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Supriadi Arfah Salam
XII Apat


Praise and gratitude the authors say to Allah SWT, who has given His mercy
and grace so that this paper on "Bullying" can be completed properly.
We also thank all those who have provided direction and guidance so far so
that the preparation of this paper can be made as well as possible. We realize that
there are still many shortcomings in the writing of this paper, so we expect
constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this paper.
We apologize if in this paper there are many mistakes and shortcomings,
because perfection only belongs to the Almighty, namely Allah SWT, and
shortcomings are definitely ours as humans. Hopefully this paper can be useful for
all of us.

Jakarta, August 17, 1945



FOREWORD..................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................. ii
A. Background........................................................................................... 1
B. Formulation of the problem.................................................................. 2
A. Definition of Bullying........................................................................... 3
B. Types of Bullying................................................................................. 4
C. Characteristics of the Bullying Person and the Bullied Person............ 6
D. Factors Causing Bullying...................................................................... 7
E. Impact of Bullying................................................................................ 9
F. Efforts to Overcome Bullying............................................................... 10
A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 17
B. Suggestion............................................................................................. 17


A. Background
Adolescence is a developmental phase between childhood and adulthood.
Where at this time adolescents have emotional, social, physical and
psychological maturity. Adolescence is also a stage of development that must
be passed with various difficulties. In the task of development, adolescents
will go through several phases with various levels of difficulty of the problem
so that by knowing the tasks of adolescent development can prevent conflicts
caused by adolescents in everyday life which is very difficult for the
community, so as not to misperceive in dealing with these problems. At this
time also the psychological condition of adolescents is very unstable. Because
this period is a phase of self-discovery. Usually they are always curious and
try something new they have seen or known from the surrounding
environment, starting from the family environment, school, playmates and the
community. All the new knowledge they know is accepted and responded to
by teenagers according to their respective personalities. This is where the role
of the surrounding environment is needed to shape the personality of a
Every teenager actually has the potential to be able to achieve personality
maturity that allows them to face the challenges of life fairly in their
environment, but this potential will certainly not develop optimally if it is not
supported by adequate physical and environmental factors. In the formation
of a teenager's personality, there will always be several influencing factors,
namely risk factors and protective factors. These risk factors can be
individual, contextual (environmental influences), or generated through
interactions between individuals and their environment. Risk factors that are
accompanied by psychosocial vulnerability and resilience in a teenager will
trigger emotional and behavioral disorders that are typical of a teenager.
While protective factors are factors that provide an explanation that not all
adolescents who have risk factors will experience behavioral or emotional


problems, or experience certain disorders. Protective factors are factors that

modify, change, or make a person's response stronger to face various
challenges that come from the environment. These protective factors will
interact with risk factors with the final result in the form of behavioral or
emotional problems, or mental disorders later in life. or make a person's
response to be stronger in facing various kinds of challenges that come from
the environment. These protective factors will interact with risk factors with
the final result in the form of behavioral or emotional problems, or mental
disorders later in life. or make one's response to be stronger in facing various
kinds of challenges that come from the environment. These protective factors
will interact with risk factors with the final result in the form of behavioral or
emotional problems, or mental disorders later in life.
The weakness of one's emotions will have an impact on the occurrence of
problems among teenagers, for example bullying which is now re-emerging
in the media. Violence in schools is like an iceberg phenomenon that appears
to the surface only a small part. It will continue to repeat itself, if it is not
handled properly and continuously from the root of the problem.
The culture of bullying (violence) in the name of seniority still continues
to occur among students. Because it is troubling, the government is urged to
immediately take this problem seriously. Bullying is a form of child abuse
(child abuse) that is done by peers to someone (child) who is 'lower' or
weaker to get a certain advantage or satisfaction. Usually bullying occurs
repeatedly. Some even do it systematically.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is meant by bullying?
2. What are the types of bullying?
3. What are the characteristics of the person who is bullying and the person
who is being bullied?
4. What are the factors that cause bullying behavior?
5. What are the effects of bullying behavior?
6. How do you prevent bullying?

A. Definition of Bullying
The definition of bullying is an absorption word from English. Bullying
comes from the word bully which means a bully, a person who annoys a
weak person. Several terms in Indonesian that are often used by people to
describe the phenomenon of bullying include oppression, bullying, hazing,
bullying, ostracism, or intimidation. From the definition above, there are
several experts who express their opinion about bullying, including:
Barbara Coloroso (2003: 44): “Bullying is a hostile act that is carried out
consciously and intentionally with the aim of hurting, such as frightening
through threats of aggression and causing terror. It also includes actions that
are planned or spontaneous, real or almost invisible, in the presence of
someone or behind someone, easy to identify or hidden behind friendship,
carried out by a child or group of children.
Olweus (1993) in Thoughts of the People, July 5, 2007: “Bullying can
consist of any action that is used to hurt another child repeatedly and without
cause”. Bullying is behavior that is intended to hurt other students
continuously and without cause. Meanwhile, according to Rigby (2005: in
Anesty, 2009) formulates that "bullying" is a desire to hurt. This desire is
shown in action, causing a person to suffer. This action is carried out directly
by a person or group of people who are stronger, irresponsible, usually
repeated and carried out with pleasure (Retno Astuti, 2008: 3). Riauskina,
Djuwita, and Soesetio (2001) define school bullying as an aggressive
behavior of power towards students that is carried out repeatedly by a
student/group of students who have power,
Some experts doubt the above understanding that bullying is just a desire
to hurt others, they view that "the desire to hurt someone" and "really hurt
someone" are two distinctly different things. Therefore, some psychologists
add that bullying is something that is done not only by the perpetrator, the
desire to hurt others in bullying is always followed by negative actions.


From the various definitions above, it can be concluded that bullying is a

repeated attack physically, psychologically, socially, or verbally, which is
carried out in a position of power that is situationally defined for their own
benefit or satisfaction. Bullying is an early form of aggressive behavior,
namely violent behavior. It can be physically, psychologically, through
words, or a combination of the three. It can be done by groups or individuals.
Perpetrators take advantage of others they see as vulnerable. The action can
be by mocking the name, the victim is bullied or exiled and can harm the

B. Types of Bullying
Barbara Coloroso (2006: 47-50) divides the types of bullying into four
types, namely as follows:
1. Bullying verbally
This behavior can be in the form of nicknames, censure, slander,
cruel criticism, insults, statements that have the nuances of sexual
solicitation or sexual harassment, terror, intimidating letters, untrue
accusations, vile and false gossip, gossip. etc. Of the three types of
bullying, verbal bullying is one of the easiest types to do and verbal
bullying will be the beginning of other bullying behavior and can be the
first step towards further violence.

2. Bullying physically
Included in this type are beating, kicking, slapping, strangling,
biting, scratching, spitting, and damaging and destroying the property of
an oppressed child. Although this type of bullying is the most visible and
easy to identify, the incidence of physical bullying is not as much as
bullying in other forms. Adolescents who regularly engage in physical
bullying are often the most problematic adolescents and tend to turn to
more criminal acts.
3. Bullying relationally

Bullyingrelationally is a systematic weakening of the victim's self-

esteem through neglect, exclusion or avoidance. This behavior can
include hidden attitudes such as aggressive glances, eye glances, sighs,
sneers, mocking laughter and mocking body language. Bullying in this
form tends to be the most difficult bullying behavior to detect from the
outside. Relational bullying reaches its peak of strength in early
adolescence, because at that time there are physical, mental, emotional
and sexual changes in adolescents. This is a time when teens try to know
themselves and fit in with their peers.
4. Bullying electronic
BullyingElectronic bullying is a form of bullying behavior that is
carried out by the perpetrators through electronic means such as
computers, cellphones, internet, websites, chat rooms, email, SMS, and
so on. Usually intended to terrorize the victim by using text, animation,
pictures, and video recordings or films that are intimidating, hurting or
cornering. This type of bullying is usually carried out by groups of
teenagers who already have a fairly good understanding of information
technology facilities and other electronic media.
In general, boys use more physical bullying and girls use
relational/emotional bullying more, but both of them use verbal bullying. This
difference is more related to the pattern of socialization that occurs between
boys and girls (Coloroso, 2006: 51).

C. Characteristics of the Bullying Person and the Bullied Person

According to Ubaydillah (AN in, students/people who
have a tendency to be bullies generally have the following characteristics:
1. Likes to dominate other children.
2. Likes to use other children to get what they want.
3. It is difficult to see the situation from another child's point of view.
4. He only cares about his own desires and pleasures, and doesn't want to
care about other children's feelings.
5. Tend to injure other children when parents or other adults are not around.

6. Viewing weaker brothers or comrades as targets.

7. Doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions.
8. Has no view of the future or indifference to the consequences of his
9. Attention thirst.
While students / people who will be made or become victims of bullying
usually have the following characteristics:
1. New kid in the neighborhood.
2. The youngest or youngest child in school.
3. Children who have experienced trauma so often avoid because of fear.
4. Children who are obedient because of anxiety, lack of confidence, or
children who do something because they are afraid of being hated or
want to please.
5. Children whose behavior is considered disturbing others.
6. Children who don't want to fight or like to give in.
7. Children who are shy, hide their feelings, are quiet or do not want to
attract the attention of others.
8. The poorest or richest child.
9. Children whose race or ethnicity is looked down upon.
10. Children whose gender or sexual orientation is looked down upon.
11. Children whose religion is despised.
12. Children who are smart, talented, have advantages or are different from
13. Children who are free or liberal, do not care about social status, and do
not compromise with norms.
14. Children who are ready to demonstrate their emotions at any time.
15. Children who are fat or thin, short or tall.
16. Children who wear braces or glasses.
17. Children with acne or other skin conditions.
18. Children who have physical disabilities or mental retardation.
19. The child who was in the wrong place at the wrong time (bad luck).

D. Factors Causing Bullying

Bullyingcan occur anywhere, in urban, rural, public schools, private
schools, during school or outside school time. Bullying occurs because of the
interaction of various factors that can come from the perpetrator, the victim,
and the environment in which the bullying occurs.
In the research of Riauskina, Djuwita, and Soesetio, (2005) the reason
someone bullies is because the victim has the perception that the perpetrator
is bullying because of tradition, revenge because he was treated the same
(according to male victims), wants to show power, is angry because the
victim do not behave as expected, get satisfaction (according to male
victims), and envy (according to female victims). The victims also perceive
themselves to be victims of bullying because of their striking appearance, not
behaving appropriately, behavior that is considered impolite, and tradition.
According to psychologist Seto Mulyadi, bullying is caused because
nowadays teenagers in Indonesia are full of pressure. Especially those who
come from schools due to a dense curriculum and teaching techniques that are
too rigid. So that it is difficult for teenagers to channel their non-academic
talents through pranks and torture. Feudalism culture that is still strong in
society can also be one of the causes of bullying as its manifestation is the
emergence of a culture of seniority, the bottom must obey the top.
1. Family factor
Children who see their parents or siblings bullying will often
develop bullying behavior as well. When children receive negative
messages in the form of corporal punishment at home, they will develop
negative self-concepts and self-expectations, which then with this
experience they tend to attack others before they are attacked. Bullying is
interpreted by children as a force to protect themselves from a
threatening environment.
2. school factor
Because the school often ignores the existence of this bullying,
children as bullies will get reinforcement for their behavior to bully other
children. Bullying develops rapidly in a school environment that often

gives negative input to students, for example, in the form of punishment

that is not constructive so that it does not develop a sense of respect and
respect among fellow school members.
3. Peer group factor
Children when interacting in school and with friends around the
house are sometimes compelled to bully. Sometimes some children bully
other children in an attempt to prove that they can fit into a certain group,
even though they themselves feel uncomfortable with the behavior.
E. Impact of Bullying
1. Negative impact
Bullyinghave a very bad impact on a person. The following are some
of the effects of bullying including:
a. Decreased learning achievement.
b. School phobia.
c. Restlessness, difficulty sleeping.
d. Eating disorders.
e. Alone, isolate yourself.
f. Sensitive, irritable.
g. Aggressive, being rude to others (example: to brothers or sisters and
even parents).
h. Depression.
i. Suicidal ideation (data from Japan stated that 10% of bullying
victims attempted suicide).
j. Low self-confidence / inferior.
k. Feeling isolated in society.
2. Positive impact
From the negative impacts above, it turns out that bullying can have
positive impacts, namely:
a. Bullying can be a positive stressor for adolescents who are physically
and mentally strong in living their lives.

b. Adolescents who are bullied will be motivated to dare to defend

themselves in front of others, to be able to defend their friends
(chivalrous spirit).
c. More proactive and responsive to the problems encountered.
d. A desire arises to study harder (because of being ridiculed by
academic problems).
e. There is a high sense of loyalty from friends because there is a sense
of caring for the suffering of friends.
f. Can control emotions well.
g. More confident because they feel they have self-esteem that deserves
to be respected and respected (don't want to be hurt).
h. Increase the courage to communicate, realize that there are still
shortcomings in oneself (self-introspection).
i. Become more mature in behavior.
j. Try to get up and become a responsible and strong person physically
and mentally.
k. Dare to face the challenges and trials of life.
l. Closer to parents and teachers.

F. Efforts to Overcome Bullying

1. How to deal with bullies
a. Look them in the eye and tell them to stop. If the bully is getting
closer, place your hands as if stopping a vehicle while crossing,
creating a barrier between you and the bully. Look them in the eye
and say calmly but firmly, “Enough! You must stop now!” If they
continue to cross the line or continue to mock you in various ways,
simply repeat your sentence. “Stop it! I want you to stop now!”
Don't say or do anything other than keep your distance and try again.
b. Learn how bullies think. They tend to choose those whom they
perceive as unwilling or unable to defend themselves. Bullies choose
easy targets and "test them" with piercing words and disruptive
actions. The quickest and best way to end their bullying is to defend

themselves and force them to stop their behavior and repeat until
they hear it.
c. Negotiating, trying to make friends, or showing that you're annoyed
will only give them more opportunities and make things worse.
Don't whine, try not to cry, and stay strong. They will get bored and
lose interest when you take it easy and don't give them any reason to
bother. There's nothing funny about saying "stop or enough." They
wouldn't be able to mock if they looked strong.
d. Stand up straight and stare at them. Pay attention to your gestures in
the presence of the bully. Even if they are bigger than you (which
they often are) stand up straight and look them in the eye. Fight their
gaze coldly. Watch them carefully from head to toe. It's as if you see
and know something they are not aware of.
e. Cover your ears. Don't listen to the things he says or take them to
heart. They say these things to make you emotional, not because
that's what they think, not because it's true, and not because they're
trying to help you. They try to bring you down as a way of raising
their own position, because they are actually insecure and have weak
f. Create a spell if you are constantly bullied. Recite the mantra over
and over in your mind while the bully is in action. A good mantra
may come from a lyric verse of a song you like, or it may take the
form of a prayer, or a quote that motivates you. If they get any
closer, tell them to stop and continue to stare at them with your cold
gaze. Keep calm and repeat your mantra.
g. Defend yourself smartly. Don't let yourself get caught in an insulting
situation with them. You'll almost always lose in a one-on-one fight,
even if you're wittier, funnier, and smarter (as you should be).
Because they designed this game. Don't try to retaliate with greater
insults that will only make things worse for him.
h. Ignore the "bully" in cyberspace. The best thing you can do to fight
cyber intruders online is to ignore them. If someone is bullying you

online, whether it's via email, text, Facebook, or another social

network, you should stay away from the bully as much as possible.
Avoid getting sucked into situations of exchanging insults or
arguments over the internet, especially those of a public nature.
Sometimes it can be very tempting to reciprocate, but avoid the
temptation as much as possible.
2. Solutions / efforts for parents or guardians of parents
If your child is the victim of bullying at school, some of these
a. Unite perception with wife/husband. It is very important for husband
and wife to have one voice in dealing with the problems faced by
children at school. Because if not, the child will be confused, and
will be even more depressed. The shared perception includes several
aspects, for example: whether parents need to intervene, whether it is
necessary to come to school, whether to meet the parents of the
bully, including whether to report it to the police.
b. Learn and recognize the character of our child. We need to realize
that the only cause of bullying is because there are children who do
have characters who are easily victimized.
c. Establish communication with children. The goal is that the child
will feel comfortable enough (though of course there will still be
discomfort) telling us as parents when experiencing bullying at
school. This is the key to various things, including to monitor
whether a case has been solved or not.
d. Don't get involved too quickly.
e. Come in at the right time. Don't forget, that often our own children
(who are victims of bullying) are not happy when we (the parents)
interfere. That children's learning achievement began to be disturbed.
f. Talk to the right people.
g. If necessary, intimidate the bully.
h. Do not teach children to run from problems.
i. Don't get caught up in emotions.

3. Handling that can be done by the teacher

a. Try to be clear about what happened. Emphasize that the incident
was not his fault.
b. Help the child deal with the discomfort he feels, explain what
happened and why it happened. Make sure you explain in simple
language and easy for children to understand. Never blame your
child for the bullying they experience.
c. Ask for help from a third party (teacher or professional expert) to
help return the child to a normal condition, if deemed necessary. For
that, open your eyes and your heart as a parent. Don't be afraid to
listen to other people's input.
d. Observe your child's behavior and emotions, even when the bullying
incident is long gone (remember that victims usually hold grudges
and are potential perpetrators in the future). Work closely with the
school (teacher). Ask them to help and observe for any emotional or
physical changes in your child. Be aware of the different expressions
of aggression your child shows at home and at school (with or
without a parent/teacher/caregiver).
e. Build closeness with children's friends. Pay attention to their stories
about children. Watch for changes or unusual behavior.
f. Ask for help from a third party (teacher or professional expert) to
deal with the perpetrator.

4. Prevention for children who are victims of bullying

a. Equip children with the ability to stand up for themselves, especially
when no adults/teachers/parents are nearby.
b. Equip children with the ability to deal with various unpleasant
situations that they may experience in their lives
c. Even though the child has been taught to defend himself and is
equipped with the ability not to become a victim of violence, still tell

the child where he can report or ask for help for the violence he
experienced (not just bullying). Especially actions that he cannot
handle or actions that continue even though he has tried not to
d. Strive for children to have good socialization skills with peers or
with older people
5. Handling for children who are bullies
a. Immediately talk to the child about what he was doing. Explain that
his actions are detrimental to himself and others. Seek assistance
from experts so that problems are handled properly and completed
b. Find out why your child does this. The cause determines the
treatment. Children who become perpetrators because of low self-
esteem will certainly be handled differently from perpetrators who
are caused by revenge because they have been victims. Likewise, if
the perpetrator is caused by different aggressiveness.
c. Position yourself to help the child and not judge the child.
6. The most ideal way to prevent bullying
a. Teaches assertiveness, namely the ability to convey opinions or
opinions to others in an appropriate way. This includes the ability to
say no to peer pressure/bullying.
b. Schools raise awareness of bullying behavior (not all children
understand what bullying really is) and that schools have and
implement anti-bullying policies. The student must be able to believe
that if he becomes a victim, he will get help. On the other hand, if he
becomes the perpetrator, the school will also work with parents so
that they can work together to help overcome the problem.
c. Breaking the cycle of conflict and supporting cooperative attitudes
among members of the school community, not only interactions
between students at the same level but also from different levels.
7. How to prevent children from being bullies

The main key to anticipating the problem of bullying is a good

relationship with children. A good relationship will make the child open
up and believe that any problems he faces will be overcome and that
parents and teachers will always be ready to help him. From here the
child then learns to solve problems in the right way.
8. How to prevent children from becoming victims of bullying
Equipping children with assertive skills, so that they can give the
right message to the perpetrator that he is not a victim.
Meanwhile, the results of the discussion on bullying at The Center
for the Betterment of Education, Save the Children, Jakarta, January 12,
2010, to participate in providing several solutions and recommendations
in order to reduce bullying in our children's schools, namely by doing
preventive bullying prevention as follows: :
a. Anti-bullying socialization to students, teachers, parents, and the
entire academic community at school.
b. The application of rules in schools that accommodate anti-bullying
c. Make anti-bullying rules that are agreed upon by students, teachers,
school institutions and all the academic community of educational
d. Enforcement of rules/sanctions/discipline in accordance with the
agreement of the school institution and students, teachers and
schools, and parents and carried out in accordance with the
procedures for administering sanctions.
e. Building communication and interaction between the academic
f. Ask the Ministry of National Education to include the content of the
national education curriculum that is in accordance with the stages of
cognitive development of children/students so that learning
difficulties do not occur.
g. Education is most important so that parents have the right parenting

h. Urge the Ministry of National Education to include curriculum

content for teacher education institutions that accommodates anti-
i. Print, electronic, film and internet media content does not contain
bullying and urges the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI)
to supervise broadcasts that include elements of bullying.
j. The need for easy access by parents or the public, related
institutions, to educational institutions/schools as a form of
supervision for the prevention and resolution of bullying or the
establishment of a bullying complaint post.

A. Conclusion
Bullyingis a negative action that is done repeatedly where the action is
intentionally done with the aim of hurting and making someone feel
uncomfortable. Types of bullying can be divided into 4, verbal bullying,
physical bullying, relational bullying, and electronic bullying.
One of the characteristics of people who are bullied is the thirst for
attention, while the characteristics of people who are bullied are that the child
being bullied is the poorest or the richest. Factors from bullying can come
from family factors, school factors, and peer group factors.
The effects of bullying are positive and some are negative. Solutions or
efforts to overcome bullying can be done from the family environment,
school, and so on.

C. Suggestion
1. Schools should be proactive by creating programs for teaching social
skills, problem solving, conflict management, and character education.
2. Teachers should monitor changes in student attitudes and behavior inside
and outside the classroom; and it requires harmonious cooperation
between BK teachers, subject teachers, and school staff and employees.
3. Parents should cooperate with the school to achieve maximum
educational goals without bullying among students at school.




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