Activity2 Reflectionpaper Lumasag

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Reflection about :

Globalization’s impact on Communication, and on Communication’s Impact on Globalization

Are you enjoying the innovation of technology? After watching those three. (3) videos which entitled;
Connected But Alone by Sherry Turkle, How Social Media can make History by Clay Shirky and Wiring a
Web for Global Good by Gordon Brown. I have just realized that technology are truly very powerful it's
not just change what we do but it change who we really are and how it affects the way we communicate
and it's impact to globalization and globalization impact on communication.

As one of the users of the new/innovative way of communicating as I remember when my mother told
me in the past when we send a message it takes days or weeks before the receiver received it but now,
in just one click viola you can reply instantly amazing right.And yes! In today's modern technology makes
my day to day communication a lot easier. I can talk to any body through voice call or video call, sending
and receiving messages to my friends, family, or even to strangers without hustle.Because of technology
even though I can't go to other country or to beautiful places around the world, I still can feel like I've
been there because of the photos and videos posted on different social media platforms. And most
importantly, the news to what's happening to our country and to other country can be easily be updated
and I can feel also that we are all in this together but I have never thought that other people might take
it for granted because now that the media is incredibly powerful.

And I will remember that we are now living in a world where media is global,social, accessible and not
expensive or cheap. Right now as I write my reflection paper I'm reflecting what did I do in the past few
days using technology and the thought of Connected, But Alone? (Turkle,2012) but why? We are
connected, I am connected to everyone whenever and wherever they are but then again why still
ALONE? For me it is because even though my friends or family are just in one place, sometimes we don't
talk to each other like we used to we are facing our gadgets we communicating globally but we forgot
the true presence of communication or being there for each other not just sending sympathy through
message but sometimes we need their physical presence. But still modern technology can be our
protection or sending recieving sympathy to other people globally for example if there's something
suspicious happening to your community you can post it and just a minute globally can be aware of it.

Since we now have the capacity to find common ground with people we will never meet, but who will
meet through the internet and other modern means of communication, we now have the capacity to
organize and take collective action together to address the problem or injustice that we want to address
which makes this a unique age in our history,
Therefore, It is up to us on how we use modern technology locally or globally and how can we make best
of this media. Even though it means changing the way we always make it. For me I will always remember

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