.2438V! V12 = (^)2(V6) = 0.2500V6 
h  = (0.2243) (0.2500I4)2 + 0.2438V! = 0.2578V!
For a 6-in
6 -in equivalent pipe, h =  0.020[L,/(^)]{V!/[(2)(32.2)
]} = 0.0006211L.V!, 0.2578V! = 0.0006211L.V!,
 L. = 415 ft.


Factors  K  

Strainer  B   = 8.0 
12" Bends C , F  (each) = 0.5 
12" Tee  D -  0.7
12" Valve E =  1.0
12" x 6" Cross G  ( x V l / 2 g ) =  0.7
6" Meter// = 6.0 
6" Bends  J , K  (each) = 0.5 
6" Valve  L   = 3.0 

10 JO For the compound piping system described in Prob. 10.12, what flow will be produced for a total head loss of
70.0 ft?
f From Prob. 10.12,13 540 ft of 16-in pipe is equivalent to the compound syste
m. For a head loss of 70.0 ft,
hi  = 70.0/13 540 = 0.00517. From Fig. A-13, Q  = 6.3 cfs. This is for C = 120. For new cast iron pipe (C = 130),
Q  = (i§B)(6.3) = 6.8 cfs.

10.31 For the system shown in Fig. 10-7, when the flow from reservoir A  to main D  is 3.25 mgd, the pressure at D  is
20.0 psi. The flow to D  must be increased to4.25 mgd with the pressure at 40.0 psi. What size pipe, 5000 ft long,
should be laid from B  to C (shown dashed) parallel to the existing 12-in pipe to accomplish this?

f The elevation of reservoir  A  can be determined as follows: Q = (3.25 x 106)/[(7.48)(86 400)] = 5.03 cfs.
From Fig. A-13, (hi)u,  = 0.0038 ft/ft, (/i,)12 = 0.0150 ft/ft. These values of h,  are for C = 120; they must be
adjusted for C = 100:
= ($0(0.0038) = 0.0046 ft/ft (/i,)i2 = (»(0.0150) = 0.018 ft/ft
(/^ = (0.0046X8000) = 36.8 ft {h f  ) l2  = (0.018)(5000) = 90.0 ft (h f \ ol M  =
 = 36.8 + 90.0 = 126.8 ft
The hydraulic grade line drops 126.8 ft to an elevation of 46.2ft above  D  (the equivalent of 20.0 psi). Thus
reservoir A  is 126.8 + 46.2, or 173.0 ft above point  D.  For a pressure of 40.0 psi, the elevation of the hydraulic
grade line at  D  will be 92.4 ft above  D,  or the available head for the flow of 4.25 mgd will be 173.0  —  92.4,  92.4, or
80.6  ft. In the 16-in pipe with Q  = 4.25 mgd, or 6.58 cfs, (/i,) 16 = 0.0062 ft/ft for C = 120.
For C   =
= 100: (h  )
t  16  = ($0(0.0062) = 0.0074ft/ft, (h f 
 ) 16  = (0.0074)(8000) = 59.2 ft, (h f  ) Bt oC  =  80.6 - 59.2 =
21.4 ft.
For the existing 12-in pipe: (fii)12 = 21.4/5000 = 0.0043 ft/ft, Q 12  -  2.7 cfs for C = 120.
For C = 100, Q 12 = (T5§)(2.7) = 2.3 cfs. The flow in the new pipe must be 6.58 - 2.3, or 4.28 cfs with an available
head (drop in the hydraulic grade line) of 21.4ft from  B  to C. h t  = 21.4/5000 = 0.0043 ft/ft. From Fig. A-13,
D = 14 in, approximately.

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