The Speech of H-WPS Office

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The speech of her family background, espicily her relationship with her late husband, Ninoy Aquino.

It is
well know that is way Ninoy who serve as real leading figure of the opposition at that time. Indeed,
Ninoy' elogues and charisma could very well compete with Marcos.

In her speech, Cory talked at the about ninoy's toil and suffering at the hands of the dictatorship that he
resisted. Even when she proceeded talking about her new government, she still went back to Ninoy's
legacies and lesson's.

More over her attribution of the rebulotion to Ninoy's death demonstrate not only Coty's personal
perception on the rebolution, but since she was the president, it also represent what the dominant
discourde was at the point in our history.

The ideology or the principles of a new democratic government can also be seen in the same speech.
Aquino was able to draw the sharp constatnt between her government and her predecessor by
expressing her commitment to a democratic constitution drafted by an independent commission.

She claimed that such as constitution upholds and adheres to the rights and liberty of the Filipino
people. Cory hoisted herself as the reconcilatory agent after more than two decades of a polarizing
authoritarian politics.

2. According to an article from th e los Angelos time,

Philipppine President Corazon Aquino , in a speech to joint session of congress that drew thress
standing ovations, pledged Thusday to take up "the sword of war" to end the Communist insurgency
that has plagued the philippines for 17 years if rebel leader spurn her governments offers of peace.

Sen. Richard G Lugar, who is sponding a similar but long pending $200- million aid appropriation in the
Senate, said in an interview that he hopes Aquino's speech will be a catalyst for action on the bill, which
has been theatened by special interest amendment.

4. How did the speech affect you as a viewer? In what way would it be rendered relevant to the current
conditions of our country?I felt like as if I was there on that time feeling the freedom from oppression
and havingdemocracy. It struck me how freedom can be a huge thing in a country, we should let our
voicesbe heard and unite as one to fight against oppression. In the current condition of our country
itwould be rendered in a way that we should practice our rights and voicing out our opinionsagainst
corruption and other malicious doings in the government

In burning Nionoy a whole nation honered him. By that brave and selfless act of giving honor ,a nation in
shame recovered its own. A countrty that had lost faith in its future found it in a faithless and brazen act
losing we find, and out of defeat , we snatched our victiro.

5. First the communist which Marcial law sought to terminate is continually spreading and deepending it
roots. This is no wonder since inequality is increasing a steady rate. President Cory was right when she
said that the communist insurgecy feeds on economic deterioration. The most important lesson we can
learn from speech is that we cannot entrust our redemption to another sovereign atate, and the only
real solution to any type of rebellion is to adress the causes Solving the root problem will encourage
everything else to inevitably fall into place.

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