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processes, and community education techniques reflect a given

society's socially constructed reality.

LESSON 3: 10. In utilizing a strengths perspective, the knowledge already exists in
a community is extended to become assets that fortify
Framework for Social Work and Community Education and Training communities' human, social, and identity capital.
11. Activities such as participation and empowerment mean sharing,
working together, and enhancing mutual learning in community
 Perspectives on Community Education and Implications for Social
 A participatory and Liberating concept of training
Work Education and Practice
/ PARTICIPATORY TRAINING is an educational strategy in
1. A social work response to risk issues such as AIDS, poverty,
which learners are active participants in the educational process.
economic, social, political, environmental, and security matters
Their needs and questions, their reflection and analysis, and their
will include community education components.
strategy for change carry the process forward. This approach to
2. Community education has been a general social responsibility
Training aims at freeing people from patterns of thinking imposed
throughout history. Still, present risk issues compel the social work
upon them by dominant forces. Its methodology is learner-
profession to consciously accept co-responsibility for community
centered, experience-based, and open-ended.
education within the broader context of community development.
/ Five Core Elements in Development Work
3. The theoretical underpinning of the social work profession can be
o Conscientization is based on the ideas of Paolo Freire.
utilized to construct an ideal type of community education.
According to Freire, conscientization is the process of
4. The ideal type of community education is based on a mutual
raising people's critical awareness of reality.
exchange of knowledge, skills, and ideas with the community,
which implies horizontal learning. Freire’s Perspective:
5. Community education is a function of social work on a macro-
level and an identifiable role of the social worker in partnership  Domestic Education emphasizes passivity,
with the community. acceptance, and submissiveness.
6. Community education is a precondition for action by the  Liberating Education encourages people to
community, and therefore it is inherent in all other social work take risks, to be curious, and to question. It is
activities. seen as a process of empowerment that allows
7. Community education is not an isolated, single occurrence, but it is individuals to function as being in and with the
process-driven. Prevention, awareness, and consciousness-raising world.
are pursued as process goals. o Adult Education viewed adults as active learners. They
8. Community education is mainly non-formal, lifelong, open-ended, have specific characteristics (e.g., years of experience,
never completed, applied from a people-centered perspective, and maturity, sensitiveness to failure, etc.) that must be
aimed at sustainable social development. considered to identify more effective learning methods.
9. The social worker's response is situation-relevant and related to
local culture and indigenous knowledge. All activities, ideas, The concern for more experiential and dialogical teaching
methods has several advantages:
 Learning is based on shared experiences / a holistic approach grounded in principles of empowerment,
 Self-analysis/reflection is facilitated since human rights, inclusion, social justice, self-determination, and
students are treated as adults; and collective action.
 Methods used contribute to excellent retention / considers community members to be experts in their lives and
or learning experiences. communities and values community knowledge and wisdom.
o Participatory Development views development training / community development programs are led by community members
as: at every stage - from deciding on issues to selecting and
 A crucial step in the social preparation for more implementing actions and evaluation
critical and responsible participation; and / has an explicit focus on redistributing power to address the causes
 A continuing effort to strengthen local of inequality and disadvantage.
capabilities to sustain such actions. / educating community people is central to community development.
o Empowerment of the Poor is one of the fundamental goals / aims to equip communities with the knowledge and skills they
of empowerment is to enable people to make themselves need for collective action.
better than before they were trained. It involves capacity / a process whereby learning is used for both the betterment of the
building, changes in its management, democratic individual and the community.
processes, change agents acting as capability builders and / characterized by:
enablers, and technical soundness as crucial as the human o Involvement of people of all ages
process. o The use of community learning, resources, and research to
o Community Organizing as an element regards training as bring about community change
an integral part of raising people's consciousness and o The recognition that people can learn through, with, and
facilitating collective action. for each other to create a better society.
 Central to community organizing is the Micro to
Macro Approach that merges individual
concerns with group interests, gradually moving
from immediate to community issues.

 Relationship of Community Education and Community Development


/ designed to empower the people in a targeted geographical area

with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to improve their
surrounding environment and economic circumstances.
/ a transformational approach to change that concentrates on
creating embedded competencies rather than just giving people a

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