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ZOOM Case Analysis

In the first part of 2020,Video conferencing became a vital part of our lives which we are
adapting. It is important because it helps us to connect with people sitting in any part of the
world and connect face to face, during this time of world pandemic,videoconferencing has been
a boon to our world.The pandemic has led to quarantines, lockdowns and shelter-in-place
orders-meaning many of us are now engaging from home, and only seeing friends, family and
associates through video chat apps and services. While there are many players in the
marketplace for video conferencing Zoom Video, Communications kicked off to be one which is
usually preferred. Zoom Video Communications provides video conferencing and online chat
services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is employed for
teleconferencing , telecommuting , distance education, and social relations. This study is an
outline of Zoom and the way it helped the globe during the pandemic with its number of unique
features that enhance its potential , and compared the Zoom with the opposite alternative
mediums like face-to-face, telephone, and other video conferencing services, platforms, and
products through both researcher and participant perspectives. In this study it is also explained
the assorted problems Zoom faced during the pandemic including the safety breach and also a
way to tackle them.

Question 1) Evaluate Eric Yuan’s leadership during the COVID-19 crisis. Do you agree
with his vision for Zoom?
Zoom’s first major challenge was to expand quickly to fulfill the big demand. Because the world
moved online last March and April, Yuan’s team raced to grow its array of information centers
so Zoom could supply a virtual mountain of additional video bandwidth. The corporation recently
hired a lot of people, too, but due to COVID-19, these workers joined the firm and completed the
orientation process remotely. Indeed, although Zoom may be a platform for virtual connection,
Zoom itself struggles with the lack for its people to fulfill face-to-face. “We have thousands of
latest employees who’ve never seen one another,” Yuan said.

Although the worldwide pandemic transformed Zoom into one among the world’s best-known
tech companies, Yuan is, like many folks, searching for a return to normalcy and in-person
interactions. The Zoom CEO said he sometimes suffers from “Zoom fatigue”. He expects
companies and organizations, including his own, to adopt a hybrid, flexible work environment
when the pandemic ends, one within which people report back to an office but enjoy more
freedom to figure and live remotely.
The need to rescale Zoom’s capabilities to fulfill the strain of a world working remotely trumped
all other concerns over the past year, Yuan said, adding that he looks forward to raised days,
when his company are ready to go back to to that specialize in technology and innovating new
features, including some that may make Zoom feel a touch less virtual similarly as help deliver
an experience that may augment a face-to-face meeting.
I agree with his vision for Zoom as all through the pandemic, I have stayed in contact with my
friends and family through Zoom and studied at the comfort of my own home. Sure due to the
college being online the burden was increased on us as students, the group assignments had to
be done remotely, so many meetings for projects were held on Zoom. The only drawback of
Zoom was it not being free for over 40 mins, due to which we had to look for alternatives. But
overall Zoom did get us through the pandemic, and Yuan’s vision of making Zoom hybrid is
something to look forward to. And as Yuan said, “The most important thing isn’t your dream
coming true,that’s one day. It’s more important to enjoy every day along the pathway.” So till the
pandemic ends we have to enjoy every day along the pathway.

Question 2) Would a “happiness” culture like Zoom’s make you more or less interested
in working at a company?

According to Yuan, the happiness of his employees is his top priority. He believes in a
“happiness” culture at work.In a nutshell, work culture reflects the ideology of the organization,
it’s leadership and its employee satisfaction ratio. When an employee is happy and satisfied at
work, his/her overall personality and productivity is improved. But the advantages don’t end

When an organisation ensures a positive work environment, the employees wake up every day
looking forward to spending an excellent day at work rather than counting their days to the
weekend. They feel the identical loyalty, ownership, and dedication towards the organization as
you are doing and also the result clearly reflects within the work they deliver.

A “happiness” culture like Zoom’s will make me more interested in working at a company as
they provide a positive work environment which will inturn increase my productivity and leave
me satisfied with my work, I wouldn’t have to drag myself to work every day, I’ll be glad to go to
work every single day, which will also improve my personal life as I won’t be frustrated with my

Question 3) What types of employees is such a culture likely to attract

According to me, “happiness” culture is likely to attract all kinds of employees. But mainly, it will
attract millennials, and other younger generations as they are more likely to adapt to a new
culture where their wishes and happiness is given a priority as opposed to the older generation
that are used to putting the boss’ wishes and commands above their needs, which leads to a
ton of frustration towards the job. As time will pass people of all ages will be attracted to this
work culture.

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