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Dayot, Bernardo Jr. K.

February 8, 2021

Creating Instructional Video

How-to Instructional Video Worksheet

Topic Power Point Presentation of Online Class

Rules and Reminders

Target Audience Students

Location School

Materials Equipment Needed Laptop, Android phone. Ballpen. Paper

Steps to be shown in the Video First is the introduction of myself and about
the content and present the slideshow about
the rules and reminders of Online Class

Storyboard (see Story board form on the next page)

Script (see script on page 3)

Group Members N/A

Writing the Storyboard

In this part, I am introducing myself and the

topic that I am going to discuss in the video.

In this part, I am discussing to the class the

first reminder which is checking the
equipment before entering the class.

In this part, I am discussing the 3rd reminder

which is “attend to personal needs before

In this last part of reminder, I am discussing

about “avoiding getting side tracked”.

Lastly, I give them a class requirements for

the online class.
Writing a Script

Hello everyone, this is teacher Bernard, in this video, I will show you a PowerPoint
presentation of the few online class reminders before we start our online class. So here are the
online class rules and reminders.
Reminder #1: Check your equipment before entering the class.

• Make sure that your headset, earphone and camera are working well. Troubleshoot
your technical problems ahead of time.
Reminder #2: Always enter the room on time

• We have limited time for our daily online classes. Be punctual so that we can maximize
Reminder #3: Attend to personal needs before class.

• It best to drink, eat or go to the restroom before classes, to avoid interruption.

Reminder #4: Mute your microphone during discussion.

• We don’t have sound and studio at home, so we can have to make sure that the
speakers audio is very clear with no noise interference coming from the students.
Reminder #5: Raise your hand if you would like to ask or answer.

• If you would like to give a response or clarification, please wait to be acknowledge

before you speak.
Reminder #6: Avoid getting side tracked.

• Talk about matters that clearly related to the topic of the discussion, or to the subject as
a whole.
• Please be re reminded that not everyone at home has a conducive environment for
learning, so please be considerate and respectful.
Now, I would like to give your class requirements.
You’ll need…….
1/8 size whiteboard
1 regular notebook
1 clear book
May we have an inside insightful online discussion ahead. Thank for watching……...
In the audio part, all of the scenes and phase are using audio to make my scenes clear
understandable. I used to search music from YouTube for the audio background and which is

In the video scene, I used my android phone to video myself. I also used it by editing using
mobile application (Cap Cut). I compile and add some effects to make it presentable. In
presenting video PowerPoint, I used my laptop for bigger screen and easy to read.

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