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The Accreditation of all Indonesian Pediatrics Teaching Institutions

Dody Firmanda
Sofyan Ismael

Accreditation Committee
Indonesian Collegium of Pediatrics

Pressures for change and factors supporting internationalization of pediatrics medical
education come from different directions. Elements of proper accreditation in higher
education include foundation on a clear, authoritative mandate, independence of
governments and education providers, transparency, use of predefined general and
specific criteria, use of external review and procedures based on self-evaluation and site
visits, authoritative decisions, and publication of the final report and decision.

Objective: to evaluate on site visit to all pediatrics teaching institutions as an

accreditation process of recognition by Indonesian Collegium of Pediatrics (KIKA).

Methods: a descriptive study of on-site visitation to all pediatrics teaching institution as a

national accreditation process which is conducted from February to March 2011.

Thirteen of 14 institutes are accredited by trained surveyors from KIKA. There are three
institutes achieved grade A, three Bs, seven Cs and none in remedial position. The overall
means is 129 of 180 (71.7 %) and 95% confidence interval from 120 to 138 (66.7 to 76.7
%). Means and 95% confidence interval achievement of each standard are 4.0 (3.0 to 4.0)
of maximum 5 for Standard One, 24.0 (23.0 to 26.0) of 30 for Standard Two, 24.0 (21.0
to 26.0) of 40 for Standard Three, 9.0 (8.0 to 9.0) of 10 for Standard Four, 8.0 (7.0 to 8.0)
of 10 for Standard Five, 30.0 (27.0 to 32.0) of 40 for Standard Six, 10.0 (8.0 to 12.0) of
15 for Standard Seven, 14.0 (13.0 to 15.0) of 20 for Standard Eight and 7.0 (6.0 to 8.0) of
10 for Standard Nine.

1. All thirteen pediatrics teaching institutes are accredited by Indonesian Collegiate
of Pediatrics (KIKA)
2. All pediatrics teaching institutes should maintain and improve their quality
standards as part of continuous quality improvement program
3. Three pediatrics teaching institute are eligible for benchmarking to regional level
of pediatrics teaching centers and encourage them to become World Class
Pediatrics Training Institute.

Keywords: accreditation, pediatrics teaching institutions

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