A Day Without Technology

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Living in a world surrounded by technological advancements undeniably made our daily life easier and

convenient. Technology transformed the way we perceive the dynamic world to keep up with fast-phase
environment. The roles of technology to make our lives simpler and better are myriad, and I can’t
imagine what my day would be without its presence. Electronic devices, such as smartphone and laptop,
are the common technologies that I am using every day for entertainment, academic and social
purposes. It will be a boring, lifeless and tiring day if I woke up without these devices. I will be
disconnected to online world and will not be able to talk with my friends instantly. Online learning will
stop for a day resulting in the delay of passing assignments or activities. Similarly, other utilities, like
electricity and water, that are necessary for our survival will run out because they are controlled by a
computer system and it’s a catastrophic day if they vanish. The night will be so dark, quiet and hot.
Every work needs to be done manually and will take lots of time to accomplished. Above all, technology
is very important for our day to day life.

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