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MCI Screening Test -


MCI Screening Test -All to knw (Orkut Community for FMGE -


1. Pneumothorax is best demonstrated by taking a radiograph, with the patient with:

a) Inspiration b) Expiration c) Full inspiration d) Prone e) Supine
2. Hydatid cyst of the lung in a chest X-ray:
a) is seen on a clarified ring shadow, b) shows spackkled calcification c) will not calcify,
d) 1 and 2 are correct
3. Cell most sensitive to radiation :
a) Lymphocyte, b) Neutrophil, c) Basophil, d) Platelets
4. Deleterious effect of ultrasound on small organism is:
a)lonistion b) Vacoulatton c)Cavitaion, d) Disintegration
5. CT scan was invented by:
a)Geofiery Houndfield, b)Eric Storz. c) John Snow, d) Takashita Koba
6. The first CT scan was manufactured by:
a) Hitachi,japan b) Mitsubishi,Japan c) Electromusical instruments,England
d) General Electric,USA
7. The 1/2 life of I131 is:
a) 8 hours b) 2 days c)5.2 days d) 8 days e) 12 days
8. The 1/2 life of Co60 is:
a) 2.6 years b)5.2 years c)8 years d) 3200 years. d) 60 years
9. Parathyroid gland can be assessed by:
a) Thallium scan, b) Technetium scan, c) Gallium scan, d) Plain X-ray neck,
e) Thallium technitium substraction scan.
10. Radioactive substance used for intracavitary irradiation in carcinoma cervix is:
a)Co60 b) Cesium c) Irridium, d) I131 e) Strontium
11. Which of the following is not ioninsing:
a) Beta irradiation b) Alpha radiation
c) Gamma radiation d) UV radiation e) Neutron radiation
12. Radioactivity was discovered by:
a) Marie Curie b) Pierre Curie c) Rutherford d) Enrico Formi e) Henri Bacqueral
13. String sign is seen in :
a) crohns disease b) TB of the ileocaecal region c) idiopathic hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,
d) All of the above
14. The substance used of OCG is:
a) lapanoic acid b) Sodium diatrozite c) Meglumine iodothalamate d) Biligraffin e) Dianosil
15. Dye used for bronchography is:
a) lapanoic acid, b) sodium diatrozite c) Meglumine iodothalamate d) Biligraffin, e) Dianosil
16. For a chest X-ray patient is exposed to radiation of:
a)1 rad b)2rads c)3rads d)4rads e)5rads
17. The number of carpal bones seen in a radiograph of an infant is:
a)0 b)2 c)3 d)5 e)6
18. Bead cystogram is used for the diagnosis of:
a) Bladder carcinoma b) Stress incontinence c) Thimble bladder, d) Bladder diverticulum
19. Radiosensitising substances include:
a) Oxygen b) SR 2508 c) Metronidazole d) Misonidazole e) All of the above
20. Substance which offer preferential radioprotection to tissues is/are:
a) cysteine b) Thiophosphate WR 2721 c) Metronidazole d) a and b are correct
e) Only c is correct
21. The amount of I131 used for an thyroid scan is:
MCI Screening Test -

a) 5 micro curies b) 50 rnilli curies c) 50 micro curies d) 500 milli curies

Answer 1) a 2) c 3) a 4) c 5) a 6) c 7) d 8) b 9) e
10) b 11) d 12) e 13) a 14) a 15) e 16) e 17) a 18) b
19) e 20) d 21) a
MCI Screening Test -


22. Signs of increased intracaranial tension in a child in a skull X- ray:

a) Separation of the sutures b)Tense anterior fontanelle c) Silver beaten appearance of the bones,
d) all of ths above
23. Isotope used in bone scans:
a) Technetium b) Gallium c) Selenium d) Chromium
24. Beheaded Scottish terrier sign is seen in:
a) Spondylosis b) Spondylolisthesis c) Fracture transverse process of lumber vertebra d) Fracture rib
e) Fracture scaphoid
25. Isotope selectively concentrated in abscess cavities:
a)Gallium b)Technitium c) Selenium d) Chromium
26. Abdominal organ best suited for CT scanning:
a) Liver b) Gall bladder c) pancreas d) Kidneys
27. Egg shell calcification in hilar region is seen in:
a) Pneumoconiosis, b)T.B.. c) Sarcoidosis, d) Aneurysms
28. Basal ganglia calcification is not seen in :
a) Wilson's disease, b) Berry aneurysm, c) Cysticercosis, d) Hemangioma
29. Most radiosensitive lung cancer is:
a) Adenocarcinoma, b) Squamous cell carcinoma, c) Anaplastic carcinoma, d) Giant cell carcinoma
30. Right border of the heart in a chest X-ray is not formed by:
a)IVC, b)SVC, c) Right atrium, d) Aorta
31. Solitary nodule lung cannot be:
a) Tuberculoma, b) Neurofibroma, c) Bronchogenic carcinoma. d) Lymphoma
32. Micturating cystourethrogram is not used in:
a) Renal tumours, b) Hydronephrosis, c) Urinary obstruction, d) Recurrent UTI
33. Which tumour responds best to radiation?
a) Poorly differentiated carcinoma, b) Anaplastic carcinoma c) Well differentiated carcinoma,
d) b and c
34. Xeroradiography is used in ..... cancer detection:
a) Stomach, b) Breast, c) Colonic, d) Pancreatic
35. Left atrial enlargement is best seen with:
a) Chest X-ray Ap view, b) Chest X-ray left lateral view, c) Barium swallow right anterior oblique view,
d) Barium swallow left anterior oblique view
36. Pipe stem appearance in barium enema is seen in:
a) Crohns disease, b) Ulcerative colitis, c) Schistosomiasis, d) Carcinoma colon
37. The half life of l
a) 4 hours, b) 4 days, c) 6 days, d) 8 days
38. Radiation protection shields are made up of:
a) Copper. b) Silver, c)Lead, d)Tin
39. Placental localisation is done with:
a) Tagged albumin, b) I , c) Gallium, d)T99
40. Commonly used type of radiation in radiotherapy is:
a) Alpha rays, b) Beta rays, c) Gamma rays, d) X-rays
41. Notching of ribs on X-ray is seen in:
a) PDA, b)ASD, c) Ebsteins anomaly, d) Coarctation of aorta
42. Minimal pleural effusion is best detected by X-ray ...... view:
a)A.P., b)P.A., c) Lateral, d) Oblique
43. Intracranial calcification in skull X-rays may be:
a) Pineal calcifications, b) Dural calcifications, c) Cysticercosis, d) All of the above
44. Raised Intracranial tension in adults is seen as:
a) Silver beater appearance, b) Separation of sutures, c) Erosion of sella, d) All of the above,
45. Onion peel appearance is seen in:
a) Osteoclastoma, b) Chondrosarcoma, c) Osteosarcoma, d) Ewings sarcoma

Answer d 23) a 24) 25) a 26) c 27) a 28) a 29) 30) d

31) d 32) a 33) b 34) 35) c 36) 37) d 38) c 39)
40) c 41) d 42) c 43) d 44) c 45) d
MCI Screening Test -

27 1

46. IVP is contraindicated in:

a) Multiple myeloma, b) Kidney stones. c) Renal cyst, d) Transplanted kidney
47. Mammography is useful in:
a) Detection of early cancers, b) Lobular carcinoma of opposite breast, c) Large fatty breast,
d) All of the above
48. Radio-active gold is used in:
a) Bladder tumours, b) Malignant ascites, c) Gliomas, d)None
49. Testicular tumour which responds best to radiation is:
a) Teratoma, b) Seminoma, c) Embryonal cell carcinoma, d) None of the above
50. Radioactive phosphorus is used in the treatment of
a) Polycythemia, b) Thyroid metastasis, c) Multiple myeloma, d) Embryonal cell carcinoma
51. Unilateral elevation of diaphragm is commonly due to:
a) Obesity, b) Large liver, c) Scoliosis, d) Congenital causes
52. Isotope used for liver scans is:
131 132 60
a) Technetium, b)l , c)l d) Cobalt
53. Best investigation in acute cholecystitis is:
a) Technetium scan, b)HIDAscan, c) Pipida scan, d) Plain X-ray abdomen
54. Radioactive cobalt emits:
a) Gamma rays, b) Beta rays, c) Alpha rays, d) Neutrons
55. Dead bone on an X-ray looks:
a) More radio-opaque, b) Radio-lucent, c) Less radio opaque, d) Is not seen at all
56. Pulmonary embolism is best diagnosed by:
a)ECG, b) Perfusion scan, c) Angiography, d) Plain X-ray
57. The most radiosenstitive tissue is:
a) Brain, b) Bone marrow, c) Thyroid, d) Liver
58. The least radio sensitive tissue is:
a) Nervous tissue, b) Bone c) Kidney, d) Thyroid
59. Radioactive phosphorus emits:
a) Only Beta rays. b) X- rays, c) Only gamma rays, d) Both Beta and Gamma rays
60. X-ray machine is kept at a distance of 6 feet from the photographic plate to:
a) Magnify the image, b) Prevent magnifications, c) Enhance contrast, d)None
61. Suprasellar calcification is seen in:
a) Craniopharyngioma, b) Meningioma, c) Calcified pineal gland, d) Pituitary adenoma
62. Cobalt60 is...... radioactive source:
a) Artificial, b) Natural, c) Gamma ray, d) Beta ray
63. Radium emits:
a) Electrons, b) X-rays, c) Alpha rays, d) Gamma rays
64. Hot nodule is seen in:
a) Adenolymphoma, b) Mixed parotid, c) Adenccystic carcinoma, d) All
65. Most sentitive investigation of pancreatic carcinoma is
a) Angiography b) ERCP, c) Ultrasound d) CT scan
66. Left atrial hypertrophy is seen radiotogically as:
a) Double cardiac silhoutte, b) Left bronchial elevation, c) Right ant. oblique view in barium swallow,
d) Left ant. obllique view in barium swallow
67. Oligemic lung fields are seen in:
a)TOF. b)VSD, c) ASD d) PS
68. Contrast material used in the diagnosis of esophageal atresia is:
a) Barium swallow, b) Gastrograffin, c) Conray, d) Dianosil
69. Double bubble sign in an X-ray abdomen is indictive of:
a) Annular pancreas, b) Ileal atresia, c) Anal rectal malformation, d) Duodenal atresia

Answer 46) a 47) d 48) b 49) b 50) a 51) c 52) a 53) b 54) a
55) a 56) c 57) b 58) a 59) a 60) b 61) a 62) a,c 63) d
64) a 65) d 66) a,b,c 67) a,d 68) d 69) a,d
MCI Screening Test -

70. Dye used in IV cholangiography is:

a)Dianosil, b)Conray, c) Billigraffin, d)Myodil
71. Which of the following are radioactive?
a) Co 59. b)Co60, c)I 130, d)Yt 90
72. IVP is done using:
a)Conray240 b)Conray380 c)Conray480 d)Conray540
73. Target material used for generating X-rays:
a) Tungsten, b) Cobalt, c) Cadmium, d) Palladium
74. Widening of the C loop in X-ray is diagnostic of:
a) Chronic pancreatitis, b) Carcinoma head of pancreas, c) Periampullary carcinoma,
d) Calculi in the ampulla of vater
75. Percentage of cold thyroid nodules likely to be malignant:
a) 20% b)30% c)40% d)72%
76. Hilar dance on fluoroscopy is seen in:
a)ASD, b)TOF, c)VSD, d)TGV
77. Water lilly appearance in chest X-ray is suggestive of:
a) Bronchiectasis, b) Bronchopleural fistula, c) Hydatid cyst, d) Sequestration cyst of lung
78. Dye used for Myelography is
a) Conray 320, b) Myodil, c) Dianosil d) lopanoic acid
79. All of the following are indicators of micturating cystourethrogram except:
a) Suspected renal tumour, b) Post urethral valve, c) Urethral obstruction. d) Recurrent UTI
80. The most radiosensitive lung cancer is:
a) Squamous cell carcinoma, b) Adenocarcinoma, c) Small cell anaplastic carcinoma,
d) Giant cell carcinoma
81. Bilateral calcification in lungs can occur in all except:
a) friendlanders pneumonia, b) Coccidioidomycosis, c) Histoplasmosis, d) Pulmonary tuberculosis
82. Angle of tracheal bifurcation is increased in enlargement of: ;
a) Right ventricle. b) Left ventricle, c) Right atrium. d) Left atrium
83. Most sensitive test for metastatic deposit is:
a) Isotope scan, b) CT scan, c) Skeletal survey, d) Tomography
64. Echoencephalography is most useful for detecting:
a) Ventricular dialatation, b) Midline shift, c) Epilepsy, d) Vascular lesions
65. Isotope used in myocardial perfusion scan is:
a) Technetium, b) Thallium, c) Stannous pyrophosphate, d) Gallium
86. Acute myocardial infarct scintigraphy is done with:
a) Thallium, b) Gallium, c) Neodynium, d) Tc Stannous pyrophosphate
87. Echocardiography can detect pericardial effusions as little as:
a) 15 ml., b) 100 ml.. c) 150 ml., d) 200 ml
88. Best diagnostic procedure in acute pancreatitis is:
a)CTscan, b) Ultrasound, c) M.R.I.. d)Pipidascan
89. X-ray are modified:
a) Protons, b) Electrons, c) Neutrons, d) Positrons
90. Multiple closely packed radio opaque shadow in the right hypochondrium is diagnostic of:
a) Supra renal calcification, b) Renal calculus, c) Mulberry gall stones, d) All of the above
91. Hair on end appearance in skull X-ray is characteristic of:
a) Sickle cell anemia, b) Thallasemia, c) Megaloblastic anemia, d) Hemochromatosis
92. Most radio-dense substance is:
a) Fluid, b) Soft tissue, c) Brain, d)Bone
93. Intraosseous skeletal tumour is best diagnosed by:
a) Plain X-ray, b)NMR. c)CTScan, d) CT with scintiscan

Answer 70) c 71) b 72) c 73) a 74) b 75) a 76) a 77) c 78)
79) a 80) c 81) a 82) a,c,d 83) b 84) a 85) b 86) d 87)
88) a 89) b 90) c 91) b 92) d 93) b
MCI Screening Test -


94. The longest half life is that of:

a) Radon, b) Radium, c) Uranium, d) Cesium
95. A neonate is brought with history of not having passed meconium on examination there is no anal opening but a
dimple. Investigation of choice is:
a) X-ray erect posture, b) X- ray supine posture, c) Gastrograffin study, d) Invertogram
96. Centenary year for X-ray is:
a) 1995, b)1999, c)1997, d)2001
97. Isotope which is replacing radium is:
a) Cesium, b) Iridium, c) Gold, d) Californium
98. Acute radiation sickness is characterised by:
a) Hematological symptoms, b) CNS symptoms, c) Gastrointestinal symptoms, d) All of the above
99. Commonest cause of intracranial calcification is:
a) Pineal calcification, b) Intracranial aneurysm, c) Meningioma, d) Tuberculoma
100. Scottish terrier sign is seen in:
a) AP view, b) PA view, c) Lateral view, d) Oblique view
101. The tissue most resistant to radioactivity is:
a) Rectum, b) Colon, c) Cervix, d) Vagina
102. The Radioactive material used for ventriculography is
a) cobalt 48 b) Thallium 201 c) Potassium 9 d) 99 technetium
103. Low dose radiotherapy is given for:
a) Seminoma b) Malignant melanoma c) osteosarcoma d) chondrosarcoma
104. Least sensitive structure to radiation is
a) uterus b) cervix c)GIT d) vagina
105. Treatment of choice for anaplastic carcinoma thyroid is
a) External Radiation b) Radioactive Iodine c) Surgery d) Thyroxine
106) Which is not used in Radiotherapy
a) Gamma rays b)Beta rays c) x - rays d) Alpha rays
107 The following is not true of MRI
a) Imaging perfusion of brain b) presence of Hydrogen ions
c) Blood vessels visualised without contrast d) Superior to CT Scan for bone scanning
108. Obliteration of Left heart border in PA chest x - ray is suggestive of
a) Lingular pathology b) Left upper lobe lesion
c) Left hilar lymph nodes d) Lett lower lobe lesion
109. Newborn chest x - ray with Respiratory distress shows multiple air containing lesions in Left Hemithorax
and mediastinal shift is suggestive of
a) Neonatal emphysema b) Diaphragmatic hernia
c) Pneumatoceles d) congenital lung cysts
110. The chest x - ray view best suites for pleural effusion detection is
a) AP view b) PA view c) Lateral decubitus view d) Lateral View
111. Radiolodine is used in the treatment of
a} Papillary carcinoma b) Follicular carcinoma
c) Hurthle cell adenoma d) Anaplastic carcinoma
112. Best method of detecting minimal bronchiectasis is
a) CT Scan b) Chest x-ray c) Bronchogram d) Radio nuclide lung Scan
113. Absolute contraindication for IVP is
a) Allergy to drug b) multiple myeloma
c) Blood urea more than 200 mg d) Idiosyncracy
114. Investigation of choice to demonstrate vesico ureteric reflex
a) IVP b) Ultra sound c) contrast MCU d) Cystoscopy
115. Calcification in Heart wall is suggestive of
a) Scleroderma b) Carcinoid Syndrome c) Fibroelastosis d) Endomyocardial fibrosis
116. contrast used in liver scan is
a) Biligraffin b) 1131 Rose Bengal c) Gallium 238 d) Thallium 201

Answer 94) b 95) d 96) a 97) a 98) d 99) a 100) d 101) d

102) d 103) a 104) d 105) a 106) c T07)a 108) a 109) b
110) c 111) b 112) c 113) a 114) c 115) b 116) b
MCI Screening Test -

117. The x - ray finding of small intestinal malabsorption syndrome are all except
a) Increased transit time b) mucosal atrophy
c) Dilatation of bowel d) Flocculation of Barium
118. perihilar fluffy opacities on chest x - ray is seen in
a) Pulmonary embolism b) pericardial effussion
c) Pulmonary arterial hypertension d) Pulmonary venous hypertension
119. Best position for chest X-ray to detect Lett pleural effusion is
a) Left lateral b) Supine c) Left lateral decubitus d) Right lateral decubitus
120. Investigation of choice in Traumatic paraplegia is
a)MRI b)CTScan c) Myelography d) Spine X-ray
121. Which is not mutagenic
a) X-rays b)U-Vrays c) Ultrasound d) Beta rays
122. Half life of Technitium 99 is
a )2H rs b)6Hrs c)12Hrs d)24Hrs.
123. Micturating Cystourethrogram is useful in the following except
a) Recurrent UTI b) Renal mass c) Hydronephrosis d) Urethral Valves
124. Radiation exposure occurs in all except
a)CTSCan b) Plain X-ray c)Fluroscopy d)MRI
125. X-rays are generated from
a) protons b) electrons c) Electromagnetic waves d) Neutrons
126. Lymphocytes are damaged with a radiation dosage of
a) 2rads b) 10rads c)20rads d)100rads
127. Kerley - B lines are seen when pulmonary venous pressure is
a)5mmHg b)10 mm Hg c)25m m Hg d)40mmHg

128. Kerley-B-lines are seen when pulmonary venous pressure is:

a 8 mm Hg b) 20 mm Hg c) 25 mm Hg d) 40 mm Hg
129. Tracheal bifurcation is best visualised on which standard view of the chest:
a) Left anterior oblique b) Left posterior oblique c) Right anterior oblique
d) Right post oblique
130. The 'doughnut' sign seen on a brain scan usually suggests:
a) Abscess b) Metastases c) Glioblastoma d) All of the above
131. Right lung is seen to best advantage on the following view:
a) Right posterior oblique b) Right anterior oblique c) Left anterior oblique d)
132. Use of filters results in:
a) Softer beam radiation b) Wider beam coverage c) Less penetrating beam d)
Beam of greater intensity
133. Medical thermography is based on the principle of man emitting:
a) X-rays b) Ultrasonic rays c) Infrafed radiation d) Ultraviolet radiation
134. Use of a cone results in films of:
a) Higher contrast b) Low contrast c) Less motion d) Long scale contrast
135. Right retrocardiac space is best seen on which view:
a) Lateral b) Left anterior oblique c) Right posterior oblique d) Right post oblique
136. Premature filling of veins is a manifestation in cerebral angiography of:
a) Trauma b) Brain tumour c) Arteriovenous malformation d) Arteriai occlusion
137. "Target Material" which produces X-rays in a diagnostic X-rays tube is made of:
a) Lead b) Tungsten c) Cobalt d) Copper

Answer 117) a 118) d 119) c 120) a 121) c 122) d 123) b 124) d 125)

126) d 127) c 128) c 129) a 130) d 131) b 132) d 133) c 134) a

135) d 136) c 137) b
MCI Screening Test -

138. Point B in Treatment of Ca. Cervix by radiotherapy corresponds to:

a) Obturator nodes b) Mackenrodts ligament c) Ischial tuberosity
d) Round ligament
139. 4 vessel carotid angiography is done by injecting dye into:
a) 2 ext. carotids + 2 vertebral b) 2 int. carotids + 2 vertebral
c) 2 int. carotids + 1 vertebral d) 2 ext. carotids + 1 vertebral
140. Dilatation of upper lobe veins is a reliable sign of:
a) Hilar tumour b) Emphysema c) pulmonary hypertension
d) Cardiac decompensation
141. Widening of the C loop in X-ray in diagnostic of:
a) Chronic pancreatitis b) Carcinoma head of pancreas c) Periampullary carcinoma d)
Calculi in the ampulla of vater
142. The lordotic view is valuable in confirming the presence of lesion in the lung apex and also in the:

a) Posterior mediastinum b) Lingular segment c) posterior basal segment d) Hilum

143. Curie is the unit for:
a) Radiation emitted b) Radiation absorbed c) Radioactivity d) All of the above
144. Lymphocytes are damaged with a radiation dosage of:
a) 5 rads b) 10 rads c) 20 rads d) 100 rads
145. In nephrogram, one sees:
a) Renal capillaries b) Renal pelvis c) Only renal cortex d) Collecting tubules
146. Echoencephalography is most useful for detecting:
a) Ventricular dilatation b) Midline shift c) Epilepsy d) Vascular lesions
147. Stryker's view is used in shoulder joint to visualize:
a) Muscle calcification b) Recurrent subluxation c) Sub acromial calcification
d) Bicipital groove _
148. Radiologically appreciable earliest sign of osteomyetitis is:
a) Loss of muscle and fat planes b) Periosteal reaction c) Callus formation d)
Presence of sequestrum
149. "Marble bone" appearance is characteristic of:
a) Osteopetrosis b) Osteogenesis imperfecta c) Fluorosis d) Achondroplasia
150. Latest source of neutrons for radiotherapy is:
a) Strontium-90 b) Iodine-131 c) Californium-256 d) Radium-226
151. The best view to visualize minimum pneumoperitoneum is:
a) AP view of abdomen b) Erect film of abdomen c) Right lateral decubitus with
horizontal beam d) Left lateral decubitus with horizontal beam
152. Splenic calcification occurs in:
a) Coeliac disease b) Gaucher's disease c) Brucellosis d) Malaria
153. The earliest radiological changes in Rickets are:
a) Nan-owing or absent of the normal zone of provisional calcification b) Fracture of the bone
c) Epiphysis smaller than normal and have characteristic thin pencil line cortex
d) Bowing of the bone
154. Causes of a cavitating lesion in the chest radiograph are all except:
a) Hamartoma b) Pulmonary infarction c) Squamous carcinoma of the bronchus
d) Caplan's syndrome e) Haematoma
155. Lymphangitis carcinomatosa is a typical feature of:
a) Carcinoma of the thyroid b) Carcinoma of the bronchus c) Hepatoma d)
Hypernephroma e) Carcinoma of the pancreas
MCI Screening Test -

The overall heart size in tetralogy of Fallot is usually:

a) Markedly enlarged b) Normal or relatively small c) Slightly enlarged d)
Moderately enlarged

Answer 138 a 139) c 140) d 141) b 142) b 143) c 144) d 145) d 146) a
147 b 148) a 149) a 150) c 151) d 152) c 153) a 154) a 155) b,
156 b
MCI Screening Test -

157. The nodular pattern often seen in the lungs following renal transplantation is thought to be due to:
a) Fungus b) Infarcts c) Cytomegalovirus d) Autoimmune reaction
158. The photosensitive material used in X-rays films consists of:
a) Cellulose b) Silver bromide c) Zinc sulphide d) Cadmium tungstate
159. Renal scan should be done which position:
a) Supine b) Prone c) Sitting d) Left lateral
160. X-rays films are least sensitive to which coloured light:
a) Violet b) Blue c) Yellow d) Red
161. Dose of radioactive phosphorus to induce a remission in polycythaemia is:
a) 70 microcuries b) 700 microcuries c) 7 millicuries d) 73 milicuries
162. "Target angle" in a Tele-therapy X-ray tube is:
a) 17 degree b) 30 degree c) 45 degree d) 60 degree
163. Pneumography is a method of examination for peritoneal or retroperitoneal structures;
gas used as constrast agent in this examinationis:
a) Oxygen b) Nitrogen c) CO2 d) Any of the above
164. In pancreatic scanning isotope used most commonly is:
a) Chromium-51 b) Selenium -75 c) Technetium-99m d) Iodine -131
165. Radiostrontium bone scans have been found positive in:
a) Fracture b) Giant cell tumour c) osteogenic sarcoma d) None
166. While doing Renography, Hippuran (Orthoiodohippurate) is attached to:
a) lodine-125 b) Iodine-131 c) Iodine-132 d) lodine-113
167. The photoelectric interaction occurs primarily in:
a) 'L" cell b) 'K' cell c) Outer cell d) All shells equally
168. Ideal imaging modality to diagnose hydrocephalus in a one month old baby is:
a) Plain X-ray b) Ultra-sound c) Computerised tomograpahy
d) Magnetic resonance imaging
169. Outer case of radium neddle is made up of:
a) Plastic b) Chromium steel c) Platinum-irridium alloy d) Copper-Tin alloy
170. Normal metacarpal index is:
a) Less than 5.4 b) 5.4 to 7, 9 c) 8.4. to 10.4 d) More than 10.4
171. Stenver's view is used to visualize:
a) Internal auditory meatus b) Mastoid air cells c) Optic foramina
d) Temporomandibular joint
172. Periosteal reaction can be seen on an X-ray on:
a) 2nd day b) 10th day c) 21st day d) One month
173. Hilar dance on fluoroscopy is seen is:
a) ASD b) TOF c) VSD d) TGV
174. Pericardial calcification is caused by all except:
a) Radiotherapy to the mediastinum b) Methysergide therapy d) c) Anticoagulant therapy
Benign pericarditis e) Dermatomyositis
175. Calcification of the pinna is seen in except:
a) Onchronosis b) Frostbite c) Gout d) Adison'sdisease e) Scleroderma
176. A single whole body dose of how many rads could result in death:
a) 100 rads b) 200 rads c) 300 rads d) 500 rads
177. When bones show a 'Bone within bone' appearance this is indicative of:
a) Sickle cell anaemia b) Bone infarction c) Osteopetrosis
d) Chronic myuelogenous lukaemia
178. The "Target Sign" sonographically means:
a) Ovarian carcinoma b) Ectopic kidney c) Intussusception d) Liver metastasis

Answer 157) C 158) b 159) b 160) d 161) C 162) b 163) c 1641b 165) c
166) b 167) b 168) b 169) c 170) b 171) b 172) b 173) a 174) e
175) e 176) d 177) c 178) c
MCI Screening Test -

179. Soft tissues calcification can be seen around the hip joint on a plain radiograph in.
a) Poliomyelitis b) Tumour calcinosis c) Melorheostosis
d) Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia e) Trichinella Spiralis infestation
180. During angiocardiography the mitral valve is best visualised in the:
a) Frontal view b) Lateral view c) Right anterior oblique view d) None of the above
181. Thesaurosis is a disease said by some to be related to:
a) Molding of coppertube b) Resins in hairspray c) Inhalation of barium dust
d) In eosinophilia e) Male singers
182. The treatment of choice in a young, lady with stage IA cancer cervix is:
a) Conization b) Radiation c) Total hysterectomy d) Wertheim's hysterectomy
183. The best chest radiographs are performed at:
a) 60-90 Kvp b) 90-120 Kvp c) 120-150 Kvp d) 150-200 Kvp
184. Tram-line calcification is seen in:
a) Ependymoma b) Thrombosed cerebral vein c)
Meningioma d) Sturge-Weber syndrome
185. Normal pulmonary arterial pressure (mmHg) in systole is:
a) 10-12 b) 12-16 c) 25-30 d) 30-35
186. In a modem-rotatory anode X-ray tube cooling of anode is done by:
a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) All of the above
187. Convolutional markings in a child usually do not appear until ------------------- of age:
a) 3 months b) 6 months c) 12 months d) 3 years e) 12 years
188. Syringomyelia:
a) Produces neurological signs in upper and lower limbs
b) Commonly involves the dorsal columns c) Is associated with a scoliosis
d) Is commonly associated with Arnold-chiari malformation
189. Hypercalcaemia is seen in:
a) Renal tubular acidosis b) Sarcoidosis c) Multiple myeloma d) Addison's disease
e) Scleroderma
190. "Champagne Glass" pelvis is seen in:
a) Achondroplasia b) Cretinism c) Downs syndrome d)
Congenital dislocation of hip
191. "Umbau Zones" are seen in all except:
a) Osteomalacia o) Rickets c) Osteogenesis imperfecta d) Osteomyelitis
192. Causes of posterior soft tissue nasopharyngeal mass include all except:
a) plasmacytoma b) Choanal atresia c) Thornwaldt's Cyst
d) Aneurysm of the carotid artery e) Chordoma
193. In ultrasound machines, the principle is:
a) piezo electric crysial excitation b) Very low frequency radio waves
c) microwaves d) non of the above
194. Lymphangiomyomatosis in characterized by all of the following except: A
a) Postmenopausal women b) Recurrent chylous pleural effusions c) Ascites
d) Recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax
195. All of the following are differential diagnosis of unicameral bone cyst except:
a) Chondroblastoma b) Giant cell tumour c) Eosinophilic granuloma d) Fibrous
dysplasia e) Enchondroma
196. In colitis cystica profunda:
a) Males are more often affected than females b) On a barium enema the appearance is
indistinguishable from rectal carcinoma c) Hypokalemia can occur d) Rectal strictures can
occur e) The Whole colon can be involved

Answer 179) a. b. c 180) c 181) b 182) a 183) c 184) d 185) c 186) c 187) d
188) a, b, d 189) a, b. c 190) b 191) c 192) b 193) a 194) a 195) a 196) a. b
MCI Screening Test -


197. Bronchorrhea is characteristically seen in:

a) Sarcoidosis b) Scleroderma c) Bronchoalveolar carcinoma d)
Goodpasture's syndrome
198. Permanent sterility in young women requires radiation dosage in the range:
a) 100-300 rads, single exposure b) 300-400 rads, single exposure
c) 400-800 rads, single exposure d) 14-20 days e) 3-4 weeks
199. "Golden S" sign is seen in:
a) Right upper lobe collapse b) Left upper lobe collapse c) Bight middle lobe
d) Lower lobe collapse
200. 'Grid' is a device which is used for:
a) Reducing scattered radiation b) Reducing patient's exposure time
c) Reducing the contrast of the X-ray d) All of the above
201. Estimation of fetal maturity by biparietal sonic measurement is accurate to within +-
a) 3-7 days b) 7-10 days c) 10-15 days d) 14-20 da ys e) 3-4 w eeks
202. Renal papillary necrosis is associated with:
a) Obstructive jaundice b) Haemophilia c) Thalassaemia
d) Diabetes mellitus e) Polyarteritis nodosa
203. In a patient who has acid-fast bacilli in the urine:
a) Calcification of the bladder is common
b) Bladder disease is associated with extensive renal disease
c) Ureteric involvement causes shortening of the ureters
d) Renal disease can produce changes identical to reflux nephropathy
e) Ureteric calculi calculi are commonly present
204. Which of the following is diagnostic of the Rim sign in a nephrogram:
a) Phelonephritis b) Hypernephroma c) polycystic kidney
d) Severe hydronephrosis
205. Popcorn calcification in lung is virtually diagnostic of: J
a) Tuberculoma b) Carcinoid c) Hamartoma d) Teratoma
206. Hepatosplenomegaly is seen in the following conditions except:
a) Histiocytosis X b) Myelosclerosis c) Coeliac disease d) Kala-azar
e) Thalassaemia
207. Motility in the upper third of the oesophagus is decreased in except:
a) Pseudooulbular palsy b) Chagas' disease c) Myasthenia gravis d)
Scleroderma e) Cricopharyngeal carcinoma
208. An aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva usually arise from:
a) Right aortic sinus b) Left aortic sinus c) Posterior aortic sinus d) pulmonary
outflow tract e) Right Ventricle
209. Among the causes of rib notching are;
a) Coarctation of aorta b) Congenital interruption of aorta c) Chronic superior vena caval
obstruction d) Aortic arch syndrome e) All of the above
210. The following tumors of skin are radiosensitive, except:
a) Cutaneous lymphoma b) Basal cell carcinoma c) Malignant melanoma d)
Squamous cell carcinoma
211. In Bone infarcts, all are true except:
a) dysbaric osteonecrosis are commonly juxtaarticular
b) Occur in Gaucher's disease
c) Occur in thalassaemia major
d) Are often diaphyseal in sickle cell disease
e) Are seen in acute pancreatitis

Answer 197) c 198) b 199) a 200) a 201) b 202) b. d, e 203) b, c, d 204) d 205) c
206) c 207) c. d. e 208) a 209) e 210) c 211) c
MCI Screening Test -

212. The most common cause of neonatal haemo-peritoneum is:

a) Rupture of hydronephrotic calyx b) Necrotising enterocolitis c) Trauma
d) Exchange transfusions via umbilical catheter e) Haemorrhagic disease of newborn
213. Terminal phalangeal sclerosis is associated with:
a) Rheumatoid arthritis b) Tuberculosis c) Sarcoidosis
d) Pleural fibroma e) Chronic active hepatitis
214. The heart can be shifted to the left on the PA radiograph with:
a) Sternal depression b) Complete pericardial defect c) Ventriculoseptal defect d)
Complete situs inversus e) Marfan's syndrome
215. A peripheral neuropathy may occur in:
a) Infectious mononucleosis b) Polyarteritis nodosa c) Polyvinyl chloride poisoning
d) Cystic fibrosis e) Amyloidosis _______
216. In pancreatic scanning, isotope used most commonly is:
a) Chromium -51 b) Selenium -75 c) Technetium-99m d) Iodine -131
217. Pneumomediastinum can be seen in all except:
a) Legionnaires'disease b) Ketoacidosis c) Histiocytosis d) Duodenal perforation
e) Respiratory distress syndrome
218. The best view of the chest to show minimal pleural effusion is:
a) PA view b) AP view c) Lateral decubitus view d) Oblique view
219. Which of the following is wrong regarding "J Shaped sella"?:
a) Normal variant in 30% of cases b) Seen in optic glioma c) associated with
Mucopolysaccharidoses d) associated with Low grade hydrocephalus
220. Out of the following which is not a radiotherapy equipment:
a) Betatron b) Telecurie-cobalt unit c) Linear accelerator d) Thimble chamber
221. The drug of choice for chemotherapy of retinoblastoma is:
a) Vincristine b) Nitrogen mustard c) 5-fluorouracil (5FU)
d) Triethylene melamine (TEM)
222. Unit of one dose of radiation absorbed is
a) Grey b) Roengten c) Curie d) Bequerrel.

223. Thickness of stomach in ultrasound

a) 2 mm b) 5 mm c) 7 mm d) 10 mm. Jipmer 95
224. Thickness of lead apron to prevent radiation
a) 1 mm b) 3 mm c) 0.5 mm d) 7 mm.

225. Presence of calcification in an intracranial lesion is best made out by

a) CT b) MRI c) ultrasound d) contrast study.

226. Multiple punched out lesions in skull is seen in

a) acute leukemia b) thalassemia c) multiple myeloma d) carcinoma prostate.

227. In skull X-ray commonest cause of intracerebral calcified shadow is

a) pituitary adenoma b) oligidendroglioma c) astrocytoma d) glioma.

228. Right side of mediastinal shadow is not formed by

a) SVC b) right innominate c) RA d) RV.

229. Sunray appearance on X-ray is seen in

a) Ewing's sarcoma b) osteogenic sarcoma c) osteomyelitis d) condrosarcoma.

230. Radiation causes

a) mutation b) point mutation c) chromosomal anomalies d) enzyme defects.

231. The preferred modality for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism is

(a)ventlation perfusion scan (b)angiography (c)chest X-ray (d)ECG
232. In aortic dissection the Investigation of choice is
(a)ECG (b)CTScan c) aortography (d)MRI scan

Answers 212) c 213) e 214) a.b 215) a.b 216) b 217) a 218) c 219) a 220) d
221) a 222) a 223) b 224) c 225) a 226) c 227) b 228) d 229) b
230) c 231)b 232)b
MCI Screening Test -

233. Most radiosensitive phase of cell cycle is

(a)G1 (b)G2 (c)S (d)M
234. The atom which scatters X-rays more is
(a)Carbon (b)Mercury (c)lead (d)Hydrogen
235. Curie is the unit for
(a) radiation exposure (b) radiation absorbed (c) radio activity (d) radiation effectiveness

236. Atomic weight is equal to number of

(a) electrons (b) protons (c) protons & Neutrons (d) neutrons only

237. Contrast in X-rays is dependent on

(a)KV (b)mA (c) Duration of exposure (d) distance between source and object

238. In coarctation of Aorta the rib changes are seen from:

(a)1-12th (b)3-6th (c)4-9th (d)8-12th
239. Early change of pulmonary edema in CXR:,
(a) Batswing appearance (b) Pleural effusion (c) Keriey B lines (d) Ground glass lung field
240. In Teletherapy Bectromagnetic wave or particulate Radiation is kept at a distance of:
(a) 150 cm (b) 100 cm (c)75cm (d) 200 cm

241. Radiation is not used in

(a) CAT scan (b)NMR (c) Digital substraction imaging (d) Thyroid scan
242. Time Sector imaging is preferred in infants because
(a) Child will be more co-operative (b)close to fontenelles, (c) less expensive (d)AII
243. Time sector scanning of neonates is preferred because of the following reason. Most practical reason
(a)open fontanelles (b) inexpensive (c) children more co-operative (d) better resolution
244. Popcorn calcification is seen in
(a) pulmonary hamartoma (b) pulmonary hemorrhage (c) pulmonary teratoma (d)
pulmonary embolism
245.. The following is not an ionizing radiation
a) MRI b) CT c) USG d) All are ionizing
246. Hilar markings in a normal chest X-ray is formed by all except
a) Pulmonary artery b) Bronchi c) Upper lobe veins d) Lower lobe veins
247. Radiation mediates its effect by
a) Denaturation of DNA b) Ionization of the molecules
c) Protein coagulation d) Osmolysis of cells
248. Well defined lesion in the lung with pop corn calcification on X- Ray is suggestive of
a) Ca lung b) Adenoma c) Hamartoma d) Hydatid cyst
249. Investigation of choice for a pregnant lady with upper abdominal mass
a) Barium meal b) MRI c) CTscan d) DSA
250. Well defined remended opacity is the lung with coarse irregular calcification is a feature of
a) Hamartoma b) Hydatid cyst c) Amoebic abscess d) Ca lung
251. In diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction hot spot is seen with
a) Thallium 201 scan b) Tc 99 scan c) strontium 90 scan d) 1127 scan
252. Pantomography is done for except
a) Dental caries b) Dental cyst c) T.M.joint d) Transverse fracture of Atlas
253. Nowadays Radium is not used in the Rx of cancer because
a) it decays fester and needs frequent replacement
b) it decays into daughter Radon which is a constant hazard.
c) it has a very long half life
d) it is a very unstable element

233)c 234)d 235)c 236)c 237)b 239)b 239)c 240)b 241)b 242)d
243)« 244)a 245) C 248) a 247) a 248) C 249) b 250) a 251) a 252) d
253) b ___
MCI Screening Test -


254. Which one of the following emit gamma rays

a) Caesium b) Strontium c) Technetium d) Iodine
255. First sign after radiation Rx is
a) Erythema b) Necrosis c) burns d) deep ulcer
256. Investigation of choice for small intestine tumor
a) Ba meal follow through b) Echo
c) X-ray abdomen d) CT scan with contrast

257. Radiological findings in Meningioma are all except

a) Calcification b) vascular markings c) Osteosclerosis d) none of the above
258. Radiosensitisers are all except
a) Hydroxyurea b) BUDR c)) 5-FU d) Cyclophoshamide
259. Superior Orbital fissure best view is;
a) Plain AP view b) Caldwell c) Townes d) Basal view
260. Best diagnosis for dissecting aorta is
a) CT scan b) MRI c) Angiography d) x-ray
261. Best diagnosis of Nasoppharyngeal angiofibroma is
a) Angiography b) Contrast enhanced CT c) MRI d) x-ray
262. The amount of Radiation absorbed is measured by
a) Rad b) Grey c) Rem d) Curie
263. The cause of homogenous opacity on X-ray is all except
a) Pleural effusion b) Diaphragmatic Hernia c) Massive consolidation d) Emplysema
264. The element used for intracaritary RT in carcinoma cervix
a) Caesium b) cobalt-60 c) Strontium d) Radio Iodine
265. Investigation of choice for Acute subarachnoid hemorrhage
a) Enhanced MRI b) MRI c) CT- Scan d) Angiography

266. 'Scalloping' of the edge of sigmoid colon on barium enema seen in;
a) Diverticulosis b) Ulcerative colitis, c) Carcinoma colon d) Pneumatosis intestinalis

267. The drug of choice of chemotherapy of retinoblastoma is

a) 5 FV b) Triethylene melamine c) Vincristine d) Nitrogen mustard

268. The following tumours of skin are radiosensitive except -

a) Squanous cell C. b) Malignant melanoma c) culareous lymphoma
d) Basal cell ca.

269. 5- Flurouracil is used in Treatment of following cancers, Except-

a) Stomach b) Liver c) Breast d) Mycosis fungoides.

270. Investigation of choice to differentiate pericardial effusion and dilatation of heart -

a) Echocardiography b) Angiocardiography c) MRI d) CT.

271. The most common cause of spontaneous pneumothorax

a) TB b) Rupture of subpleural blebs c) Branchegenic Ca. d) Bronchial adenoma

272. Hydrocephalus in children, first seen is •

a) Sutural diastesis b) Post clinoid erosion c) Large head d) Thinned out vault

273. Least affected by radiation -

a) GIT b) Gonads c) Cartilage d) Lymphocytes.
274) Which of the following respond best to radiotherapy?.
a) Seminoma b) Teratoma c) Choriocarcinoma
d) Emroyonal carcinoma
275) Extent of cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is best diagnosed by
a) Echocardiogram b) Radionucleide scan c) ECG d) Endomyocardial biopsy

254 b 255) a 256) d 257) d 258) d 259) d 260) a 261) b 262) c
263 d 264) a 265) c 266) b 267) c 268) b 269) d 270) a 271) b
)272 b 273) c 274) a 275) d
MCI Screening Test -

276) Ultrasonogram is not useful in. ,

a) CBD stones at the distal end of the CBO b) Breast cyst c) Ascites d) Full bladder
277) Not a source of neutrons.
a) Cyclotron b) Linear accelerator c) Betatron d) All
278) Not used for Brachytherapy.
a) Cobalt b) Cesium c) Radon d) All
279) In a case of a renal failure with total anuria,ultrasound was found to be normal.
Next line of investigation is.
a) Retrograde pyelography b) IVP c) Anterograde pyelography d)
DTPA renogram
280) Most serious complication of myelogram is.
a) Allergy b) Transient neurological deficit c) Headache d) Arachnoiditis
281) Extent of cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is best diagnosed by
a) Echocardiogram b) ECG c) Radionuclide scan d) Endomyocardial biopsy
282) Diagnostic of RICKETS on X-ray
a) Fraenkel's line b) Epiphyseal widening c) Periosteal elevation d) Cupping & splaying
283) Characteristics of BENIGN tumour of lung in X - ray is
a) Size > 5 cms diameter b) Cavitation c) Peripheral location
d) Concentric dense calcification
284) Multiple transluscent cysts on X - ray are found in the chest.
Differential diagnosis includes all except
a) Congenital diaphragmatic hernia b) Congenital adenomatoid
bronchogenic disease c) Lobar agenesis d) Bilateral multiple cysts
285) Used in both teletherapy and brachytherapy
a) Cobalt b) Radium c) Iridium d) Pallidium
286) Rim sign is seen in
a) Massive hydronephrosis b) Polycystic kidney c) Chronic pyelonephritis d)
287) Extradural hematoma CT scan finding is
a) Hypodense biconvex lesion b) Hyperdense biconvex lesion c) Concavo convex
hyperdense lesion d) Low attenuated biconvex lesion
288) Teletherapy system consists of all except
a) Co - 60 b) Simulator c) Ir -192 d) Computer assisted treatment
289) Half-life of Rn-2 22 is
a) 3 days b) 3-6 days c) 4 days d) 5 days
290) Prophylatic intracranial irradiations are given in
a) Small cell Ca of lung b) All c) Lymphoma d) Retinoblastoma
291) Mantle irradiation is used in
a) Leukaemia b) Hodgkin's disease c) Chest secondaries from some Cancers
d) Neuroblastoma
292) In Colour doppler the colour depends upon
a) Srength of returning echo b) relation of transducer to blood flow
c) Frequency of doppler used d) Type of doppler machine used
293) Radioactivity was discovered by Becqueral in
a) 1796 b) 1896 c) 1901 d) 1946
294) First investigation of choice for spinal cord tumor
a) Myelography b) CT c) MRI d) Plain X - Ray
295) Amount of air needed to create pneumoperitoneum
a) 200 ml _______ b) 400 ml ________ c) 600 ml ________ d) 800 ml __________________
Answer: 276) a 277) c 278) a 279) b 280) d 281) d 282) d 283) d 284) c
285) c 286) a 287) d 288) c 289) b 290) a 291) b 292) b 293) b
294) c 295) d
MCI Screening Test -


296) Bull's eye lesion in ultrasonography is seen in

a) Candidiasis b) Aspergillosis c) Sporotrichosis d) Cryptococcosis
297) The patient who had dental extraction before radiotherapy needs:
a) ,o time for healing b) Adequate time for healing c) Radiotherapy is not advised
d) Wait for one day to start radiotherapy
298) What infection is present in the part of the bone which received radiotherapy:
a) Response to radiotherapy is good b) Fast healing c) More destruction of bone
d) Tumour regression is not affected
299) During radiotherapy the Buccal Mucosa exhibits radiation reaction before skin
due to:
a) Rapid cellular turn-over in bone b) Slow cellular turn-over in blood vessel
c) Rapid cellular turn-over in skin d) Rapid cellular turn-over in mucosa
300) Medusa lock appearance in X-ray is seen in
a)ascariasis b) Tapeworm c) Hookworm d) Ascaris and tapeworm
301) One gray of radiation is equal to
a )l rad b)10 rad c)100 rad d) 1000 rad
302) A given weight of lead is more effective for gamma shielding below 1 MV
because it has
a) Greater strength b) Lesser volume c) Greater volume d) Higher atomic number
303) One of the following radio isotopes is used for interstitial therapy
a) Phosporous 32 b) Iodine 131 c) Indium 191 d) Gold 198
304) Plaster of paris is
a) Anhydrous calcium sulphate b) Used for immobilation c) First used in France
d) All of the above is true
305) The investigation of choice in acute renal failure with complete anuria and normal
a) Renal angiography b) PPTA c) IVP d) Retrograde pyelography
306) Benign condition treated by radiotherapy
a) Melanoma b) Tuberculosis c) Pituitary adenoma d) Sarcoisosis
307) Diagnosis of aortic calcification is done by fluoroscopy by seeing
a) Side to side movement b) Up and down movement c) Combined movement
308) For Traumatic paraplegia investigation of choice is
a)MRI b)CTscan c) X-ray d)USG
309) In case of subarachnoid haemorrhage investigation of choice is
a) CT scan b) MRI c) MRI angio with MRI imaging d) Carotid Angiogram
310) CT findings of acute pancreatitis are all except
a) Dilation of pancreatic duct b) Fuzzy outline of pancreas c) Peripancreatic
fluid collection d) Edematous pancreas
311) IVU is not done in
a) Multiple myeloma b) Secondaries in bone c) Leukaemia
d)Renal tumours
312) Calcification in basal ganglia is seen in
a) Hypothyroidism b) Hypoparathyroidism c) Hypopituitarism
d) Hypoaldosteronism

296) a 297) b 298) c 299) d 300) a 301) c 302) d 303) c 304) d 305) b 306) c
307) a 308) a 309) a 310) a 311) a 312) b
MCI Screening Test -


313) Which of the following is the best test for screening a case of proximal internal carotid
artery stenosis
a) Digital subtraction angiography b) Magnetic resonance angiography c)
Colour Doppler ultrasonography d) CT angiogram

314) Karnofsky scale is applied in

a) Measurement of the size of tumours b) Measurement of the surface area
c) Evaluation of patients before treatment d) Dosage measurement in
e) Palliative treatment of cancer

315) Common isotopes used in interstitial and mould therapy are the following except
a) Iridium192 b) Cobalt60 c) Caesium137 d)Gold198 e) Phosphorous32

316) Which of the following is the correct dose in Total Body Irradiation in Bone Marrow
a) 1000 cgy - 1200 cgy b) 500 cgy - 800 cgy c) 10,000 r d) 150
cgy e) ,one of the above

317) All the following are true about iodinated intravascular contrast media Except
a) They are used in digital subtraction angiography
b) They are radio opaque
c) They can cause anaphylactic reactions
d) They are used in magnetic resonance imaging
e) They are excreted mainly by the kidneys

318) Investigation of choice to diagnose sub arachnoid haemorrhage

a) MRI angiography b) 4 vessel carotid angiography c) CT scan
d) T2 wave MR

319) In fluorescin angiography, dye is injected in .

a) Anterior cubital vein b) Femoral artery c) Femoral vein
d) Aorta

320) Best method to diagnose Bronchiectasis is:

a) X-ray b) Bronchography c) M.R.I. d)HRCT

321) 'H' shaped vertebra is seen in:

a) Phenylketonuria b) Sickle cell anemia c) Hemangioma d)

322) Investigation of choice for Multiple sclerosis

a) MRI b)CTScan c)X-ray d) EEG

323) 8000 rads dosage in Cancer cervix is given to

a) Point A b) Point B c) Side walls of pelvis d) ,one of the above

: 313) c 314)c 315)b 3I6)a 317)d 318)b 319) a 320) d 321)b

MCI Screening Test -

322) a 323) a

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