Secret Life of Bees Chapter 2-5 Comprehension Check

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SECRET LIFE OF BEES CHAPTER 2-5 Comprehension Check

Chapter 2
1. What does T. Ray tell Lily about her mother? (39) How do you think she feels?T. Ray sits
Lily down to talk about how her mother died. Lily’s mother was accidentally killed by Lily
as a child, which exists as a heavy burden that T. Ray and Lily share between them. She felt
concerned enough for Lily’s well-being to prevent her from being hurt by rumors. “Not
funny?” he yelled.
2. Why does Lily say “I was thinking how much older fourteen had made me. In the space of
a few hours I’d become forty years old” (43). What occurred to make her feel this way?
What makes children grow up too fast?Lily had a hard childhood which forced her to grow
up fast. I think when children go through tragedies at a young age they are more aware.
Having more knowledge and life experiences helps mature children into adults. Since Lily
did not have a mother figure in her life she was forced to take care of her own needs. She
had to be her own adult which is difficult for children. Once Lily puts her foot down she
moves away and looks for a happier lifestyle.

3. Monk Kidd describes the Sylvan Memorial Hospital with a list of smells (45). How can
smell characterize a place?Monk Kidd describes Sylvan Memorial Hospital with smells of
old people, alcohol, bathroom deodorant, jello, and air conditioners.

4. The Supremes song that Lily hears makes her think: “There’s nothing like a song about
lost love to remind you how everything precious can slip from the hinges where you’ve
hung it so careful” (50). Write about a song that resonates with you, reminds you of
something special in your life.
5. “Loss takes up inside of everything sooner or later and eats right through it” (55).
Discuss this quote, its relevance to the novel so far. How does this connect to your own life?
This quote relates back to the tree by the creek, that Lily had seen. The tree had been “bald”
and slowly dying, it was slowly dying among unconcerned pines. This quote relates back to
Lily’s life in a way. When she storms off away from Rosaleen, she and notices that Rosalyn
disappear, she feels dread.

Chapter 4
1. Kidd describes August Boatwright with images of food and candy. Try describing
someone using food (71).
2. Every teen wishes to be normal; Lily is no exception (79). Write about your own
attempts at being normal and fitting in.

Chapter 5
1. On page 87, June says: “But she’s white, August.” Lily over-hears her. Why is this unusual
for Lily to hear? Discuss how white people can experience discrimination.

2. On page 92, August teaches Lily about “bee yard etiquette.” How does she compare the
world to bees? Extend the metaphor with a saying of your own.

3. What caused April to become “deflated about life?” (97). What does this mean?

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