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Unit 4


Name : Lisnawatie
Nim : 2019.C.11a.1015

1. Do this questions on attitudes to drugs testing and compare your responses with
others students.
Strongly agree agree disagree Strongly
Testing drugs on
animals is
unnecessaryand √
Before testing
them on others,
should test new √
drugs on
progress is more
important than √
the lives of a
few people

2. Read the text and answer the questions.

1) answer
 Because over time the disease also develops.
 Due to the development of disease, scientists are also required to develop new
 Because there are still many diseases that do not have patent medicines, for
example HIV / AIDS
2) answer
 If a drug is successful in clinical trials on animals, it can be tested on humans.
 If the clinical trials in humans are successful, then the drug can be mass
3) answer
is a basic code of conduct based on human rights after World War II. This code was
created after Karl Brandt imposed coercion on Jewish citizens during World War II.
There are three points listed in the Nuremberg Code on research ethics
health that is to :
a) protect the integrity of research subjects,
b) establish the requirements for conducting health research ethically by involving
humans as research subjects, and
c) specifically emphasizes the need for voluntary consent from human volunteers as
research subjects. The crimes exposed in the Doctor's trial left the health scientific
community in an uproar, embarrassed, and condemned the doctors of the Nazi
German regime.
4) People with disabilities and people with psychiatric disorders
5) The benefit of the sick person if the medicine is successful then he will be free from
the disease
6) Scientists may sacrifice animals or humans for their experiments

3. Think about the principle of informed consent and discuss the questions
1) Because it can be a risk to the fetus it is carrying
2) Must, because the participant has the right to know the success rate in order to be able
to consider whether he or she will be okay when doing the clinical trial

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