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Chapter 2

Understanding the Value of Literature


Why is it important to maintain national identity in the age of globalization?

It is indeed important to maintain national identity in the age of globalization because its
an important vehicle in shaping cultural bridge with its ASEAN neighbors and in
establishing a sense of identity and the national interest it represents in the larger socio
political, cultural and economic landscapes and also it is a strong factor in getting people
work together for a common objective .
Key Words and Words and Phrases Definition Practice
Phrases in Context
Read each key word Read to see how the key Write down what you Practice using the
and rate it using this word or phrase can be think the word or key words and
scale: used in a sentence. phrase means. Then phrases by
① I don’t know this use a dictionary to completing the
word or phrase at check your definition. following sentences.
② I’ve seen this
word or phrase
③ Know this word or
phrase and use it.

form Narrative, lyric, and In my own opinion Song is a form of

[ˈfȯrm] dramatic are forms of the word “Form “ lyric poetry that
noun poetry. means A structure Is intended to be
or formation. sung.
3 know this word
or phrase and use
rudimentary You need to have at In my own opinion One rudimentary
ru·di·men·ta·ry least a rudimentary the word function of
[ ˌrü-də-ˈmen-tə-rē] understanding of “rudimentary computer is
adjective technology before you “means something taking a data from
can upload a video on that is basic. a user.
2 I've ve seen this that website.
word or phrase
sophisticated Some sophisticated In my own opinion The encryption
so·phis·ti·cat·ed programs require that the word “ codes being used by
[sə-ˈfi-stə-ˌkā-təd] passwords contain Sophisticated criminals are
adjective letters and numbers. “means advanced . incredibly
sophisticated and
3 know this word delicate
or phrase and use
Legacy A monumental legacy in In my own opinion Ferdinand
leg·a·cy astronomy is Galileo’s the word Magellan’s
[ ˈle-gə-sē] telescopic observations “legacy”means expedition in 1522
noun of the heavens. something that is left a legacy of
accomplished by a Colonial times.
3 know this word person.
or phrase and use

contextualize Module writers must In my own opinion Teacher Lea

con·tex·tu·al·ize contextualize texts and the word “ contextualizes the
[kən-ˈteks-chə-wə- genres to enhance the Contextualize stories in her module
ˌlīz] students’ learning “means to explore. to
verb processes. Enrich the
student’s learning
3 know this word processes.
or phrase and use

contemporary Contemporary artists In my own opinion Online platforms are

con·tem·po·rary were selected to paint the word now used to publish
[kən-ˈtem-pə-ˌrer-ē] the museum’s ceiling. “Contemporary contemporary
adjective “means present- poetry because…
time. It is accessible for
3 know this word everyone you’ve
or phrase and use already got a
it guaranteed reader's
Genres: Enumerate the various forms of Philippine
oral literature and the functions they serve.
1.Riddles and proverbs – Vehicles for familiarizing
the younger members of the community with their
immediate environment.
2. Songs- Determines the occasion and the manner
of the singing.
3.Myths and Folktales- For both young and old ,
help them to understand their environment and
relationships with one another.
4.Epics- lengthiest and most sophisticated form of
Philippine literature.

Genres: What special function does an epic serve?

These epics are treasured by the community as bearers

of identity and preserves of values and traditions which
bind the members.
What makes it difficult for oral literature such as epics
to be incorporated into the literary component of the
curriculum for Philippine schools?

Because this legacy is hardly accessible even to the

most assiduous student of Philippine literature in
the form which will allow to claim a place in
literary studies.


What language is proposed by the author to be used in

reclaiming Philippine oral literature?

A native language which is the Filipino .


Do you think recovering our oral literature through our national language Filipino is our
best strategy for establishing our sense of identity as Filipinos and for our survival in the
era of globalization? Explain.

In my humble opinion, recovering our oral literature through our national language
Filipino is our best strategy for establishing our sense of identity as Filipinos and for
our survival in the era of globalization because if we maintain a firm hold on a sense
of our identity and the national interest it represents in the larger socio political,
cultural and economic landscapes and also according to what I’ve read in my module
to recover that past it needs a native language that will allow it to make its oral
literature a living part of its contemporary culture.

Name: __ROBY JANE L. CASTILLO _______________________________

Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is NOT true about literature?
A. It is one of the ways people in the community shape their own worlds, and value their
B. It speaks of life—emotions, situations, and ideas.
C. It orients and guides the young.
D. It devalues the cultural fabric of the community where it comes from.

2. Which of the following oral literary genre is in rhyming verse and expresses norms and
community beliefs?
A. folktale C. riddle
B. proverb D. myth

3. Which of the following literary genre begins with the line, “In the beginning, the earth was
A. spic C. creation myth
B. Song D. folktale

4. Which of the following is a long narrative poem that talks about the adventures of a hero?
A. song C. folktale
B. epic D. myth

5. What determines the occasion and manner of singing of a song?

A. function C. style
B. artistic conventions D. central idea

6. What value does the following proverb teach?

“You will not know what is coming unless you make a trip.”
A. intelligence C. initiative
B. guilt D. industry

7. What value does the following proverb teach?

“Natutuwa kung pasalop. Kung singili’y napopoot.”(Full of good cheer while borrowing a
measure of rice. Full of wrath when you ask him to pay it back.)
A. honesty C. loyalty
B. responsibility D. understanding
8. Which of the proverbs is NOT about alertness?
A. If you want a chance, be quick in moving.
B. If the chicken is not on guard, the eagle sweeps upon it.
C. If you can spot the quarry, you are the winner.
D. Not all that glitters is gold.

9. According to the article, what makes the reading of our literature unexciting and less
A. the subject of the literary pieces
B. the function of the literary piece
C. English as the medium of translation and instruction
D. the rich symbolisms and creative expressions used in the literature

10. Members of a tribe or race can have common myths which serve varied purposes, EXCEPT:
A. trace a portion of their history C. suggest a religious or moral truth
B. explain natural phenomena D. predict future calamities.

Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. “Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.” What
does mundane mean?
A. ordinary C. exceptional
B. noble D. unique

2. “The Benedictines have been best known as educators and as preservers of antique texts.”
What does preserver mean?
A. A person that destroys something
B. A person who maintains something in its original form
C. A person who exacts punishment or in return for an injury.
D. A person that mends or repairs something.

3. “Jake was an assiduous student, commonly spending fourteen hours a day among his
books.” What does assiduous mean?
A. careful C. passive
B. weird D. diligent

4. “Voters legitimize the government through the election of public officials" Which is NOT a
meaning of legitimize?
A. make official C. make legal
B. nullify D. validate

5. “It sounds paradoxical: the events that made the universe habitable were catastrophic.”
Which is NOT a meaning of paradoxical?
A. temporary C. incongruous
B. Inconsistent D. inconsistent

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