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MAY 7, 2021


a. In the following problem, find the correlation coefficient between the heights (in inches) of the
fathers and the sons.

Height of the Father 65 63 67 64 68 62 70 66 68 67 69 71

Height of the Son 68 66 68 65 69 66 68 65 71 67 68 70

Height of the Height of the Son

65 68 4225 4624 4420
63 66 3969 4356 4158
67 68 4489 4624 4556
64 65 4096 4225 4160
68 69 4624 4761 4692
62 66 3844 4356 4092
70 68 4900 4624 4760
66 65 4356 4225 4290
68 71 4624 5041 4828
67 67 4489 4489 4489
69 68 4761 4624 4692
71 70 5041 4900 4970
TOTAL: 800 811 53418 54849 54107

This pearson’s r value of 0.703 means that there is moderately high correlation between the height of
father and the son.
b. The following table shows the final grades of ten (10) students in Algebra and Statistics. Determine
the correlation of the two variables.

Algebra 75 80 93 65 87 71 98 68 84 77

Statistics 82 78 86 72 91 80 95 72 89 74

Algebra Statistics
75 82 5625 6724 6150
80 78 6400 6084 6240
93 86 8649 7396 7998
65 72 4225 5184 4680
87 91 7569 8281 7917
71 80 5041 6400 5680
98 95 9604 9025 9310
68 72 4624 5184 4896
84 89 7056 7921 7476
77 74 5929 5476 5698
TOTAL: 798 819 64722 67675 66045

This pearson’s r value of 0.872 means that there is high correlation between the final grades of ten
(10) students in Algebra and Statistics.
c. The table below shows the number of absences, x, in a Calculus course and the final exam grade, y, for
7 students. Find the correlation coefficient and interpret your result.

x 1 0 2 6 4 3 3

y 95 90 90 55 70 80 85

x y
1 95 1 9025 95
0 90 0 8100 0
2 90 4 8100 180
6 55 36 3025 330
4 70 16 4900 280
3 80 9 6400 240
3 85 9 7225 255
TOTAL: 19 565 75 46775 1380

This pearson’s r value of 0.927 means that there is high correlation between the number of absences,
x, in a Calculus course and the final exam grade, y, for 7 students.
d. The table below shows the height, x, in inches and the pulse rate, y, per minute, for 9 people. Find the
correlation coefficient and interpret your result.

x 68 72 65 70 62 75 78 64 68

y 90 85 88 100 105 98 70 65 72

x y
68 90 4624 8100 6120
72 85 5184 7225 6120
65 88 4225 7744 5720
70 100 4900 10000 7000
62 105 3844 11025 6510
75 98 5625 9604 7350
78 70 6084 4900 5460
64 65 4160 4225 4160
68 72 4624 5184 4896
TOTAL: 622 773 43270 68007 53336

There is a negligible correlation between the height, x, in inches and the pulse rate, y, per minute, for
9 people.

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