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Tag Questions Exercise

Add appropriate question tags.

1. You met Sam yesterday,


did you

didn't you

hadn't you

2. She can run a mile in 5 minutes,


can't she

can she

does she

3. The child recognized her grandparents

instantly, …………………………………?

Tag Questions Exercise

did she

didn't she

hadn't she

4. The man sells fruits in a local market,


does he

doesn't he

hasn't he

5. She said nothing, ……………………………………?

didn't she

did she

hadn't she

Tag Questions Exercise

6. You didn’t see anything,


did you

didn't you

hadn't you

7. Janet calls her parents every day,


does she

doesn't she

didn't she

8. He has faced many setbacks in life,


has he

Tag Questions Exercise

hasn't he

didn't he

9. He is never late for work,


is he

isn't he

hasn't he

10. Help me, ……………………………………?

will you

do you

won't you

Tag Questions Exercise

11. Come here, ……………………………?

Please select 2 correct answers

will you

can't you

won't you

12. There is hardly anything we can do,


is there

isn't there

doesn't there

You met Sam yesterday, didn’t you?
She can run a mile in 5 minutes, can’t she?

Tag Questions Exercise

The child recognized her grandparents instantly, didn’t she?

The man sells fruits in a local market, doesn’t he?
She said nothing, did she?
You didn’t see anything, did you?
Janet calls her parents every day, doesn’t she?
He has faced many setbacks in life, hasn’t he?
He is never late for work, is he?
Help me, will you?
Come here, will you / can’t you?
There is hardly anything we can do, is there?


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