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The Purpose of Program Evaluation

The goal of program evaluation is to ensure that there is a high level of responsibility
both horizontally and vertically. An organization, in particular, must be held accountable
for its activities in accordance with its mission and objectives. On the outside, this is
made up of four primary components: openness, rationale, compliance, and
enforcement. Internal responsibility is also important for maximizing efficiency while
carrying out organizational tasks. As a result, having the appropriate framework is
critical for a successful review process.

First and foremost, evaluation will aid in the creation of clarity and a fact-based
foundation for communicating the charity organization's story. Subjective stories have
their place, but they don't have the same level of credibility as evaluation when it comes
to proving the organization's significance to the community.
Second, NGOs must answer to the general public. Demands for more data and open
communication — organizational transparency – will continue to rise in the information
Finally, key stakeholders must be assured that the business is adhering to its objective
by implementing meaningful programs that are backed up by strong management
practices. The program evaluation could help determine impact and outcomes; this can
encourage program change and program development. Nonprofits have to collaborate
with key stakeholders constantly to also to uphold certain trust and justification. As you
mentioned, having the right framework and process is key for an evaluation.

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