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Isabella Buchta

Grace Kendall

Professor Conway

EDES 504-01

May 3, 2021

Signature Assignment: Creation and Administration of Informal Assessment

Student 1 Feedback: Lesson 1 Score: 3 (At grade level standard). Student 1 filled out all

three descriptive factors. Student 1 also completes the sentence frame with three adjectives.

Lesson 2 Score: 4 (Advanced). Student 1 filled out all eight descriptive categories. He also

spelled all adjectives correctly, and drew himself using the eight adjectives chosen, as well as

included more than one hobby in the drawing. Lesson 3 Score: 2 (Approaching Grade Level

Standard). Student 1 filled in seven of the eight descriptive categories. Category six is missing a

description of pants, shorts, or a skirt, but a red skirt can be seen in the drawing. Student 1 also

misspells “white” in category six, but it is spelled out phonetically. Their drawing shows at least

five adjectives. Student 1 Feedback Note: Great job with your use of adjectives, and with your

drawings! You did very well with spelling, but let’s work on recognizing and remembering

hidden letters in words.

Student 2 Feedback: Lesson 1 Score: 3. Student 2 filled in all three descriptive categories,

as well as completed the sentence frame provided using three adjectives. Lesson 2 Score: 4.
Student 2 filled in all eight descriptive categories, and reflected them in her drawing. All

adjectives are spelled correctly, and their drawing includes multiple hobbies. Lesson 3 Score: 3.

Student 2 completed eight out of eight descriptive categories, and spelled all adjectives correctly.

However, the drawing shows a different hair color than the chosen adjective, and no hobbies

were drawn. Student 2 Feedback Note: You showed a very good understanding of adjectives and

how to use them! The next step is making sure our drawing matches the adjectives we chose, and

using even more adjectives to make our picture!

Student 3 Feedback Lesson 1 Score: 4. Student 3 filled out three out of three descriptive

categories, and used more than three adjectives in their completed sentence. Lesson 2 Score: 3.

Student 3 filled in all eight descriptive categories, and was able to use all eight to draw her self

portrait. Student 3 misspelled “black” on number 6. Lesson 3 Score: 4. Student 3 completed all

eight descriptive categories, and reflected all of them in her drawing. Student 3 spelled all

adjectives correctly, and included more than one hobby in her drawing. Student 3 Feedback

Note: You have shown a lot of advanced work with your knowledge of adjectives and your

ability to describe people and things! Let’s make sure that we check our spelling to see if we are

missing any letters, even if they are silent.

The rubric scores of the 3 selected student work samples reflect various patterns of learning, as

well as differences between learners. The students’ results all illustrated a strong ability to follow

directions, seeing as they all completed every section of the assessment. The evidence found in

the work samples also shows that the students as a whole performed the best on the second

lesson, which asked them to a​pply their knowledge of adjectives by correctly describing​

themselves using adjectives. Additionally, the students had the lowest average performance on

lesson three, which asked them to a​ pply their knowledge of adjectives by correctly describing the

main character of a story. This indicates that while the students have an understanding of

adjectives and their meanings, they may be struggling to apply them to other classroom concepts

such as book characters. Evidence from the three student work samples further reflects common

errors in spelling, but correct phonetic spelling.

To support Student 1, I would work on using adjectives to form complete sentences. I

would also suggest the student match images to different adjectives to work on their use of

adjectives to describe unfamiliar people and places. To support Student 2, I would suggest that

we work on expanding the adjectives in their vocabulary. Student 2 performed at grade level for

most of their assessment, so the next step would be to progress to advanced and build upon their

already strong understanding of the material. With Student 3, I would focus on more advanced

uses of adjectives, such as writing out complete sentences with them and using them to describe

already drawn images. Student 3 is working at an advanced level in most aspects of the lesson,

and should be challenged accordingly. With these supports and encouragements in place,

students should be able to continue progressing in their learning objectives.

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