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Name: Neil Mavrick Gumban Subject Code: NSTP111

Course & Section: BSCE-B Submission Date: September 13, 2021


1. What is civic education?

Civic education is the study of citizenship, political, and practical components, as well as rights
and responsibilities.

How many elements does Civic Education have? What


are these elements? Civic education has 3 element those are civic knowledge, civic
skills, and civic dispositions.
-Civic knowledge A fundamental grasp of the form and function of government, civic rights,
civic obligations, and the processes by which laws and policies are made are all part of civic
-Civic skills, include English proficiency, vocabulary, writing letters, attending meetings,
participating in decision-making, preparing or chairing a meeting, and giving a presentation or
-Civic dispositions is Assuming citizen-like personal, political, and economic obligations;
honoring individual worth and dignity participating in civic affairs in an informed, intelligent,
and effective manner; and fostering the healthy functioning of American constitutional

What is National Service Training Program? How it is


related to Education?
NSTP is a program intended at increasing civic awareness and defense preparation in young
people via the development of service and patriotism virtues.
How it is related to Education? NSTP specifically in ROTC field where teaches self defense must
also be teaches in school, in real life we don’t deal only with numbers and letters we also come
in some life threatening circumstances where we need to fight amd because of NSTP ROTC be
taught in school we could learn to fight and save lives. hence, NSTP education is a must be
taught in school.
What are the qualities that NSTP inculcates among the

Recognizing the importance of youth in the development of a nation, the state must foster civic
awareness among kids and enhance their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It
will instill patriotism and nationalism in the youth and encourage their participation in public and civic

What are the roles of the youth that the State, through

R.A. 9163, recognizes and promotes?

Youth is vital in our nation-building, because they are the future generation to continue the humanity in
our country, so, the country shall promote civic consciousness among the youth and shall develop their
physical, moral, intellectual and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism towards the
country nationalism, and to engage them in public and civic affairs.

After providing answers to questions one to three, how


do you find the importance of R.A. 9163 or NSTP Law in

your everyday experiences?
Under RA 9163, it affirmed the prime duty of the government to serve and protect its citizens.

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