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Herbal Preparation:

INGUSAN, Sean Derick F.
ILAGAN, James Czar F.
LAMBINO, Nyck Andre
ILAGAN, Ma. Angelica Mikaela D.
Mrs. Joy Mercado
September 13, 2016

BLS Oil/ Ointment Preparation

1. Garlic (1/2 cup)
2. Ginger (1/2 cup)
3. Red pepper (1/4 cup)
4. Oil (preferably virgin coco oil or olive oil) (1 and ½ cup )

Garli Ginge Red Virgin Coconut

Procedure: c r Pepper Oil

1. Mince the garlic, ginger and red pepper

2. Measure ½ cup of garlic, ½ cup of ginger and ½ cup of red pepper

½ cup ½ cup ¼ cup Red

3. Mix all theGarlic
ingredients and add 1 Ginger
½ cup of oil Pepper

1 and ½ cup Virgin

Coconut Oil
4. In a slow fire, heat the mixture for 10 minutes.
5. Store in a glass container

Finished Product:

Optional: To make your Oil/Ointment into a Balm, here’s the procedure:

· Strain, to separate the oil from the solid mixture

· Once again, heat the solution in a slow fire and add Wax. Bee hive wax is preferred. But in its absence, you can
use a white candle instead.

· Just add wax, little by little. To know that it is the right amount, when the wax melted, test by dropping a mixture
in a plate or saucer. Check when it when it's cold. Test using your fingers. it must be balm-like.


 Garlic - ₱ 0.00 (available at home)

 Ginger- ₱ 0.00 (available at home)
 Red Pepper- ₱ 0.00 (available at home)
 Virgin coconut oil- ₱135.00 (bought at SM supermart 250ml)
 TOTAL: ₱ 135.00

Indications and Benefits of BLS Oil:

Do you have painful Arthritis? The BLS oil is an alternative treatment for Arthritis you could simply prepare it at
your home so that you’ll have a ready treatment when you need one.

The BLS oil/ointment is applied externally to the affected area 3x a day, and it relieves the pain caused by arthritis.
BLS refers to its main ingredients, such as Bawang (garlic), Luya (ginger) and Sili (red pepper, preferably, “siling
labuyo”). Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties while both ginger and red pepper has anti-inflammatory
characteristics that can help relieve muscle and joint pains.

Active constituents:


Capsicum frutescens
-- capsaicin

Allium sativum

Zingiber officinale
--gingerols, shogaols

Arthritis refers to inflammation of a joint or a state characterized by inflammation of the joints. Inflammation
is a process in which the body's white blood cells and chemicals help protect us from infection and foreign
substances such as bacteria and viruses. Its symptoms can be either one or a combination of the following:

· Redness

· Swollen joint that's tender and warm to the touch

· Joint pain

· Joint stiffness

· Loss of joint function

The cause of arthritis is not fully known, yet, can we still do something to prevent it. Maintaining proper
weight (obesity added strain to joints), regular joint exercises, proper diet (excess protein can increase your uric acid)
and strengthening immune system can help a lot. Prevention is better than cure. If symptoms persist, see your doctor!

You could also apply BLS oil to muscle aches and insect bites. It is not indicated if you have dermatitis,
allergies and open wounds.


Mallapre, A. (2014). Natural treatment for painful arthritis (BLS ointment or balm). Retrieved on
September 11, 2016 from treatment-for-

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