Assignment I - Winter Semester 2021-22

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Assignment I - Winter Semester 2021-22

Computer Architecture and Organization (ITE2001) B.Tech[IT]

Faculty : Dr. Sumathy. S Max. Marks: 10

• Write your Name, Register Number and Date in the first page & Register number in all
• Write the questions and solve the given problems individually (pen and paper)
• Solve the respective question set (among 5 sets ) specified against the individuals register
• Scan and upload the soft copy on or before the specified date of submission thorugh VTop
(28th Sep 2021)
Set 1

Register Numbers: 18BIT0414, 19BIT0023, 19BIT0047, 19BIT0084, 19BIT0087,

19BIT0090, 19BIT0104, 19BIT0105, 19BIT0123, 19BIT0129, 19BIT0132,
19BIT0133, 19BIT0151
1. Convert the following:
a. Decimal numbers to binary

• 18705
• 89174
b. Decimal number to binary and hexadecimal
• 6.5859510
• 0.687510

2. Convert the following:

a. Hexadecimal numbers into binary and decimal numbers:

• 6B2C3H

b. Binary numbers into hexadecimal and decimal equivalent

• 10000110002
• 100000002
3. Perform binary addition of the given 8 bit unsigned numbers

• 01101010 and 01010001

• 00111101 and 00100101

4. Convert the following decimal numbers to 8-bit, two’s complement binary

• -72
• +47

5. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 1’s complement representation and decimal

• 0 100 0001
• 1 01010101

6. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 2’s complement representation and decimal

• 1 1111100
• 0 100 0001

7. Find the differences using 2’s complement arithmetic:

a) 111000
- 110011

b) 11001100
- 101110

8. Convert the given infix expression to Postfix using Stack.


9. Realize Three, Two, One and Zero address instructions to evaluate the above

10. Given a 6 stage (k) pipeline and if each stage requires 50ns(tp) to perform a sub-
operation, determine the execution time for 100 tasks (n) in a pipelined system and
a non-pipelined system and indicate the speedup achieved.
Set 2

Register Numbers: 19BIT0158, 19BIT0177, 19BIT0187, 19BIT0201, 19BIT0221,

19BIT0224, 19BIT0232, 19BIT0233, 19BIT0237, 19BIT0239, 19BIT0245,
19BIT0255, 19BIT0258

1. Convert the following:

a. Decimal numbers to binary

• 20486
• 84567
b.Decimal number to binary and hexadecimal
• 18.687510
• 276.4510

2. Convert the following:

a. Hexadecimal numbers into binary and decimal numbers:

• 80FA1H
• 9E123H

b. Binary numbers into hexadecimal and decimal equivalent

• 1010101010102
• 110011011012

3. Perform binary addition on the given 8 bit unsigned numbers

• 01101010 and 01010111
• 10001010 and 01101010

4. Convert the following decimal numbers to 8-bit, two’s complement binary

• -72
• +47
5. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 1’s complement representation and decimal

• 0 100 0001
• 1 01010101

6. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 2’s complement representation and decimal

• 1 1111100
• 0 100 0001

7. Find the differences using 2’s complement arithmetic:

a) 111000

- 110011

b) 11001100

- 101110

8. Convert the given infix expression to Postfix using Stack.

(A+B/C *(D+E) – F)

9.Realize Three, Two, One and Zero address instructions to evaluate the above

10. Given a 6 stage (k) pipeline and if each stage requires 30ns(tp) to perform a sub-
operation, determine the execution time for 200 tasks (n) in a pipelined system and
a non-pipelined system and indicate the speedup achieved.
Set 3

Register Numbers: 19BIT0278, 19BIT0279, 19BIT0288, 19BIT0304, 19BIT0314,

19BIT0317, 19BIT0343, 19BIT0358, 19BIT0375, 19BIT0404, 20BIT0035,
20BIT0054, 20BIT0072

1. Convert the following:

a. Decimal numbers to binary

• 87051
• 91746
b.Decimal number to binary and hexadecimal
• 868.5210
• 0.634510

2. Convert the following:

a. Hexadecimal numbers into binary and decimal numbers:
• D6E5C4
• C3AB27

b.Binary numbers into hexadecimal and decimal equivalent

• 0011100002
• 1001111012

3. Perform binary addition on the given 8 bit unsigned numbers

• 10101010 and 01000110

• 00110111 and 00101001

4. Convert the following decimal numbers to 8-bit, two’s complement binary

• -27
• +85
5. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 1’s complement representation and decimal
• 0 100 1000
• 1 01001011

6. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 2’s complement representation and decimal

• 1 1110011
• 0 100 1101

7. Find the differences using 2’s complement arithmetic:

a) 111010

- 110001

b) 11010001

- 101011

8. Convert the given infix expression to Postfix using Stack.

((A+B)*C+ D/E – F)

9. Realize Three, Two, One and Zero address instructions to evaluate the above

10. Given a 6 stage (k) pipeline and if each stage requires 60ns(tp) to perform a sub-
operation, determine the execution time for 150 tasks (n) in a pipelined system and
a non-pipelined system and indicate the speedup achieved.
Set 4

Register Numbers: 20BIT0091, 20BIT0104, 20BIT0122, 20BIT0158, 20BIT0230,

20BIT0242, 20BIT0247,20BIT0251, 20BIT0256, 20BIT0269, 20BIT0319,
20BIT0349, 20BIT0366

1. Convert the following:

a. Decimal numbers to binary

• 12345
• 87867
b. Decimal number to binary and hexadecimal
• 26.86510
• 765.4510

2. Convert the following:

a. Hexadecimal numbers into binary and decimal numbers:
• A0B62
• 8E12C

b. Binary numbers into hexadecimal and decimal equivalent

• 111010101002
• 100010011012

3. Perform binary addition on the given 8-bit unsigned numbers

• 11101100 and 01011011

• 10001111 and 01101010

4. Convert the following decimal numbers to 8-bit, two’s complement binary

• -86
• +74
5. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 1’s complement representation and decimal

• 0 111 0 0110
• 1 11010 0 01

6. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 2’s complement representation and its
decimal equivalent.

• 1 110 0 0 0 0
• 0 10 0 11 01

7. Find the differences using 2’s complement arithmetic:

a) 101000

- 100001

b) 11000110

- 101100

8. Convert the given infix expression to Postfix using Stack.

(P / Q - R) * S + T)

9. Realize Three, Two, One and Zero address instructions to evaluate the above

10. Given a 6 stage (k) pipeline and if each stage requires 40ns(tp) to perform a sub-
operation, determine the execution time for 250 tasks (n) in a pipelined system and
a non-pipelined system and indicate the speedup achieved.
Set 5

Register Numbers: 20BIT0380, 20BIT0381, 20BIT0386, 20BIT0394, 20BIT0427,

20BIT0429, 20BIT0434, 20BIT0436, 20BIT0438, 20BIT0447, 20BIT0448,

1. Convert the following:

a. Decimal numbers to binary

• 78015
• 96714
b. Decimal number to binary and hexadecimal
• 7.123410
• 0.876510

2. Convert the following:

a. Hexadecimal numbers into binary and decimal numbers:

• 8CB2D
b. Binary numbers into hexadecimal and decimal equivalent
• 10011110012
• 100011002

3. Perform binary addition on the given 8 bit unsigned numbers

• 11101010 and 01011001

• 01111001 and 00110101

4. Convert the following decimal numbers to 8-bit, two’s complement binary

• -45
• +73

5. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 1’s complement representation and decimal
• 0 110 0011
• 1 01010111

6. Convert the given n-bit sign integer to 2’s complement representation and decimal

• 1 1111010
• 0 100 0101

7. Find the differences using 2’s complement arithmetic:

a) 111001

- 110101

b) 11001000

- 101110

8. Convert the given infix expression to Postfix using Stack.

(A / (B+C) * D – E)

9. Realize Three, Two, One and Zero address instructions to evaluate the above

10. Given a 6 stage (k) pipeline and if each stage requires 40ns(tp) to perform a sub-
operation, determine the execution time for 300 tasks (n) in a pipelined system and
a non-pipelined system and indicate the speedup achieved.

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