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Beyond the Basic Productivity Tools (BPT) Lesson Idea

Lesson Title Adventure through the Biomes

Content Area 10th Grade Environmental Science

Content Standards SEV1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the flow
of energy and cycling of matter within an ecosystem.
d. Evaluate claims, evidence, and reasoning of the relationship between the
physical factors (e.g., insolation, proximity to coastline, topography) and
organismal adaptations within terrestrial biomes.
Technology Standards Creative Communicator
6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.

Integrated Technology Book Creator

Reference or
Supporting Resources

Bloom’s Taxonomy Understanding, Applying, Creating

Integration Level Level 3: Infusion

Universal Design Students will continue their learning of Biomes and their characteristics.
Rationale Students will create a book that explains the Biomes and their key
characteristics. This will help students learn the characteristics of all the
biomes, while they can show their own creativity, helping students commit the
content to memory. Also, this project helps students use their creativity in
order to learn and engage in the class content.

Lesson Idea This lesson will be introduced once the students have had an introduction
to biomes. This project will help the students continue learning about biomes
and commit the content to memory. The class period will be a discussion post
where the student writes about one of the biomes they learned about last
class. After going over a few of the discussion posts, I will introduce the
biome book project. I will tell the students all the biomes they must include
and encourage the students to make a creative and unique story about the
biomes. After, the students will work on their projects individually, while I
answer any questions or concerns the students might have individually.
The student will be assed by the book, the content it holds, and how
creative the student was with creating the story line. Once I grade the
presentation, I will write my feedback on an online rubric that the students can
see. Then to wrap up the class period, the teacher will remind the students
when the project is due and encourage the students to keep learning and
exploring the biomes.

Design Reflection This project will be impactful for the students, because they will be able to
research and learn about biomes while also using their creativity. Students
are able to take charge in their learning by completing their own book with
research they completed themselves. One thing I could do to further extend
this lesson is to make another project where students made a model of their
favorite biome with information about it. This would give students another way
to demonstrate their knowledge of biomes. Another technology tool I could
use to enhance this lesson could be having the students make an audio
recording or make a video of their book in action.

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