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More information from

Cia de Eletricidade do Estado da Bahia - COELBA

Description: A textual analysis of the financial results of the selected company, compared to selected
competitors. Also included are quantitative analyses of the companys financial statements,
extensive ratio analyses and up to 10-year history of sales, earnings, dividends and security
pricing. A business description of the company, including contact information, senior officers and
Wright Quality Rating analyses is also provided.

Wright Reports are developed for the leading publicly traded companies in 63 countries. The
reports are written in English in a standardized format that enables easy comparisons across
country boundaries. The reports contain explanatory footnotes to annotate the data. Wrights
proprietary quality rate is assigned to each company when there is sufficient information available.

This title is updated on a monthly basis. You will receive the most up-to-date title available at the
time of your order.

Contents: Company Fundamentals

- Company Profile
- Comparative Business Analysis
- Summary Analysis per Share
- Price Analysis
- Earnings and Dividends Analysis

Financial Statement Analyses

- Balance Sheet - Common Size
- Balance Sheet - Year-Year Percent Change
- Balance Sheet - Five-Year Averages
- Income Statement - Common Size
- Income Statement - Year-Year Percent Change
- Income Statement - Five-Year Averages
- Sources of Capital

Financial Ratio Analyses

- Accounting Ratios
- Asset Utilization
- Employee Efficiency
- Fixed Charges Coverage
- Leverage Analysis
- Liquidity Analysis
- Per-Share Data
- Profitability Analysis

Wright Quality Rating Analyses

- Investment Acceptance
- Financial Strength
- Profitability and Stability

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