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Petit and Scary Bird “The magnificent Owl”

Day turned to night, the sun fell asleep and the moon awoke. In the dark, there is something
that can surprise you with its uniqueness. Meet the owl (Strigiformes).

Figure 1 Hedwig Harry's Owl Pet

The bird that is famous in the Harry Potter movie is a group of birds that are members of the
order Strigiformes. This bird belongs to the class of birds of prey (carnivores, meat-eaters)
and is a nocturnal animal (nocturnal).
There are about 222 known species of owls, distributed worldwide except Antarctica, most of
Greenland, and some remote islands. The species are further grouped into several genera such
as Tyto, Phodilus, Otus, Psiloscops, Megascops, Pyrroglaux, Gymnoglaux, Ptilopsis,
Mimizuku, Bubo, Pulsatrix, Strix, Jubula, Lophostrix, Surnia, Glaucidium, Xenoglaux,
Micrathene, Athene, Aegolius, Uroglaux, Sceloglaux, Nesasio, Pseudoscops, Asio.
This bird has the general characteristics of an upright stance, large, broad head, binocular
vision, binaural hearing, sharp claws, and feathers adapted for silent flight.
In the western world, this animal is considered a symbol of wisdom, but in some places in
Indonesia, it is considered a bearer of a harbinger of death, hence the name ghost bird
(burung hantu). Even so, not in all places in the archipelago this bird is called a ghost bird. In
Java, for example, the name of this bird is darès or manuk darès which has no connotation
with death or ghosts. In North Sulawesi, owls are known as Manguni.
In Indonesia, there are also many species of owls that can be found in the forests of
Serak Jawa Owl (Tyto alba javanica)

Beluk Watu Jawa Owl (Glaucidium castanopterum)

Hingkik Owl (Bubo sumatranus)

One of the unique facts about owls is that they can't roll their eyes! Owls don’t have round
“eyeballs” Instead, they are long and shaped like a tube. Therefore, owls have a head and
neck structure that can rotate almost 360 degrees! Imagine you meet an owl at night with its
eyes glowing in the dark and turning its head back, just imagining it is already terrifying.

Scientists say owls have such a bone structure that they can turn their heads 270 degrees.
Two scientists from America said owls have a structure of bones and blood vessels that
connect the neck and head bones.
The working system of the neck and head bone structure in this owl has something to do with
the study of the physics of angular momentum. Angular momentum is the momentum
possessed by an object moving in a circle or in rotation.
The Relationship between Angular Momentum and Linear Momentum
Just as force has a relationship with the moment of a force, angular momentum also has a
relationship with linear momentum. For a point object moving with momentum p and a
distance r from the axis of rotation, the magnitude of the angular momentum satisfies
L=rp sin
Where is the angle between the radius and momentum vectors. To determine the angle, we
must redraw the vectors p and r so that the bases of the two vectors coincide . The angle is the
angle formed by the base of the two vectors when rotated from vector r to vector p.

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