HW3 EN530761 Manuel Ayala

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Marwe\ fryale Yomewo, 4 3. EN. 620.30\ 1. (10 points) Determine whether the eigenspace for matrix Ay forms a basis for R? or C? and if the cigetspace of matrix Az forms » basis for B® or C2. Ifthe eigenspace of ether matrix dows form such 1 basis, provide the basis. 0-10 10 A=| a. (A 28) - ive | aa(A-92): (a-2)*2 0 => a-7 b x Lo [ ° wo lln| i aaib x]To @)y + W270 o aally ‘|e (O)N +* (A). =O dy -O ed kL I ~ [l- [2] <* TA does wot gam 2 bais got Rbor ¢* _y -V -10 and [) 20 O08 Ie da (Ay-At\= -a(-2a?) + 4[-7) 0 Deere = ¥-Ps\-2 = 0 =e -f84R-A4\ =o => AL eat tt - -lL Oo ” ° 1-9 x2 |elo |= —% -X2 + Wz 0 o 9 oll’ io KX - Ky + W\Wz+O (AK + (O% + (3= O HHP gy ( wi p20 y2 [7 Lé)x, -% + (Gry0 MAC ¥2 4O)%z3+O CO, + LAK + WU %y=° \ NN Fee One % -lX¥25O0 => (1-i}%a7 © x \"] oy | U ON [im -% t(Q%y0 w £ Uke 4Q)\%3 +O | | \ CO + LAK + Let) y= 0 y i¥, -¥220 % +1¥2=O (it\Xa= O Cx -t (2) 2] Le} Led Span ng ia OSS 2. (15 points) Consider the matrix 1 abd values and what is the dimension of the eigenspace? Now let = 10" with n=5. What is the dimension of the eigenspace of the matrix (ie. the space defined by all eigenvectors)? (0) For €=2, id a unitary transformation V that diagonalizes A. (4) Set a = 1, €=2 and solve the matrix equation (Lyapunov equation) AP +PAT =—al for the unknown matrix P € R?*?, Hint: one method is to write the matrix equation as a systern Of linear equations and solve using Cramer's rule. (e) Is P unitarily diagonalizable?: a\ Norscavler => det CA) 40 ack) 1 - 26 =o Ney velves 9g & _except er ll, will make. the wey A be Nonsiioer 4 fsouriing : e- 0 dot We at\= (I-A -o => J Aye b (2 ILE] Le SUN stone ° Ll Eigenspace € vu €-to> Dim= \ (1 P- (O72 <0 1-29492 = ZO 2 42-2) s08eRag = O =P Ax LOOUMA to = 92S {& wey. po) Le Fa Val? Le | Moots tot aa [ as 004m, | i (Maxie toe fal \ zZ -U4Axl0F —— « (to Z % =O 2%, + (Curarlo}KzO % yy, = 22340? % 4 [> . aaa) . mM eccic| [» me | [ | ran | boaass los 7 my . 3 L 2 roars || Ye 4 ° Tastod ys VT “1. fol ( Zz gous | Les o | (Usrto\x, © UO) K=O 2% & [Usro\he+O v 3, d= 7 2.222at0 “We =~ \ = Tx (2.222 so 7x2 222209] ene \>% Pepe Ib Noo aa -2.222 OF { 1 | F | L rn . 2 Ciognspace Ee R Qorenson = Z IE c\ Ae (3 ral (n g)y-f b> 2 an = Urayh- 4 =O dat (A-21) « = \-20+-UzLO = 92-29-320 => 423 Ae -t ft ze @ * ° fe) |? 2%, AZO = WArrO -2%2 +0 =D X% 70 «T_T wo jn we 271VE ° : => Uk 42K +O =D HARTO ie allel [<] 2X £ 2-0 =D KA xT Tt wel \y wens (ei = 2 2X >. eyes iF a aves Cane > vy Me Nameienng VA po Al ho wees | i él J Reva —» P10 oO3 oa AP + PAT Ac le all ar Eth d) Ma WRI 2 %, ne [ \ J XR Pz & be 2 \ oe = 0 LS t Te! y 8 8 SN Te es < NS x es 2 @ é an > WF zu =| CL - CY = Waite 20 4 Poy 42 4 202 lo + 286 - D YPy42Pn = O ® @ BW2t\n=o0 Oo ond onozr TOOT oor NOFO os0N OF0N er onQ = ONO OnOoxy T9207 bias < & De, = ond ono soxr0 7 00F 2 0nd 0 wos nove Dey = del (0-21) = i =o ale aa, a3? 4° 2 on . v- 2 2? wpe (et. 44 (Z-40(4\ 14 (2 NOT NG) Ne Ze Al a - _t ae 4 ae | Wen ® M3 \U xy ° “ty Yoo | |v. | LO x ° “Ge -lLxey so Ug My Wy Vette As Wty woul “ly vel lL] we] im -Le 20 3 3" aa Naas u x A x ye ° ly. Ww?) = |: 3. (15 points) Consider the linear transformation T : P; > P2, where P; denotes the set of all 2° order polynomials. Given that T(ay +a) +4322) = ay + (a, —a3)x + (2a — 3a,)2" (a) Show that the transform is indeed linear (b) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the linear transformation 7 (c) Calculate the basis vectors for the eigenspace(s) of the transformation, (these should be vectors in the appropriate space, i.e. Ps) 4) Asovevion Mi € Ve TUN: ao 4 (Ara) t (2d0 -3)x™ TU va\z bot Uoy-bet (2b. - 36) x7 UW AN) = (2otlo0) * Aaa s A bale + (220-22, 4 Zoo - 3b.) x* ats; Assorina, A is a scalar: ws dditun “2 TAM) = WA) + [day dare + (2h ae - Ba) x satsie Salar mnibg\iate, Le b) Tersfoming, ido a metix Tag + Ak 4a,r7) = boo + (lo,-by) x4 [Zb.-9h)e = | oo O/T he ae So 1 Bria 2 3 elle) Le ———) a [2s “| > WAN) = (1a) (4-9-3) 2-3 -) dat ree Pe | nd (ean). 4 3 ; Ze 2 2 ‘BW -BeR FO z % 0 Fae \9 a \ xo} Lo re} 1-6, =O o/= z O FD xy 9-0 2% “3x2 TLIB Wy #0 4 WFO = \ <° o *a a2 x% ° 2 \7 \1- bei a c) Assuming c — Cus Fa A> J ] =D dole Lod af a2+O “Wren TON) = 454 [a-acla d (246 ~ 2a.) * = U5 +(( -d)x4 LOU) ~ 3L))x? 4. (10 points) Consider a matrix A that has an eigenvalue \ with its corresponding eigenvector @ (a) Prove: Polynomii ey +e +2? yction f(A) = cgA° + er? + cA? + + eq A® will have an eigenvalue nA". What is the corresponding eigenvector? (b) Suppose f(A) and f2(A) are both polynomial functions of matrix A, find the corresponding eigenvector of f2~"(A) f:-"(A). Note: f,~!(A) represents the inverse of the matrix fi(A) snvalue and (Note: You are required to show your derivation process) 8 Mneregate: L(a)u = Cy \< Qh e Gv det CoAty fev. LO) v Ake Cy eganeder is YU b) Assvmine, Amat SHe\ = Fa Say ca" So: “cay = 1 Suey" cay’ = L€ce) fA) | LS tR) £18) term: ‘Tocosing ay CCW)e 20 # LAK A A® + AAP 4 + agAP LU: bos BA + bed? + bs ABe oe + by Al Fuom gark @) Eigenvalue o% Sa = £0) hus: Eragrke ox SR) => La) Eigen &(A)=? GL) CAR) = (24 a2 4 & Mt Aa 4 an") (bot bid + bp He by ME ve + by a") = Abo + 24b,h + aab_% + dods 4? 4 abe” 4 ajbo> + &by> 4 ajb,a3 ¥a.o324 F adm I 4 aaber® + debs 92 4a, ba) 4 abst? + a2 bm” 4 abe 4? 4 Bb, I + Agloz Ft Apbyh t 25 lon 2” & Ando” 4 aad 4 aybodM? 4 an bga™?s anloat™ LOGA = abo + Car * ab)A 4 (dby + ab, + are) 2 + (abs + Abe + 2b, + aybo)a34 Coa taylor + abr) AY 4 (2dog4 ashe) 15 4 ashes, WE 4 re + agtomed ¢ aoe A 4 amt A gdm 4? 44 aabod 4 anda + anbded™? 4 an ba"? 4 anlout There fore: “1 l SONG = AAA ae al abo + (gel + Aba 4 (Ab, + ab, + abe) 2 4 vee Eigenvalues £ax Tha say ave the same as for LALA To dolam the giogvedors : to dalam ne eloped Av= au Assuving: A Lhasa a: [£.0) LOY" “eon Aho Ciggrvectors will bev | 5, (10 points) A real symmetric matrix A is positine definite if the quadratic form Q(x) = x? Ax is than zero forall x 4 0. Prove that a necessary and suficient condition for posiive-definiteness is that the eigenvalues of A are all postive Qls\: xTA¥ 20 A => Ceal ff spemetic Ao A> Poesitie Kooniney hat. Axe AR Then by embiiglyiney both ses wat xT RTAR= ACK Qad= am? ne 2 is positive ¢ xt? alusys will be AW >0 Also, matax A can be diagonizable by De MAM where, sD Q: dianral nett a7 71 . T M: atponasina\ A: MDM digerecno There roe QW: TAK = xTMDMTY = i a QU= YD y = BCA A tan Since > is essstiv 7 Yr wil always be passitve ten Qv) 270

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