Bacani, Thalia G. Bped 2-C

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The “ability to read and write” is the most common meaning of literacy that school taught
us. Although these are essential components of literacy, today our understanding of literacy
encompasses much more. The word literacy are rapidly changing because of the
innovations and creations of technology. Now we are experiencing the latest technological
advancements that brought us about a new kind of learning, one that is not dependent on
just books and writing.

We are now in the 21st Century that is distinguished for its new innovations and
dependency on technology, in all parts of life. Technology has influenced and changed the
way students solve problems, research information and learn about new things. It
ultimately exposes students and teachers to new online global communities.

Through these innovations, every individual especially students should need to engage and
learn about 21st century literacy which is the digital literacy. They should have the digital
literacy skills to possess, now that they are involved in this era. Gay defined the 21st
century literacy as a framework comprising many elements. It is the ability to use
information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, and communicate
information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.

As a person belong in this era, it should be necessary to know the use of new technological
advancements that surrounds us. Literacy development occurs not only in school but in
every aspect of daily life. We interact with others when we have a conversation. We read
maps, advertisements, newspapers, recipes, manuals and websites. We analyze and
interpret vast amount of media information. We write poems, songs, reports, blogs, and
While in terms of employment, one should have the ability to interact with customers and
obtain technological skills to impress and to be look desirable to employers. Having a great
communication skill is one of the skills that employers are looking for. Having a college
degree is a big step to pursue dreams that you desire but having the skills and being literate
enough to be creative, having a critical thinking and a good evaluation is the biggest one
step ahead to your success.

Not only students, but also educators should be fully engaged in 21 st century literacy for
their students to learn and apply these leanings in their everyday lives. They should be the
one who will teach students the innovation about the 21st century literacy learning.

Literacy is having a deeper meaning as days go by as well as the changes in technology. No

matter how difficult it is to adapt in this rapid changing situations, we should be ready to be
able to accept and to not be left behind in the technological developments. Being literate is
one of the biggest advancements that a person could ever had because not all people have
these skills and abilities.

It is no longer accurate to say that being able to read and write defines an individual as
being literate. People should be competent enough to be considered literate and meet the
society’s standards.




Digital literacy is the interest, attitude and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital
technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze and evaluate
information, construct new knowledge, create and communicate with others people in the
world. Digital literacy is very important because it is the most valuable tool for lifelong
learning. digital literacy is important to do because it is hoped that the community will be
able to utilize the technology to its full potential so as to be able to develop themselves,
groups or even countries in various sectors.

Internet or technology change the pattern of society and it haves a big impact, especially in
ASEAN. the existence of technology has begun to create an application based economic
system that changes the structure of the society. Digital literacy have different levels in
every countries in ASEAN. ASEAN or (Association of South East Asian Nations) is a regional
association of countries in southeast asia consisting of 10 countries that cooperate together
in social, economic, political, educational security and military aspect as well as culture.
there are peoples who are able to employ and use technology so that it can help them to
understand the new technology and can keep up with other countries. People who can
adapt technology can give benefits to them. This ability allows global citizens to interact the
bond together for common goals. It also means that discerning authentic content is
becoming harder to do. Those with good digital literacy skills will have the advantage of
sharing ideas efficiently and knowledgeable filtering content.

There are so many people who can adapt technology but they are also who can't. Yes,
digital literacy have also disadvantages in people especially in students. Digital literacy has
a huge disadvantage because of its modern use. Computer are now made to improve digital
literacy as well as our daily lives. Computer are used for many online exams or surveys that
cause some people use them in a bad way. While doing online exam, some people use
plagiarism and take other people's work instead of writing their own.
As a result of "Digital Lliteracy levels in (Comparative study on ASEAN Countries)"
research, it shows that there is no significant difference in the level of digital literacy
between countries. By Kruskal Wallis Test, it shows that there is no significant difference in
digital literacy among ASEAN countries. Singapore is the country with the highest level of
digital literacy.

As students, digital literacy have a very important role in our country. It gives students
information that we can use in our study. being students who have understanding in
technology means that is students develop technological skills, learn authorship rules such
as copyright and plagiarism, understand how to access online information and learn social
responsibilities while interacting on social networks. Above all, digital literacy is the key
factor in education today so we need to think before we click.

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