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Name :ibnu walid

Lesson:literal reading


 1.The world is the smallest langguageunit that can stand alone. Prasa isa combination of two or
more words that are non-predicative.sentence is a langguage unit that is relatively in
independent,has final intonation pattern,and actually or potentially consist of a clause
2.sentence because they are easier to understand
3.differences in clauses and sentence.prasa is combination of two or more words that carry ut
the command ,it will produce a sentence like This: how are you today?
4.Because the adth phrase is a combination of word that consist of a subject and predicate. A
sentence is a combination of several words that consist of a subject tand a predicate. A sentence
is a combination of several words that contain a few rubles and predicates . 3 based
In the characteristics of the pharse I agree because the phrase has grammatical function in a
1.Kata adalah satuan bahasa terkecil yang dapat berdiri sendiri.Prasa adalahgabungan dua kata
atau lebih yangbersifat nonpredektif .kalimat adalah satuan bahasa yang secara relative berdiri
sendiri mempunyai pola intonasi final dan secara aktual atau potensial terdiri atas klausa
2.kalimat,karan lebih ,mudah dipahami
3.Perbedaan klausa dan kalimat prasa adalah gabungan dua kata atau lebih yang memiliki
perintah maka akan menghasilkan sebuah kalimat seperti in:bagaimana kabrmu hari ini?
4.karna prasa adalah gabungan dua kata atau lebih yang memiliki makna klausa adalah
gabungan kata yang terdiri dari subjek dan predikat. Berdasarkan ciri prasa saya setujukarna
prasa memiliki fungsi grammatical dalam sebuah kalimat.
 1. A picture of ibn sina an Islamic figure
2. ibnu sina
3. he was piloshoper,schientik,and doctor born in Persia ibnu sina is also known “Avicenna”
4.i will explain aispect of his success in the field of medicine
5.A biography is a piece of writing which the contains the story of a person`s life that has a
broad impact
6.the function of biography is a source of a information historical record of the past wich is
centered on the experiences and life journey of the character
7.the character family background
Educational history of character
Characters work history
Characters achiecment
The information that support that characters biography
8.Determine the character
Define material
Find key facts
Define important pacts
Determine the attractives of the characters we raise
9.Encylopedi book

 1.Birth of prophet Muhammad saw

2.Muhammad PBUH is the last prophet and messenger for muslims.Muhammad PBUH started
the spread of Islamic teachings to all mankind and left a single Islamic government.Muhammad
PBUH both upload the teachigns of monotheism to unite allah as brought by the previous
prophrts and afosites
3.Prophrt Muhammad saw was born in makkah on Monday 12 rabiul awal in the year 571 of
roman calendar (1450 yearsa go)
4.Muslims believe that Muhammad PBUH (CA. 570- 632) was god messenger sent to proclaim in
Arabic the same revelation that had been plocmaid by earlier jewish and crishtian prophets,first
to arabs and then to all the people.The quran provides some histocral information of
Muhammad life,but fuller account are available in sirah (traditionalnbioghrapies),hadith (repots
of Muhammad `s saying an deeds and general historie.Muhammad PBUH received his first
revelations at about the age of fourty when the angle Gabriel appread and recieted surah 96 to
him Account of a miraclous foretelling of Muhammad`s future propethood in the sirah and
hadith literarule include recognition of Muhammad`s prophetic status by crishtian monks and a
light shining from Muhammad`s face and that of his mother during her pregnancy .other
miraculous account Muhammad, night journey ,or isra , from mecca to the temple mount in
Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven or mi`raj.
5.Allah sent the messenger of allah to earth. .among them are perfecting human morals as
rahmatan lil alamin and as role models .”good people should be able to take lessons from the
 1.Muslims believe that Muhammad SAW was the messenger of god who was sent to reveal in
Arabic the same revelation that had been proclamaid by the previous jewish and crishtian
2.THE QURAN provides some histocral information about muhammads life ,but more complete
accounts are available in the sirah (traditional biographics) Hadisth(Reports of muhammads
word and deeds ) and general history.
3.Haditsth is everything that is based on the propeth Muhammad SAW who is the second source
of law after the quran
4.Prophet Muhammad had a life span of 63 years
5.Prophet Muhammad life as an orphan in the hashim tribe under the guardiansip of his uncle .
6The name of uncle`s prophet Muhammad was abu thalib
7.Prohet Muhammad was hired by a rich widow named Khadijah to guard his caravantoward
8.Prophet Muhammad first wife`s was siti khadijah
9.Prohet Muhammad married Khadija when he was 25 years old
10.Prophet Muhammad SAW had seven children,from his first wife siti Khadijah had six
children.wile one more child from mariyah al qibtiyah his 11 th wife.
11.Prophet Muhammad emigrated from mecca to medina in 622
12.Prophet muhammad saw received his first revelation at the age of about fourty years the time of first revelation angel gabrielread letter 96 to the prophet muhammadsaw
14.Is the conquest of eghypt.The prophet saw announced to his compananions that they would
conquer eghypt,and this was accomplished by amr bin ash in the 16 th year of hijri.that is five
years after the prophets death.
15.As siddiq means bringing thetruth,always right,or honest . A prophet and apostle always do
what is right and speak the truth .a prophet and apostle will not say cheat
16.the prophet also regulary sent armed units patrolling the mecca trade routes.military
expedition . themilitary expedationwascalled sariyah, a small troop led by one of the
companasions to patrol
17.all the events and seetlements carried out by the previous apostles and even all pasevents
have become provisonsin Muhammad saw to deal with the problems of his people so that in
looking forasolution he made various modifications to get the best solution
 1.abu thalib
2.siti Khadijah
3.nabi Muhammad dan siti Khadijah
4.three son
5.those who do not believe
6.nabi Muhammad saw

Statement Word Phrase Sentence

mesengger 

Prophet 
PBUH grew up 
as an orphan
Abu Thalib

To oversee

fortelling 
and reports 
PBUH was in 
command of all
of west central


PBUH served 
pilgimage 

Words Synonym Position





White flag



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