Unit 1 Input 2 Faqs About NSTP

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Reference: Understanding NSTP Module

Dr. Joann Amargo

FAQs about NSTP
Unit 1 - Input 2
17 FAQs about NSTP
1. What is National Service Training
Program Law
NSTP Law as embodied in
Republic Act 9163 is a
programmed aimed at
enhancing civic consciousness
and defense preparedness in
the youth of developing the
ethics of the service and
patriotism while undergoing
training in any of its three (3)
program components
specifically designed to enhance
the youth’s active contribution
to the general welfare.
2. What are the program components of
the NSTP?

» a. The Reserve Officers

Training Corps (ROTC) is
designed to provide
m i l i ta r y t ra i n i n g to
tertiary level students in
order to motivate, train,
organise, and mobilise
t h e m f o r n a t i o n a l
defense preparedness.
2. What are the program components of
the NSTP?

b. The Literacy Training

Service (LTS) is designed
to train the students to
teach literacy and
numeracy skills to
school children, out-of-
school youth and other
segments of society in
need of their services.
2. What are the program components of
the NSTP?
c. The Civic Welfare Training
Service (CWTS) refers to
activities contributory to
general welfare and the
betterment of life for the
members of the community or
the enhancement of its facilities
especially those developed to
improving health, education,
environment, entrepreneurship,
safety, recreation and moral of
the citizenry and other social
welfare service.
3. Who shall take the NSTP?
» All incoming freshmen
students, male and female,
e n r o l l e d i n a n y
baccalaureate and in at
least 2 year technical
vocational or associate
courses, are required to
complete one (1) NSTP
» 4. How will be the NSTP Taken up? Each of the NSTP components
shall be undertaken for an academic period of two (2) semesters
and credited for (3) units per semester with 54 to 90 training
hours per semester.
» 5. What if the NSTP cannot be taken up during the regular
semester? A one (1) summer-program in lieu of the two
semester-program may be designed formulated and adopted by
the DND, CHED and TESDA subject to the capability of the school
and the AFP to handle the same.
» 6. What if the NSTP program component chosen by a student is
not offered in his/her school? School that do not meet the
required number of students order to conduct a program
component or do not offer the component chosen by the students
shall allow them to cross-enrol to other school irrespective of
whether that school is under CHED or TESDA subject to the
capability of the school and the AFP to handle the same.
» These students however, shall be subjected to the existing rules
and regulations of their original school and accepting school.
» 7. Are currently-enrolled students covered by the NSTP? Male
students currently enrolled but have not taken any program
component of the previous Expanded ROTC (E-ROTC) / National
Service Program (NSP) are covered by the NSTP.
» 8. Will a student who has completed all the academic
requirements of his course except ROTC will be allowed to
graduate? provided that he is a certified candidate by the school
on or before the effectivity of the NSTP which is March 23, 2002.
» 9. What if the student has completed two
semesters of E-ROTC/NSP? He is deemed to have
complied with the NSTP requirement.
» 10. What if a male student has only taken one(1)
semester of Basic ROTC/NSP? He shall take one
more semester of any of the NSTP components to
qualify for graduation.
» 11. What will become of NSTP Graduates?
Graduates of the non-ROTC components shall
belong to the National Service Reserve Corps
(NSRC) that could be tapped by the State for
literacy and civic welfare activities. Graduates of
the ROTC component shall form only part of the
AFP Citizen Armed Force subject to DND required.
» 12. How can a student continue to qualify for enlistment in
the AFP Reserve Force? He/she may qualify for enlistment in
the AFP Reserve Force as long as he/she has completed the
two (2) semesters of Basic ROTC.
» 13. How much fee will be charged for an NSTP component?
No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP component
except basic tuition fees, which should not be more than fifty
percent (50%) of the charges of the school per academic unit.
» 14. What a student incentives can be provided by the NSTP? The following
incentives to students are to be provided when they take NSTP.
» A program of assistance/incentives for ROTC students from DND which will
be in accordance with existing laws and regulations and subject to
availability of funds.
» School authorities concerned, CHED and TESDA shall ensure that health and
accident group insurances are provided to students enrolled in any of the
NSTP components.
» A special Scholarship Program for qualified NSTP shall be administered by
CHED and TESDA subject to the availability of funds.
» 15. Who is responsible for supervising the NSTP?
School Authorities shall exercise academic and
administrative supervision over the design,
formulation, adoption and implementation of the
different NSTP components in their respective schools.
» In case of ROTC, The School Authorities and DND shall
exercise joint supervision over its implementation.
» 16. What lead the agencies will monitor the implementation of the
NSTP? CHED Regional Offices, TESDA Provincial and District Offices and
the DND-AFP through the major Service Reserve Commands and their
ROTC Units shall oversee if the trainings conducted are in consonance
with the Republic Act.
» 17. Is the NSTP available in all Schools and Universities? All Higher and
Technical Vocational Educational Institutions shall be offering at least
one (1) of the NSTP components, while State Universities and Colleges
will offer the ROTC component and at least one other NSTP component.
Thank you

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