2a Day Two TOEFL Preparation

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TOEFL Preparation

Sunu Farid Lathif, MA

TOEFL & IELTS Certified Trainer
CEO Royal English Group, Malang
MA in ELT, King’s College, University of London

081 555 9010 40


Because I work hard, I am rich.

I am rich because I work hard.


•Contrast Although, however, despite

•Cause/Effect Because, since, as
•Add. Inform. Furthermore, Moreover
•Conditional If, Unless
•Time After, When, While
•Result Therefore, As a result

1. Although/Even though he is rich, he is down to earth.

2. Despite/In spite of being rich, he is down to earth.
3. Because she works hard, she has much money.
4. Because of her parents, she has much money.
5. If I have more money, I can afford it.
6. I had a scholarships after I had fulfilled all requirements.
7. I study hard, therefore, I get a scholarships.
Contoh soal analisis

1. Since the bank will close, you should arrive soon.

2. Their background are investigated before admitted to the
3. We can start the conference now because all the guests have
Contoh soal analisis
1. The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters
A. not wanting the story in the papers
B. the story in the papers the story superintendent
C. the public to hear the story
D. the superintendent did not want the story in the papers.
2. ____ show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude
the possibility the possibility.
A. Neural theories c. A neural theory
B. Although neural theories d. However neural theories

1. Kalimat harus memiliki 1 subject 1 verb

2. Jika ada double SV, maka diperlukan Conjunction
081 555 9010 40
TOEFL Preparation
Sunu Farid Lathif, MA
TOEFL & IELTS Certified Trainer
CEO Royal English Group, Malang
MA in ELT, King’s College, University of London

081 555 9010 40

Adjective Clause

Klausa yang menjadi sifat.

The man wears a hat.
He is my friend.

The man who wears a hat is my friend.

081 555 9010 40


• Who
The man who wears a hat is my friend.
• Whom
The man whom you visit is my friend.
• Which
The book which you borrow is lost.
• Whose
The man whose hat is red is my friend.
081 555 9010 40
Contoh soal analisis

1. The ice cream that is served in the restaurant has

smooth texture.
2. I have great respect for everyone who on the Dean’s List.
3. The door that leads to the vault it was tightly locked.
4. These plants can only survive in an environment is

081 555 9010 40

Contoh soal analisis

1. Dolphins form complicated allegiances and ___ continually

a. enmities who c. enmities whose
b. enmities whom d. enmities which
2. William _____ works at my office is a kind friend.
a. whom he c. who
b. whose d. which

081 555 9010 40


1. Adjective Clause adalah klausa yang menjadi kata sifat

2. Digunakan untuk menjelaskan Subject/Object.

081 555 9010 40

081 555 9010 40
TOEFL Preparation
Sunu Farid Lathif, MA
TOEFL & IELTS Certified Trainer
CEO Royal English Group, Malang
MA in ELT, King’s College, University of London

081 555 9010 40

Pengertian Noun Clause

Noun Clause adalah Klausa yang berfungsi

sebagai kata benda.

081 555 9010 40

Contoh Noun Clause

Kalimat biasa Kalimat Noun Clause

I drink water. I drink what you drink.

Water is good for health. What you drink is good for health.

081 555 9010 40


•Noun Clause as Subject

That each student has a book is a must.

•Noun Clause as Object

I understand what teacher explains.

081 555 9010 40

Kata sambung Noun Clause
• Who • Whoever
• Why • Wherever
• Where • Whichever
• What • Whether
• When • Whenever
• Which • Whatever
• That

081 555 9010 40

Contoh soal analisis

1. When the season starts is determined by the weather.

2. The manual how the device should be built.
3. Why the patient’s condition worsens it is not explained.
4. The professor tells when is the paper submitted.
5. Whether you go or stay is not my business.

081 555 9010 40

Conjunction, Adjective Clause, Noun Clause

1. I received a certificate after I had submitted all the task.

2. The man who wears a hat is my friend.
3. What you drink is water.
4. I drink what you drink.

081 555 9010 40


1. Noun Clause selalu didahului kata sambung.

2. Noun Clause bisa sebagai subject, bisa sebagai object

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081 555 9010 40

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